got a hold of isaac hayes funeral program

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited September 2008 in Strut Central
not a lot of freaky scientology stuff in there, but the last page:b,121


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    That's kind of innocuous. Hardly some crazy Thezon or Thetan or whateverthefuckitscalled shit.

  • hookup are you in Memphis?

  • Quote:h,121b,121That's kind of innocuous. Hardly some crazy Thezon or Thetan or whateverthefuckitscalled shit. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121yeah that quote is alright. In fact I'm sure if you read Dyanetics there's prolly a fair share of unobjectionable observations and wisdom nuggets, all intended to distract from the fact that the belief system is based on i1aliens living in your head.[/i]

  • yeah, in memphis...b,121b,121yeah, just the fact that L Ron had the final word in it is what I found a little unsettlingb,121b,121Kirstie Allie and John Travolta make an appearance in the acknowledgement section

  • hookup , did they ever find out who killed that dj from your station?

  • Quote:h,121b,121hookup , did they ever find out who killed that dj from your station? b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121his grandson..shot him in the back with a shotgun

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Quote:h,121b,121That's kind of innocuous. Hardly some crazy Thezon or Thetan or whateverthefuckitscalled shit. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121yeah that quote is alright. In fact I'm sure if you read Dyanetics there's prolly a fair share of unobjectionable observations and wisdom nuggets, all intended to distract from the fact that the belief system is based on i1aliens living in your head.[/i] b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Don't get me far as pseudo-theologies go, it's pretty out there but then again, one could say the Bible or Torah or Koran are filled with "a fair share of unobjectionable observations and wisdom nuggets, all intended to distract from belief systems that other people would find positively insane. But if there's a scale of insanity, then Scientology is somewhere considerably higher than Mormonism but probably not as much as Jonestown.

  • man.. that is so fucked. sorry to get off the subject. speaking of scientology has anyone on here read any of those l ron hubbard books? i'm thinking about checking one out just to see what the hubub's about.

  • Quote:h,121b,121
    Quote:h,121b,121That's kind of innocuous. Hardly some crazy Thezon or Thetan or whateverthefuckitscalled shit. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121yeah that quote is alright. In fact I'm sure if you read Dyanetics there's prolly a fair share of unobjectionable observations and wisdom nuggets, all intended to distract from the fact that the belief system is based on i1aliens living in your head.[/i] b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Don't get me far as pseudo-theologies go, it's pretty out there but then again, one could say the Bible or Torah or Koran are filled with "a fair share of unobjectionable observations and wisdom nuggets, all intended to distract from belief systems that other people would find positively insane. But if there's a scale of insanity, then Scientology is somewhere considerably higher than Mormonism but probably not as much as Jonestown. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121I heard an interesting theory about why the Evangelicals are so down on the Mormons: the Mormons present a sort of embarassing reminder to the Evangelicals that their own belief system is total fantasy.b,121b,121It's easy to suspend disbelief when the crazy shit the Bible recounts supposedly happened 2000 years ago (or will happen again soon, just wait!). It's another thing altogher to start talking about miracles having happened in the 1830's. It places these events in a more real-life timeframe and makes it all seem that much more absurd to a lot of people. And this makes old style Christian true believers a little uuncomfortable.b,121b,121(I don't endorse this view; it's just interesting.)

  • Quote:h,121b,121man.. that is so fucked. sorry to get off the subject. speaking of scientology has anyone on here read any of those l ron hubbard books? i'm thinking about checking one out just to see what the hubub's about. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121 i1The Church of Scientology (or: CoS; or: Co$, as some of their opponents call it) sells its followers expensive courses which, if students study them carefully, are supposed to set them free ('clear' them). A former Scientology member, Steven Fishman, was brought before court because he committed several crimes in order to get the money to pay for these courses. Scientology urged him to get the money any which way he could. According to Fishman, they also assigned him to kill somebody, and failing that, ordered him to commit suicide. In an interview for Time Magazine, Fishman relayed those stories and blamed Scientology for his crimes. Scientology sued him for slander.b,121b,121When Fishman was then brought to court, he used parts of Scientology-documents to prove he had been brainwashed by the Church. These Scientology documents thereby became public material: anybody could go to the court library and read them. The Church, fearing that its sacred secrets would be revealed, had some of their people going to the library every day to borrow these documents, thereby preventing other people (read: non-Scientologists) from reading them[/b] [/i] b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lvl.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121 read here./a1

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    Quote:h,121b,121b,121b,121It's easy to suspend disbelief when the crazy shit the Bible recounts supposedly happened 2000 years ago (or will happen again soon, just wait!). It's another thing altogher to start talking about miracles having happened in the 1830's. It places these events in a more real-life timeframe and makes it all seem that much more absurd to a lot of people. And this makes old style Christian true believers a little uuncomfortable.b,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Sayin. Christianity has had lots and lots of time and generation after generation to harden as a system of belief. Scientology is so recent and modern that most of us look at it, rightly IMO, as a bunch of crazy shit some guy made up. You could say that about probably any religion. Had Hubbard been around 1000 years ago or whatever, perhaps we'd all be saying we were "raised Scientologist" but don't really go to "church" anymore. And when some movie star starts talking crazy shit about some guy named "Jesus" and burning bushes and all that, we'd be like "fukk outta here, weirdo."

  • Quote:h,121b,121
    Quote:h,121b,121b,121b,121It's easy to suspend disbelief when the crazy shit the Bible recounts supposedly happened 2000 years ago (or will happen again soon, just wait!). It's another thing altogher to start talking about miracles having happened in the 1830's. It places these events in a more real-life timeframe and makes it all seem that much more absurd to a lot of people. And this makes old style Christian true believers a little uuncomfortable.b,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Sayin. Christianity has had lots and lots of time and generation after generation to harden as a system of belief. Scientology is so recent and modern that most of us look at it, rightly IMO, as a bunch of crazy shit some guy made up. You could say that about probably any religion. Had Hubbard been around 1000 years ago or whatever, perhaps we'd all be saying we were "raised Scientologist" but don't really go to "church" anymore. And when some movie star starts talking crazy shit about some guy named "Jesus" and burning bushes and all that, we'd be like "fukk outta here, weirdo." b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121tom cruise n' em are no dummies. they know the early Christians were mocked also. he may get clowned his whole life, but in 500 yrs he'll be considered the Peter, Thomas or John of this religion.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Quote:h,121b,121b,121b,121It's easy to suspend disbelief when the crazy shit the Bible recounts supposedly happened 2000 years ago (or will happen again soon, just wait!). It's another thing altogher to start talking about miracles having happened in the 1830's. It places these events in a more real-life timeframe and makes it all seem that much more absurd to a lot of people. And this makes old style Christian true believers a little uuncomfortable.b,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Sayin. Christianity has had lots and lots of time and generation after generation to harden as a system of belief. Scientology is so recent and modern that most of us look at it, rightly IMO, as a bunch of crazy shit some guy made up. You could say that about probably any religion. Had Hubbard been around 1000 years ago or whatever, perhaps we'd all be saying we were "raised Scientologist" but don't really go to "church" anymore. And when some movie star starts talking crazy shit about some guy named "Jesus" and burning bushes and all that, we'd be like "fukk outta here, weirdo." b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121tom cruise n' em are no dummies. they know the early Christians were mocked also. he may get clowned his whole life, but in 500 yrs he'll be considered the Peter, Thomas or John of this religion. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121b,121WTF are you fools talking about? Hubbard was batshit crazy. Scientology is a tax on the terminally dumb, or hopeless. They are cunts. The Old Testament is the fusking craziest shit EVER! The New Testament is relatively sane compared.

  • Quote:h,121b,121. speaking of scientology has anyone on here read any of those l ron hubbard books? i'm thinking about checking one out just to see what the hubub's about. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121I read Dianetics out of curiosity. He talks alot about how we get these subliminal impulses implanted into our subconsciosness during moments of extreme trauma:b,121b,121our subconscious mind is constantly recording sensory input, even when our conscious mind is offline. b,121b,121in times of extreme duress (injury, emotional stress, drug-induced. etc) our conscious mind goes offline, and our subconscious mind takes over in a survival instinct type mode, and is susceptible to subliminal suggestions (much like hypnosis). Now what he says is that when we are put into a situation where the sensory stimulus is similar to the same situation that the subliminal suggestions were implanted to our subconsciousness, our survival instinct takes over and we act on these suggestions, no matter how ridiculous they may be. b,121b,121so an example they used was say you're crossing the street and you get hit by a car. you're laid out on the street and because of the extreme trauma your body just suffered, your survival instincts kick in and your subconscious mind takes over. it's recording the smell of the street/oil/gas, the light of the day and all sounds. So say someone comes over you and says "don't move, you don't want to worsen your injuries". This then gets implanted as a subliminal suggestion, and the next time you find yourself in a similar situation (sight, sound smells) as your accident, you will get paralyzed and won't be able to move. b,121b,121So Dianetics is all about finding these suggestions, discovering their origin and dealing with them to free up more mind power. Sounds relatively plausible until he gets into the notion that these suggestions start getting implanted while we are still in the womb as a result of our moms having extramarital affairs and some dudes weiner poking us in-utero and causing physical trauma. b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/NO.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/walkawaysonfinal.gif" alt="" 21

  • Quote:h,121b,121
    Quote:h,121b,121man.. that is so fucked. sorry to get off the subject. speaking of scientology has anyone on here read any of those l ron hubbard books? i'm thinking about checking one out just to see what the hubub's about. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121 The Church of Scientology (or: CoS; or: Co$, as some of their opponents call it) sells its followers expensive courses which, if students study them carefully, are supposed to set them free ('clear' them). A former Scientology member, Steven Fishman, was brought before court because he committed several crimes in order to get the money to pay for these courses. Scientology urged him to get the money any which way he could. According to Fishman, they also assigned him to kill somebody, and failing that, ordered him to commit suicide. In an interview for Time Magazine, Fishman relayed those stories and blamed Scientology for his crimes. Scientology sued him for slander.b,121b,121When Fishman was then brought to court, he used parts of Scientology-documents to prove he had been brainwashed by the Church. These Scientology documents thereby became public material: anybody could go to the court library and read them. The Church, fearing that its sacred secrets would be revealed, had some of their people going to the library every day to borrow these documents, thereby preventing other people (read: non-Scientologists) from reading them/b1 b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lvl.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121 read here./a1 b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121My girlfriend used to work at Mayfair Market across the street from a big Scientology center. She said they shoplift like a motherfucker. Maybe they were saving money on groceries so they could pay you know who.b,121b,121I dated a girl who was born on L Ron's boat which was one of a small fleet of Scientologist-crewed ships. Se said it was controversial and she would have been aborted had L Ron found out about the pregnancy. Her and her mom got out of the Sea Org/a1 but the Scientologists had fucked with them. They don't like people leaving.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    They rack LPs from Counterpoint, too!b,121b,121Seriously, to each their own. A fool and their cash are soon departed, as they say.
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