13,027 Posts
Wanted to get this up earlier, before everyone left for theb,121weekend, but it's been crazy on the job for me ... anyway ...b,121b,121IT'S THAT TIME AT LAST! JP VINYL YARD SALE AND RECORD SWAP 2008!!b,121b,121Only gonna have one this year, but it's looking good! So many peopleb,121have asked about coming to this, and setting up or just hanging out,b,121I've lost track ... but it's looking to be HUGE, the biggest yet.b,121b,121This is not a "hype" post, though - that comes later (and in the properb,121forum) ... this is a SOUL STRUT ROLL CALL for the swap!b,121b,121The date is SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM ... mostb,121of you know the drill, but it takes place at my house on Centre St.b,121in Jamaica Plain, which is right at ground zero for the JP businessb,121district, and the walk-up traffic is immense. What's more, with allb,121the hype this year, people should be travelling to come and buy/tradeb,121vinyl from all over the place. b,121b,121HERE IS THE DEAL - you can come, and just shop/swap & drink beer (of whichb,121there will be plenty, and bringing more is encouraged) but you are alsob,121welcome to bring records to SELL. Dollar joints for the local foot trafficb,121move well, and pricier stuff for the simply great collectros are a must asb,121well! You will need to provide your own table (if needed) and it can getb,121sunny if it's a hot day, so if the weather says HOT you may want some kindb,121of shelter. My yard is big, and all are welcome. HOWEVER:b,121b,121P L E A S E let me know if you are coming, especially if you are SELLING,b,121so I can get some kind of idea of what I'll be dealing with. You are b,121welcome to PM me, especially with questions, but please post in thisb,121thread to KEEP HYPE ALIVE img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121HOLLER AT ME AND LET'S MAKE THIS THE RECORD NERD AND SUNDAY DRINKING EVENTb,121OF THE DECADE, BATCHES!!! And if you are just looking to shop, be aware thatb,121I have HUNDREDS of "new arrivals" to put out this year, boxes of LP's forb,121crazy cheap, and unlimited 45's to dig through, from 50 cents to 50 bucks!b,121b,121HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER