VirusRemover2008 (trojan virus related?)

SouthCrackalackSouthCrackalack 3,853 Posts
edited December 2008 in Strut Central
It looks like my mother's PC is infected with this VirusRemover2008 shit. I started googling for help, but I keep coming across random programs to download to supposedly fix the problem. I am weary of just downloading a program I know nothing about. I don't get to do too much before I have to close Firefox(due to the pop-ups,etc). Anyone know an easy and safe way to get this shit off?


  • i just had to deal with a nasty one. i tried everything i know how to do, searched the forums, and bought that new kaspersky labs virus/spyware/adware remover (it's supposed to be the s**t, better than norton, mcafee, etc.)
    nothing worked.
    i ended up having to back everything up and start from scratch. not fun.
    good luck.

  • I read on that MalwareBytes is supposed to do the trick so I just ran it in safe mode, found 30 something trojans and deleted them. I just I guess time will tell.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    My pc won't boot up. I get a blue screen that says unmountable boot volume. I took it into the computer shop up the street. They called and told me $500 for a new hard drive or $1500 to try to recover my data. I don't believe them! Does anyone know anything about this problem? they said the hard drive is done. If so this will be my 4th PC this has happened to.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    VirusRemover2008 is a pain in the ass to remove. I believe I used Webroot's SpySweeper last time to remove it from a coworker's computer.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    My pc won't boot up. I get a blue screen that says unmountable boot volume. I took it into the computer shop up the street. They called and told me $500 for a new hard drive or $1500 to try to recover my data. I don't believe them! Does anyone know anything about this problem? they said the hard drive is done. If so this will be my 4th PC this has happened to.

    You could make a Boot CD with something like BartPE Boot of the CD then read the contents of the bad drive using the file utility. Plug in a USB drive then copy your data over. Then reinstall windows or do a repair.

  • VirusRemover2008 is a pain in the ass to remove. I believe I used Webroot's SpySweeper last time to remove it from a coworker's computer.

    I did that 15 minute scan with MalwareByte and since I deleted the corrupt files I haven't had a pop up or any problem since(it's been an hour or so).

  • I had that VirusRemover 2008 popup last week too. The virus was called Vundo or Virtumonde. I found a few programs on the internet that were supposed to remove it, but didn't work. There was a youtube video that said a system restore should fix it too.

    I eventually had the computer guy at my brothers work fix it. I think he used about 5 different antivirus software to get rid of it.

  • Yeah, looks like I spoke too soon. I still have pop ups. Looks like my IT coworker dude will have a new project next week.

  • SC>>>

    You have to turn off system restore before you kill the Trojan. If you don't then system restore will put it back. Worst case scenario wipe the drive down and reinstall.
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