Why are most ghostbumps from 2005?

sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
edited December 2008 in Strut Central
? I guess this was a good year, not only for the Strut...any thoughts? Thank you all 4 being here btw...this place to me is


  • Wasn't that when the big board crash happened? These years have been so good on the strut that they've blended together like Spaghetti ice cream.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    If I'm not mistaken the big crash was in 2003, no?
    Anyways, it seems the records prior to 2005 have been lost. One of my tricks to find old threads is to find a user with a low post count who joined in like '03,'04 or '05 and go through his previous posts. This has usually allowed me to discover some pretty old threads, some of which I have personally bumped in the past week and a half. In fact, I just tried that with 'MisterMayo' (see http://www.soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/show...gonew=1#UNREAD)
    but unfortunately, once again, theres nothing prior to '05. In essence, we should try to save the current ones however we can before they're lost forever.

  • One of my tricks to find old threads is to find a user with a low post count who joined in like '03,'04 or '05 and go through his previous posts. This has usually allowed me to discover some pretty old threads, some of which I have personally bumped in the past week and a half. In fact, I just tried that with 'MisterMayo' (see http://www.soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/show...gonew=1#UNREAD)

    I've done that, too, but I've since found an easier way.

    (1) Scroll down to the bottom of "Crate Digging Revealed"

    (2) where it sez "show," click on "from all dates"

    (3) then you can go back through the archives, and there's several different ways you can do this. You can keep flipping back through the pages as they are...or click on the user name (in alphabetical order), or topic (again, in ABC order). You can also click on "hits" and see which topics were viewed the most, or "heckles" to see which ones got the most responses. Either way, you're bound to find some really good forgotten threads from way back when.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    Cool, thanks!

  • And to answer the thread question...a lot of times I intentionally, for myself, go back to the threads from '05 because the Strut was a slightly different place then and it's just cool to see the changes. I backtrack to the '06 and '07 archives too, but those are a little more like the Strut we know today.

  • don't forget about the wayback machine if you really want a taste of what it was like BITD on this forum

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
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