
In between studying for my finals, I've been watching episodes of Hawaii Five-O on and they are the absolute shit. I forgot how good those shows were. The writing and acting are good to VG+, the locations and the nostalgia factor are excellent. The color in the prints is eyepopping when you see that blue Hawaiin sky. The cars are all cherry, and they dress slicker than MadMen. And the plots usually involve druged out hippies, (Captain Steuben plays a drug-dealer named "Big Chicken" in "They Painted Daisy on his Coffin") or doods in hairpieces. So far, my favorite is "Uptight" which involves a speedcooking drug guru professor ala Tim Leary, has mindscrambled acidheads in a hospital psychward do the whole "our minds are now fried" thing, and even uses a psychedlic kalaidoscopic lense for the tripping scenes. I'm telling you - it just doesn't get any better if you have 51 minutes to kill.