So Nazis Are Gonna March Through My City

Yes, it is 6:55 CET and @ 10 a bunch of nazis are marching through my city on christmas morning. YES, you read it right, it is unbelievable. The highest court in Germany allowed them to do so and they will march from the main station all the way to the theatre. Our mayor has decided to go for a strategy of "actively ignoring them", i.e., everyone mind they own business and let them do their thing! A huge discussion is going on on whether to "ignore them" or be there to not let them do their thing. IMO shit has gotten out of hand and we all know what "ignoring" led to a good 60 years ago. In times of the recession these f*ckers make a huge comeback over here. Not funny. Just to imagine, here is a video of an anti nazi demo passing a nazi-paraphernalia shop in Germany[/b], watch what goes on.

Nazis over here ain't to be fucked with. In a few hours its gonna be the other way around. The only good thing about is that it will connect anti fascists with the cops (usually they hate each other to the fullest) due to the fact that nazis are now going actively against police too. A week ago they almost stabbed one chief police officer to death in Bavaria (he was known to hate nazis and go against them to the fullest) when he was at his home and 3 days ago they almost killed another 3 police guys in Leipzig. WTF? Seriously, these f*ckers make me sick. They will walk through the city legally secured and most people will be busy buying their last christmas gifts, not giving a F*ck about them. Is that a good thing? I just don't know what to do? Ignore them to "not give them a stage to perform their illminded ways of thinking" or actively show up against them which is what they expect? That something like this is happening makes me throw up in my mouth a little!! What would the Strut do?

Nazis over here ain't to be fucked with. In a few hours its gonna be the other way around. The only good thing about is that it will connect anti fascists with the cops (usually they hate each other to the fullest) due to the fact that nazis are now going actively against police too. A week ago they almost stabbed one chief police officer to death in Bavaria (he was known to hate nazis and go against them to the fullest) when he was at his home and 3 days ago they almost killed another 3 police guys in Leipzig. WTF? Seriously, these f*ckers make me sick. They will walk through the city legally secured and most people will be busy buying their last christmas gifts, not giving a F*ck about them. Is that a good thing? I just don't know what to do? Ignore them to "not give them a stage to perform their illminded ways of thinking" or actively show up against them which is what they expect? That something like this is happening makes me throw up in my mouth a little!! What would the Strut do?

What would I do? Kill every single last one of them with no hesitation, impunity, or remorse. And never even think twice about it.
Good luck, my man. Hope you are your people stay safe.
Thanks Cosmo, I know I feel the same too. This is gettin at me seriously the last few days, I know some antifascist people over here and they have been threatened too including being followed to their homes and stuff and i know that killing these f*ckers is just wishful thinking but I feel you. Thanks for chiming in...many people still laugh it off but i think this is just the very beginning of a real huge problem over here again...maybe it has always been like that and they are just more visible over here again...
Wow, you really must be from San Francisco
I had the displeasure of running into a clutch of these inbred little weasels when i lived in Sweden.
Serious serious shit, i understand the whole freedom of speech argument, but this should not prevent anyone dropping the hammer on these cunts.
Yeah, I've been threatened by these pricks on occasion. Don't see a lot of them around nowadays but there are a LOT of neo-nazis in Sweden to be sure. And while I do symphatise with the anti-fascist movement on many levels, a lot of times they seem pretty confused as to what actually will help - they helped start riots in the south of Sweden a week ago which seemed sort of unnecessary.
But hold your head, stay safe, fight the good fight and have a nazi-fucker-free christmas!
(Am I Close?)
In the "modern world" of today's Germany you would stand a good chance to have the flag removed and the shit kicked out of yourself by Arab or Turqish immigrants before the Nazis even take notice of you.
Only while I lived in Berlin for the last time (2000-2005), one hasidic jew was beaten to the ground and kicked by a gang of Arab youths in broad daylight at on the Kurfuerstendamm which is West berlin's most busy street. On another instance, a young man wearing david star around his neck was attacked and beaten on a crowded subway train.
In terms of what to do against Nazi demonstrations: Go and join the anti demonstrators, pack a few rocks and try and hit at least one of those fuckers in the head. Destroying public property is also a good step as more and more cities do more and more things against having to allow these demonstrations due to the trouble they cause and the money they cost. Wasn't there a Nazi demonstration in Cologne that got banned by the police within the last minute due to violent anti-demonstrators?
Pacifism definitely is not the solution against Nazis.
Most importantly, those whos' declared goal is the destruction of our democracy shouldn't be allowed to hide behind the freedom of speech.
Suggest a police training exchange program to you mayor.
I'd like to see those little fucks pull baseball bats in front of NYC cops.
Who are too busy beating the shit of Arab and Turkish immigrants, or setting fire to buildings where they live. Only people not getting their heads done in are the Nazis it seems.
You're right, violent acts against nazis are way too rare and far between.
There's also been a very disturbing alliance between Islamic extremists and Nazis since 9/11. After the attacks there were Nazis demonstrating and yelling "freedom for palestine". It's a fucked up world out there.
I'm only saying "if". Purely hypothetically speaking of course.
that shit needs to get stomped down....but violent confrontation is exactly what they want. gotta think of something better. ignoring it is not the solution either.
dojah...i would go down and laugh at them or some shit, get as many people as i could and make them feel ridiculous.
still, it warrants some thought. sorry you gotta deal with those fucks
quel sconoscuito direste che perche quello e appena che cosa e accaduto quando ero nelle vie di Roma...
Look at this dude he was so unfazed I had to take a photo:
Bomber Harris, ??bernehmen sie!