Obama: My Muslim faith.....slip of the tongue



  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121Yup. Funny, frightening, chilling, baffling and maddening. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Plaese to explain. ?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121I mean every word of it. Politics can't and shouldn't be reduced to a dichotomy. It's true that no political system is perfect, but a multi-party system is stronger and closer to an actual democracy than the binary US system.b,121b,121Think about it. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121So are you with us, or the terrorists? I'm going to need to you to pick A or B on this one.b,121b,121A) With America, because America is awesomeb,121b,121B) With the terrorists, because I hate America for its freedom

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I mean every word of it. Politics can't and shouldn't be reduced to a dichotomy. It's true that no political system is perfect, but a multi-party system is stronger and closer to an actual democracy than the binary US system.b,121b,121Think about it. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121So are you with us, or the terrorists? I'm going to need to you to pick A or B on this one.b,121b,121A) With America, because America is awesomeb,121b,121B) With the terrorists, because I hate America for its freedom b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121C) I hate America for it's freedom but their music has a good beat and I can dance to it.

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I mean every word of it. Politics can't and shouldn't be reduced to a dichotomy. It's true that no political system is perfect, but a multi-party system is stronger and closer to an actual democracy than the binary US system.b,121b,121Think about it. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121So are you with us, or the terrorists? I'm going to need to you to pick A or B on this one.b,121b,121A) With America, because America is awesomeb,121b,121B) With the terrorists, because I hate America for its freedom b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121C) The terrorists are awesome?

  • This is America, there is no third answer you pinkos.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121Yup. Funny, frightening, chilling, baffling and maddening. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Plaese to explain. ? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I am agreeing with you! Those words aren't descriptive enough?

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121This is America, there is no third answer you pinkos. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121This is America, there is no third answer you pinkos. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121img src="http://jleavell.com/db5/00498/jleavell.com/_uimages/Bingo_11.JPG"1

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121I mean every word of it. Politics can't and shouldn't be reduced to a dichotomy. It's true that no political system is perfect, but a multi-party system is stronger and closer to an actual democracy than the binary US system.b,121b,121Think about it. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121img src="http://www.books-about-california.com/Images/Sculpture_and_Mural/The_Thinker.jpg"1

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121Funny, frightening, chilling, baffling and maddening. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Faux_rillz? b,121Rockadelic?b,121kala?

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121Yup. Funny, frightening, chilling, baffling and maddening. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Plaese to explain. ? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I am agreeing with you! Those words aren't descriptive enough? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121oops.. my bad.b,121b,121I thought you were agreeing with the post previous to your first one.b,121b,121Sorry Bassie!

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I mean every word of it. Politics can't and shouldn't be reduced to a dichotomy. It's true that no political system is perfect, but a multi-party system is stronger and closer to an actual democracy than the binary US system.b,121b,121Think about it. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121So are you with us, or the terrorists? I'm going to need to you to pick A or B on this one.b,121b,121A) With America, because America is awesomeb,121b,121B) With the terrorists, because I hate America for its freedom b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121C) I hate America for it's freedom but their music has a good beat and I can dance to it. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Never that son. I said earlier that I love Americans, and I do. But the US political system is ass, as I'm sure you'll agree.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    As it happens, there will be a federal election in Canada this fall, too. (It is a little known/widely ignored fact that Canada also enjoys many, if not all, of the same freedoms found in the United States. Some might say more, but it is so hard to measure these things when they are so close and similar.) This election is a complete waste of time and money, but not really worth getting into the whys here. Our debates will be nowhere as dramatic and built-up or Fox TV-worthy as its US counterparts but it is not without its exciting features! Of the four major parties, one member recently ???crossed the floor??? to join the Green Party, so though not an officially elected member, there is now representation in the House and arguably, the Green Party should be part of the debates. The media groups carrying the debate does not agree and there has been talk by some of the other parties of pulling out altogether. The media executives have opted for a debate without the Green Party as opposed to no debate at all. So the Green Party is taking them to court! b,121b,121More a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080909.welexgreens0909/BNStory/Front" target="_blank"1here. .

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121As it happens, there will be a federal election in Canada this fall, too. (It is a little known/widely ignored fact that Canada also enjoys many, if not all, of the same freedoms found in the United States. Some might say more, but it is so hard to measure these things when they are so close and similar.) This election is a complete waste of time and money, but not really worth getting into the whys here. Our debates will be nowhere as dramatic and built-up or Fox TV-worthy as its US counterparts but it is not without its exciting features! Of the four major parties, one member recently ???crossed the floor??? to join the Green Party, so though not an officially elected member, there is now representation in the House and arguably, the Green Party should be part of the debates. The media groups carrying the debate does not agree and there has been talk by some of the other parties of pulling out altogether. The media executives have opted for a debate without the Green Party as opposed to no debate at all. So the Green Party is taking them to court! b,121b,121More a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080909.welexgreens0909/BNStory/Front" target="_blank"1here. . b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121That sounds interesting. I think a country should own at least one interesting hat. So we've got that going for us.b,121b,121Which is nice.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121American politics is so sad. You have one of two choices: a Republican or a Democrat, and that's it! b,121b,121Is this a 'healthy' democracy? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121No.b,121b,121/font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121Is this the nation that wants to spread democracy to the rest of the world?b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Yes.b,121b,121/font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121Don't get me wrong: I love Americans. But the US political system is pathetic.b,121b,121Deal. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I've been dealing my entire life.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121I said earlier that I love Americans, and I do. But the US political system is ass, as I'm sure you'll agree. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121The United States political system is separate from Americans?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I said earlier that I love Americans, and I do. But the US political system is ass, as I'm sure you'll agree. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121The United States political system is separate from Americans? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Good gosh I hope so.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I said earlier that I love Americans, and I do. But the US political system is ass, as I'm sure you'll agree. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121The United States political system is separate from Americans? b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Good gosh I hope so. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121object width="425" height="344"1param name="movie" value=""1/param1param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"1/param1embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"1/embed1/object1

  • ^^^^^^^^^^b,121I've been a huge Carlin since I was a teen, but that segment always turned me off.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121^^^^^^^^^^b,121I've been a huge Carlin since I was a teen, but that segment always turned me off. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121I think it's spot on. But not in this election year. Carlin was a genius.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    a href="http://www.thestar.com/FederalElection/article/496793" target="_blank"1one step closer!!/a1b,121b,121Greens close to place at debateb,121TheStar.com - Federal Election - Greens close to place at debateb,121b,121Richard Brennan Joanna Smithb,121OTTAWA BUREAUb,121b,121Green Party Leader Elizabeth May has cleared the political hurdles in her bid to participate in the Oct. 2 televised leaders' debate.b,121b,121Now she just needs to hear from the broadcasters who run the debates.b,121b,121The opposition to May taking part in the debate began to unravel today when NDP Leader Jack Layton caved to growing public criticism and said he will not oppose May's participation as long as Prime Minister Stephen Harper showed up.b,121b,121That put pressure on the Harper camp, which decided the Prime Minister would not boycott the debate if May was allowed to participate.b,121b,121"Our position has been clear -- we don't think the Green Party meets the conditions for participation in a national leader's debate," said Kory Teneycke, Harper's director of communications.b,121b,121"It appears the NDP have changed their mind. . . .We will not boycott the debate if the NDP wants her in," he told reporters this afternoon.b,121b,121At Green headquarters in New Glasgow, N.S., May scrambled to find the right channel on television and then started cheering when she saw it: that Harper had just said he would not boycott the debates if she was there.b,121b,121"Yes! Yes!" May shouted when she heard the news.b,121b,121She said it is now up to the consortium to change its decision and expects to receive an invitation soon.b,121b,121"The consortium might still decide to exclude me, but there is no rational reason," she said. "The clear, fair decision is that I will be there in the debates. I look forward to hearing the consortium confirm that."b,121b,121She said she wanted to thank the thousands of Canadians who had supported her inclusion.b,121b,121"It is a welcome change of circumstances," she said.b,121b,121However, Jason MacDonald, a spokesman for the broadcast consortium, said the networks "have not been approached by the party representatives with a request to re-open the discussions around format, despite what is being reported."b,121b,121"From our perspective, then, nothing has changed, except that the back and forth between leaders on the campaign trail is heating up."b,121b,121Layton and Harper had argued that May and Liberal Leader St??phane Dion would be a tag team at the debate.b,121b,121"I have only one condition for this debate and that's the Prime Minister is there," Layton told reporters after touring a solar panel manufacturing company.b,121b,121"I don't want to be debating the debate forever. I want to debate the Prime Minister ... if the Prime Minister is there I will be there - period," said Layton, whose change of heart came after Green Party protesters showed up at an Oshawa NDP rally.b,121b,121Earlier, Dion said Harper and Layton "don't have the courage" to explain why they opposed May's participation in the televised leaders' debate.b,121b,121Dion also called for a full explanation of what happened from the coalition of broadcasters that made the decision to exclude May after consulting all the parties.b,121b,121May "should be there ??? period," Dion said.b,121b,121BQ leader Gilles Duceppe insisted the decision to include or exclude May was now up to the broadcasters. "It's up to them to decide," he said.b,121b,121"We never threatened not to participate if Ms May was going to be there so we have no problem with that ... of course I'm going to be there."b,121b,121He suggested, however, that Harper "felt the pressure ... it's not the first time he's changing his mind."b,121b,121"We said very clearly we had no problem if Madame May was there, but we wanted Mr. Harper to be there also. Having a debate without the prime minister would be an odd thing."b,121b,121Conservative campaign co-chair David Emerson, the foreign affairs minister who is not running again, said on CBC that Harper had been "part of a consensus of the leaders" about who would participate, and he was simply now "reacting to changing circumstances." b,121b,121With files from Les Whittington, Bruce Campion-Smith and Tonda MacCharlesb,121b,121b,121

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    It's on! She'll be part of the televised debate.

  • lets say he is a muslim ? who the Fusk cares ?

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121It's on! She'll be part of the televised debate. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121cool. the chance of a green party candidate getting into a debate in United States politics is very very low...

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121lets say he is a muslim ? who the Fusk cares ? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Unfortunately about half the country. The really pathetic thing is how this criticism/suspicion is acceptable in a way that wouldn't be if he were catholic or jewish...

  • /font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121lets say he is a muslim ? who the Fusk cares ? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Unfortunately about half the country. The really pathetic thing is how this criticism/suspicion is acceptable in a way that wouldn't be if he were catholic or jewish... b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121There are a huge number of americans who believe we are at war with the muslims right now. They only read spiritual fiction and only watch fox news. As a reformed christian I can not begin to explain the militant ignorance enforced in america's churches.
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