Hey ODub
Out Digging 13,993 Posts
Have you (or anyone else for that matter) ever read anything by John McWhorter, and if so, what's your opinion of his work?
You read his stuff at all?
S'cool....I did ask "anyone" to reply.
I read his recent article in Forbes and wondered how the Strut viewed him....dude taught at UC Berkeley so I figured he had some cred here.....
Was on the faculty, I think.
It's SS catnip...but here's[/b] a particular article that was in the Economist a few months back
Yeah - I saw that and was incredulous. It's conception of what the politics of hip-hop are - in 2008 - just seemed so utterly off the mark. He's writing as if this was still 1989 and politics in hip-hop is something anyone really paid attention to.
Ah, I see.
Looking over his CV, looks like he was at Cal on a post-doc around 1993, but I was doing a lot less around campus by then (my senior year) and by the time I came back for grad school, he had already finished his post-doc and was on to the next episode.
sayin. not really trying to get the hip-hop perspective from my Economist subscription.
to quote Cube. "Yo Dre, stick to producin".
LOL @ SoulStrut + Berkeley = twin pillars of the liberal establishment
You're pitiful.
Especially since both are stereotyped as being extremely conservative...I guess that is kinda funny.
You've never seen Paycheck on Fox News? He's like their f*cking go-to guy nowadays. "Here's Jonny with another installment of 'Man on the Skreetz'"