The Wrestler.



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Checked this out today and was pleasantly surprised....Rourke lived up to the hype.....he's been to hell and back and played the role well.....barely resembles the Rourke of old, but once or twice in this film he showed the gleam he had in The Pope Of Greenwich Village....dude should have been one of our best actors...I hope he can find more roles he can shine in.......big thumbs up.

  • big thumbs up.

    My favorite film of the year. "The Ram" is an amazing character, and Mickey Rourke delivers on all fronts in playing and portraying this character. I didn't think the plot issues/shortcomings detracted that much from the film's overall emotional and physical impact, which was very, very strong, at least for me.

    What's more, I found the film to do an excellent job of critiquing America's obsession (specifically that of young men) w/ violence, especially spectacular violence. The Ram is forever cheered on to his own violent demise - the obsessed, clamorous crowd is as caught up in his heroic myth as he is. And it surely isn't a coincidence that the Ram's eternal opponent is the Ayatollah.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Check out this EXCELLENT roundtable discussion with our wrestling heroes of not-too-long-ago.

    In the second video Rowdy Roddy Piper tells a funny little anecdote about his role in They Live.

    Those videos are dope, thanks for posting that link. Rowdy Roddy Piper is the freakin' man...I never would've recognized Brutus Beefcake, though. He looks way different.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Check out this EXCELLENT roundtable discussion with our wrestling heroes of not-too-long-ago.

    In the second video Rowdy Roddy Piper tells a funny little anecdote about his role in They Live.

    Those videos are dope, thanks for posting that link. Rowdy Roddy Piper is the freakin' man...I never would've recognized Brutus Beefcake, though. He looks way different.

    You remember he was in that parasailing accident back in the day, right? HoLmes had massive reconstructive surgery on his face.

    I'm surprised more people haven't commented on these videos. They definitely add a great "real-life" perspective to Rourke's character.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Well, it's on USENET if that helps.

    How is the quality?

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Check out this EXCELLENT roundtable discussion with our wrestling heroes of not-too-long-ago.

    In the second video Rowdy Roddy Piper tells a funny little anecdote about his role in They Live.

    Those videos are dope, thanks for posting that link. Rowdy Roddy Piper is the freakin' man...I never would've recognized Brutus Beefcake, though. He looks way different.

    You remember he was in that parasailing accident back in the day, right? HoLmes had massive reconstructive surgery on his face.

    Oh shit, that's right. I had totally forgotten about that.

  • unityunity 179 Posts
    big thumbs up.

    My favorite film of the year. "The Ram" is an amazing character, and Mickey Rourke delivers on all fronts in playing and portraying this character. I didn't think the plot issues/shortcomings detracted that much from the film's overall emotional and physical impact, which was very, very strong, at least for me.

    What's more, I found the film to do an excellent job of critiquing America's obsession (specifically that of young men) w/ violence, especially spectacular violence. The Ram is forever cheered on to his own violent demise - the obsessed, clamorous crowd is as caught up in his heroic myth as he is. And it surely isn't a coincidence that the Ram's eternal opponent is the Ayatollah.

    just saw it. well said, rawb.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Well, it's on USENET if that helps.

    How is the quality?

    Two words: "screener copies"

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Tomei's last topless dancing scene is an amazing example of acting a role of someone acting. I didn't know it was possible to chew scenery without saying a word.

    This movie didn't take a single turn I didn't see coming from a mile away, but I thought overall it was an enjoyable cinematic experience. Actually, don't sit too close to the screen though, the Cin??ma v??rit?? is a bit hard to take for those who are motion sensitive.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

    But ultimately this is a story about the allure of fame & how that can trump whatever else is going on in a person's life - so those plot resolutions didn't seem particularly difficult for me to believe. He had a near death experience that nearly changed him, but the fame (what little was left for him 20 years after his heyday anyways) was too addictive for him to walk away from.

    So is this really a film about an over-the-hill actor who can't say 'No' to fame, and how this can trump all sense of personal dignity, leading to horrific plastic surgery in an attempt to resurrect a Hollywood career (what little was left for him 20 years after his heyday) that was too adictive to walk away from, the spiral into depression, drugs and casual sex, and ultimate redemption playing a heterosexual uberman forced to dress as an extra from the video to YMCA while battling the subconscious fears* of the American public?

    * when somebody mentioned in an earlier poast that his nemesis was the Ayatollah, was that in reference to The Wrestler, or Rowdy Roddy Piper?

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts

    * when somebody mentioned in an earlier poast that his nemesis was the Ayatollah, was that in reference to The Wrestler, or Rowdy Roddy Piper?

    the Ayatollah is from the movie, played by Ernest 'The Cat' Miller.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Well, it's on USENET if that helps.

    How is the quality?

    Two words: "screener copies"

    Those words don't hold any weight anymore, since the MPAA is now handing out VHS tapes to many critics to slow down piracy. That said, the copy I got is dvd quality. lol

    --- spoiler ---

    On the movie tip, did anyone notice the heavy-handed parallel drawn between the Ram and Cassidy characters that the movie characters Pam and Robin played? Pam's character was becoming jaded with her second life just as Robin began to give up his wrestling career? Fake sex = fake violence kinda thing. Both people being too old to successfully continue with their respective faked personas...?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    --- spoiler ---

    On the movie tip, did anyone notice the heavy-handed parallel drawn between the Ram and Cassidy characters that the movie characters Pam and Robin played? Pam's character was becoming jaded with her second life just as Robin began to give up his wrestling career? Fake sex = fake violence kinda thing. Both people being too old to successfully continue with their respective faked personas...?

    Nice that I think about it the Rourke character was welcome by his fans/industry to continue on long after his abilities had left him while Tomei, who was still pretty smokin', was rejected by her fans/industry because of her age.

    Sex = Youth
    Violence = Ageless

  • --- spoiler ---

    On the movie tip, did anyone notice the heavy-handed parallel drawn between the Ram and Cassidy characters that the movie characters Pam and Robin played? Pam's character was becoming jaded with her second life just as Robin began to give up his wrestling career? Fake sex = fake violence kinda thing. Both people being too old to successfully continue with their respective faked personas...?

    Nice that I think about it the Rourke character was welcome by his fans/industry to continue on long after his abilities had left him while Tomei, who was still pretty smokin', was rejected by her fans/industry because of her age.

    Sex = Youth
    Violence = Ageless

    I thought that parallel, while apparent, wasn't that heavy-handed, and was pretty central to the theme of the whole movie...

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    --- spoiler ---

    I thought that parallel, while apparent, wasn't that heavy-handed, and was pretty central to the theme of the whole movie...

    I agree. It's clear that the movie was encouraging you to draw parallels between Rourke and Tomei's characters, and contrast how their careers influence their lives. Tomei appears to be a dedicated parent who dances to support her son and Rourke's career seems to have sabotaged his relationship with his daughter. I imagine she walks away whereas Rourke completes the Christ analogy by sacrificing himself for the benefit of the masses.

    One thing I liked about this movie was they left things ambiguous enough that the viewer can imagine for themselves what happens after the final cut to black, and the characters were interesting enough that I would want to. I'm curious, if Rourke had seen Tomei at the curtain in the final scene, would he have stopped? I imagine Aronofsky and Siegel have an opinion about this, perhaps not even the same opinion.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Mickey Rourke To Get In The Ring With WWE For ???Wrestlemania???

    LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

    Mickey Rourke has received critical acclaim for his comeback role in ???The Wrestler,??? where he plays a former pro wrestling legend who falls on hard times.

    And on the red carpet at the 15th Annual SAG Awards on Sunday night in Hollywood, the actor revealed he???s about to get in the ring in real life.

    Rourke will be participating in WWE???s ???Wrestlemania 25??? in Houston on April 5.

    ???The boys from the WWE called me and asked me to do it,??? Rourke told Access Hollywood. ???I said, ???I want to.??? I???m talking with [WWE legend] Rowdy Roddy Piper about it.???

    In fact, Rourke, whose role in ???The Wrestler??? earned him a SAG nomination for Best Actor (as well as an Academy Award nomination and a win at the Golden Globes earlier this month), said the professional wrestling industry has been extremely supportive of his portrayal of the sport.

    ???The nicest thing has been the whole wrestling community embracing us,??? Rourke said on the red carpet. ???The movie was about their world.???

    And when he does jump into the ring with WWE, it appears the actor may already have his sights set on an opponent.

    ???Chris Jericho, you better get in shape,??? Rourke added. ???Because I???m coming after your a**.???

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Mickey Rourke To Get In The Ring With WWE For ???Wrestlemania???

    LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

    Mickey Rourke has received critical acclaim for his comeback role in ???The Wrestler,??? where he plays a former pro wrestling legend who falls on hard times.

    And on the red carpet at the 15th Annual SAG Awards on Sunday night in Hollywood, the actor revealed he???s about to get in the ring in real life.

    Rourke will be participating in WWE???s ???Wrestlemania 25??? in Houston on April 5.

    ???The boys from the WWE called me and asked me to do it,??? Rourke told Access Hollywood. ???I said, ???I want to.??? I???m talking with [WWE legend] Rowdy Roddy Piper about it.???

    In fact, Rourke, whose role in ???The Wrestler??? earned him a SAG nomination for Best Actor (as well as an Academy Award nomination and a win at the Golden Globes earlier this month), said the professional wrestling industry has been extremely supportive of his portrayal of the sport.

    ???The nicest thing has been the whole wrestling community embracing us,??? Rourke said on the red carpet. ???The movie was about their world.???

    And when he does jump into the ring with WWE, it appears the actor may already have his sights set on an opponent.

    ???Chris Jericho, you better get in shape,??? Rourke added. ???Because I???m coming after your a**.???

    Hey, that's as old as Wrestlemania itself!

    I saw the movie on Saturday and most of the criticism I have of the film has already been covered. I thought the acting was incredible and overall I thought the film was very well done. I'm glad they ended it the way they did. There really was no other conceivable way to do it.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Yeah, I know. But back then I was actually excited for it! Now I'm kinda like "really?"

    You know he's gettin' paid out the rectum for it though. Plus with that type of crossover movie ticket sales are gonna go thru the roof (via the top turnbuckle, of course).

    Don't get me wrong though, I'll DEFINITELY watch the match on the internet the day after!

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    One month in, and Rourke's career comeback has all but literally jumped the shark.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    One month in, and Rourke's career comeback has all but literally jumped the shark.

    That's kinda how I'm feeling about this move.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    One month in, and Rourke's career comeback has all but literally jumped the shark.

    That's kinda how I'm feeling about this move.

    Wasn't Sin City supposed to be his big comeback roll to begin with? Why doesn't anybody ever mention that?

  • One month in, and Rourke's career comeback has all but literally jumped the shark.

    That's kinda how I'm feeling about this move.

    Yup. This is NAGL...

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    He ain't gonna be appearing at Wrestlemania, I don't see how dropping the Ram Jam on Chris Jericho would harm his Oscar hopes but apparently his 'minders' thought different.
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