Manny Pacquiao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21"De La Hoya had no complaints when his corner decided he had enough, walking to the center of the ring to congratulate Pacquiao.
    b, 21
    b, 21???You???re still my idol,??? Pacquiao told him.
    b, 21
    b, 21???No, you???re my idol,??? De La Hoya said."
    b, 21
    b, 21
    b1He then adjusted his sequined thong, threw his feather boa over his shoulder and marched out of the ring, head held high....
    b, 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1

  • shitzrshitzr 648 Posts
    daly city lost their goddamn minds last night. can't imagine what it was like in p.i.b, 21b, 21me and oli the only ones repping in this thread right now? where's stef? trew? jinxy?

  • This fight is the race war that I always wanted. And now we own adobo and menudo. VICTORY!!!b, 21b, 21Did anyone watch Pacquiao/De La Bakla 24/7? Manny sharing an apartment with 10 other people with his preggo wife in the other = img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hard2.gif" alt="" 21 Dude prepared hard for this shits! Whereas De La Bakla shared his fishnets with his wifey = img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nagl2.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poptartgraem5ovgm6.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/weaksauce.gif" alt="" 21 b, 21b, 21I boycott all taquerias/roach coaches for the rest of the year in fear of eating tacos marinated in bodily fluids. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bucs.gif" alt="" 21

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21"De La Hoya had no complaints when his corner decided he had enough, walking to the center of the ring to congratulate Pacquiao.
    b, 21
    b, 21???You???re still my idol,??? Pacquiao told him.
    b, 21
    b, 21???No, you???re my idol,??? De La Hoya said."
    b, 21
    b, 21
    He then adjusted his sequined thong, threw his feather boa over his shoulder and marched out of the ring, head held high..../b1b, 21b, 21b, 21b, 21h, 21
    font class="post"1
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21Did anyone catch this?b, 21b, 21object width="440" height="361"1param name="movie" value=""/1param name="wmode" value="transparent"/1param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"21embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="440" height="361" allowScriptAccess="always"1/embed1/object1

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    Yeah, the golden boy got his ass beat, but all this "gay" talk is a bit silly. Oscar's been knocking fools out since he was 14 years old. Dude is far from feminine. b, 21b, 21As far as those photos, um who hasn't posed in fishnets and heels?

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21This fight is the race war that I always wanted. And now we own adobo and menudo. VICTORY!!!
    b, 21
    b, 21Did anyone watch Pacquiao/De La Bakla 24/7? Manny sharing an apartment with 10 other people with his preggo wife in the other =
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game.gif" alt="" 21
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hard2.gif" alt="" 21 Dude prepared hard for this shits! Whereas De La Bakla shared his fishnets with his wifey =
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nagl2.gif" alt="" 21
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poptartgraem5ovgm6.gif" alt="" 21
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/weaksauce.gif" alt="" 21
    b, 21
    b, 21I boycott all taquerias/roach coaches for the rest of the year in fear of eating tacos marinated in bodily fluids.
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bucs.gif" alt="" 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1 Yeah i watched that. Manny is pretty down to earth he did not have all the luxury oscar had Gym,coaches etc.. Plus Manny's coach has parkinson disease. They both Trained hard but it was obvious The Kare kare and mungo beans reign supreme!!! img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game.gif" alt="" 21

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21wow, did you make that? it really looks like him!b, 21b, 21i'm amazed at how small pacquaio is compared to golden boy but he fought him like someone twice his size

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21I boycott all taquerias/roach coaches for the rest of the year in fear of eating tacos marinated in bodily fluids.
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bucs.gif" alt="" 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21We don't need your business. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/walkawaysonfinal.gif" alt="" 21

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21 Manny is pretty down to earth he did not have all the luxury oscar had Gym,coaches etc.. Plus Manny's coach has parkinson disease.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game02vy9.gif" alt="" 21

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21
    font class="small"1Quote:
    h, 21
    b, 21 The chances of pacman stopping oscar are virtually nil.
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1
    b, 21
    b, 21
    b, 21
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badassbuddy_com-drummer2.gif" alt="" /1
    b, 21
    b, 21
    h, 21
    font class="post"1b, 21b, 21I knew oscar was faded but I didnt realize he was as shot as he was. Anyway, oscar quit, he didn't get stopped, ergo, F*ck ur moms.
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