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Before VCR's became common household items, there was the View Master.b, 21b, 21Those things were i1the bomb.[/i]b, 21b, 21When I was around six years old and discovered you could flip the reels and look at the photos i1backwards[/i], I felt like I'd discovered the world!!b, 21b, 21b, 21b, 21I'm not gonna lie to you...maybe ten years ago, I found one of these in a thrift store. Even though my old VM's from back in the day were lost or tossed long ago, I still had a couple of reels from my childhood. Even now, I'll hit any local nostalgia shops to see what new reels they have coming in used.b, 21b, 21(And yes, I did have the big blue 3-D View Master when I was a kid! Long gone now!)b, 21b, 21Inspired by the "Thursday Throwback" thread where somebody admitted to buying their kid a they still make these? If kids still get off on something like this, in this post-video age, more power to them!!!