Papastrut: How you doin?
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So Kalas rant got me thinkin,b,121b,121I honestly can't remember the last time i made a mixtape... jesus, it probably was a mixTAPE... that is f*ckin crazy. I used to be that pause button tape kid, shiiiit, b,121b,121And just laying back and enjoying a good record, a quiet walk with wifey, a joint, damn, even a sleep in.b,121b,121I love my two pre-school sons and place them higher than self but this shit is tough. The compounded lack of sleep over the last 4 years has got me wired.b,121b,121Working on a career plus raising two ankle biters and being a good husband is one hell of a juggling act, how you Papas out there manage to balance it all?b,121b,121B/W b,121b,121My youngest took his first steps tonight. id double the lack of sleep in a heartbeat to see that look on his face again.