What Does Hillary Want?



  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    hard working white people


    that shit was so blatant it doesn't even count as a 'coded' message

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    ^^^ NOT a hardworking white person ^^^

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    true, I'm a lazy elitist

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    true, I'm a lazy elitist

    Pushing a gay shut-in agenda!

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    I support Obama because I'm a closet Islamofascist sympathizer

    my heart pumps latte

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    soy latte even

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    Hillary wants......

    Rev. Wright II

    A Ron Brown-like Plane Crash

    More hard working white people

    Vince Foster II

    Everyone else to wake up and end this nightmare.

    can you play more than one note? in your zeal to vilify hillary, your starting to sound like a lunatic. lets not forget that if your supporting obama - your supporting a voting record and policies that nearly mirror hillary's 100%.

    just cause your a salty republican who had dartboards of bill during the 90s, lets not get it twisted about hillary - the candidate, as opposed to hillary the person, so hungry for the presidency that she has done some very stupid and regrettable things.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    can someone succinctly explain why states vote for a candidate only to have the votes cast for that candidate translate into a proportional number of delegates who then cast their own vote at the convention for the candidate who received the votes that allowed them to be seated at the convention in the first place, rather than the states voters' votes simply being tallied up and the candidate's being chosen on the basis of how many votes they received? there's no doubt some "safeguard" principle that this system is meant to enshrine; I'm just not clear on what it is. school me.

    Reams have been written on this, and I am sure you have read much of it.

    1) Our Constitution original had the congress picking the president.
    2) Over time that system was amended and the Electoral College was put in place.
    3) The "Parties" are free to pick who ever "They" want to run in the general election.
    4) Each party has it's own selection process.
    5) Over time the selection process has become more, but not very, fair and logical.

    Can you tell me why our generations 2nd most savvy political organization did not know how to play this game. The Clinton's got played by a rookie who knew the system better than they did. And it was the Clinton's people who wrote the rules!

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Hillary wants......

    Rev. Wright II

    A Ron Brown-like Plane Crash

    More hard working white people

    Vince Foster II

    Everyone else to wake up and end this nightmare.

    can you play more than one note? in your zeal to vilify hillary, your starting to sound like a lunatic. lets not forget that if your supporting obama - your supporting a voting record and policies that nearly mirror hillary's 100%.

    just cause your a salty republican who had dartboards of bill during the 90s, lets not get it twisted about hillary - the candidate, as opposed to hillary the person, so hungry for the presidency that she has done some very stupid and regrettable things.

    He does it because he supports a different kind of politics that doesn't attack people. While you are playing the same old politics of being mean to the poor Republicans.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Hillary wants......

    Rev. Wright II

    A Ron Brown-like Plane Crash

    More hard working white people

    Vince Foster II

    Everyone else to wake up and end this nightmare.

    can you play more than one note? in your zeal to vilify hillary, your starting to sound like a lunatic. lets not forget that if your supporting obama - your supporting a voting record and policies that nearly mirror hillary's 100%.

    just cause your a salty republican who had dartboards of bill during the 90s, lets not get it twisted about hillary - the candidate, as opposed to hillary the person, so hungry for the presidency that she has done some very stupid and regrettable things.

    He does it because he supports a different kind of politics that doesn't attack people. While you are playing the same old politics of being mean to the poor Republicans.

    You're both right....

    All Hillary wants is what's best for the Country.

    Those Democrats that have been asking, no, BEGGING for her to step aside are just blind Obama supporters who don't see the big picture.

    Hillary has stated that her party's likely candidate "CAN'T WIN"

    Why?...Becuase she want's what's best for the Country.

    While her ex-supporters have jumped off the sinking ship and now support Obama she is "loaning" millions to her own campaign.

    Why?....Because no one else will....and oh yeah, she wants what's best for the Country. (Plus, apparently she thinks Obama will pay back her loans for her)??

    For months her campaign has been attacking Obama in a very transparent covert way by stating that "McCain will attack Obama about drug use/race/religion/etc."

    Why??.....of course, she wants what's best for the Country.

    So what exactly has Hillary accomplished besides dividing a party, interrupting Obama's momentum that was unlike anything seen in recent U.S. politics and making herself fodder for SNL skits and Youtube clonnery??

    Here's what she has done.....she's exchanged hope for pettiness, she's created self fulfilling prophesies in the way of "hard working White Americans" and set up the perfect "I told you so" scenario come November 5th.

    She has done more damage to the campaign of the candidate I support than McCain and the Republicans could ever hope to.

    If you don't see that, I suggest you're naive. If you see it and chalk it up to "politics as usual" you apparently don't hold the same hopes that I do that Obama represents a new day, one that eschews the "politics as usual" BS.

    Or maybe my hopes that Obama does indeed represent a step away from the usual Dem/Rep BS is misguided or trumped just by virtue of him being a member of one of these two parties..

    Defending Hillary at this point is some fucked up shit from where I sit.

    Hillary wants what's best for Hillary.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    you need to practice word conservation. if your point is that hillary has put herself before the party - okay, agreed. but that alone explains her actions.

    not sure where your conspiracy theories fit into that very simple argument, which i co-sign.

    i dont think defending hillary as a candidate "is some f*cked up sh*t", when folks such as yourself, would lead people to believe that she wants to get elected so she can murder people. she'd be a good, maybe even great president. i see plenty of reasons why obama is the best guy for the job, but few as to how his policies will be substantially different, let alone better.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    you need to practice word conservation. if your point is that hillary has put herself before the party - okay, agreed. but that alone explains her actions.

    not sure where your conspiracy theories fit into that very simple argument, which i co-sign.

    i dont think defending hillary as a candidate "is some f*cked up sh*t", when folks such as yourself, would lead people to believe that she wants to get elected so she can murder people. she'd be a good, maybe even great president. i see plenty of reasons why obama is the best guy for the job, but few as to how his policies will be substantially different, let alone better.

    be a man and take your Frickin' loss like one. Have a drink, maybe some weed, and a nap and you'll be a-okay in the morning.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    ^^^ needs to practice post conservation.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    you need to practice word conservation. if your point is that hillary has put herself before the party - okay, agreed. but that alone explains her actions.

    not sure where your conspiracy theories fit into that very simple argument, which i co-sign.

    i dont think defending hillary as a candidate "is some f*cked up sh*t", when folks such as yourself, would lead people to believe that she wants to get elected so she can murder people. she'd be a good, maybe even great president. i see plenty of reasons why obama is the best guy for the job, but few as to how his policies will be substantially different, let alone better.

    I never said Hillary wants to murder people. I suggested she is hoping for some cataclysmic event that would clear the way for her nomination because quite frankly, I can't think of another logical reason for her to still be at it.

    An assassin, mysterious suicide, outrageous scandal.....all of those things, or something that heinous, are about the only ways for Hillary to get the nod at this point.

    And of course, as she has told us infinitum, her nomination would be what's "best for the Country".

    My only "conspiracy theory" is that I believe at this point Hillary would do anything possible to upset what is to my eyes, the inevitable nomination of Barack.

    Your theory as to why she is still in the race, after having to spend her own money to do so, just doesn't make much sense to me.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Hill is waiting for some last minute Spitzer shit to jump off

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I am curious what the Clinton camp is thinking right now. They are too smart to think she has a shot at the nomination. So what are they doing still in the race other than keeping pressure on Obama to conceded something valuable to them. They have earned a huge marker with the Democratic party. What do you think they are going to spend it on? VP slot? Paying off her 20 mill in debt? Senate majority leader? Educate the massive on this important topic.

    PS I don't think she wants the VP slot.

    if mccain wins she tries again in 2012.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I am curious what the Clinton camp is thinking right now. They are too smart to think she has a shot at the nomination. So what are they doing still in the race other than keeping pressure on Obama to conceded something valuable to them. They have earned a huge marker with the Democratic party. What do you think they are going to spend it on? VP slot? Paying off her 20 mill in debt? Senate majority leader? Educate the massive on this important topic.

    PS I don't think she wants the VP slot.

    if mccain wins she tries again in 2012.

    I hate to say it, but this is the best analysis yet.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I am curious what the Clinton camp is thinking right now. They are too smart to think she has a shot at the nomination. So what are they doing still in the race other than keeping pressure on Obama to conceded something valuable to them. They have earned a huge marker with the Democratic party. What do you think they are going to spend it on? VP slot? Paying off her 20 mill in debt? Senate majority leader? Educate the massive on this important topic.

    PS I don't think she wants the VP slot.

    if mccain wins she tries again in 2012.

    I hate to say it, but this is the best analysis yet.

    imagine Obama ends up losing to McCain and the deciding states are states that Hillary won against Obama. then Hillary's got a pretty strong argument for the 2012 nomination. then again 2012 is a ways off: we could be in a nuclear winter or living in some C.H.U.D. type situation and the electoral college will seem like a quaint parlor game.

  • Deep_SangDeep_Sang 1,081 Posts
    If Hillary endorses Obama, which she damn well better do after she bows out, I have a hard time believing that her supporters won't follow suit.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I am curious what the Clinton camp is thinking right now. They are too smart to think she has a shot at the nomination. So what are they doing still in the race other than keeping pressure on Obama to conceded something valuable to them. They have earned a huge marker with the Democratic party. What do you think they are going to spend it on? VP slot? Paying off her 20 mill in debt? Senate majority leader? Educate the massive on this important topic.

    PS I don't think she wants the VP slot.

    if mccain wins she tries again in 2012.

    I hate to say it, but this is the best analysis yet.

    imagine Obama ends up losing to McCain and the deciding states are states that Hillary won against Obama. then Hillary's got a pretty strong argument for the 2012 nomination. then again 2012 is a ways off: we could be in a nuclear winter or living in some C.H.U.D. type situation and the electoral college will seem like a quaint parlor game.


  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts


    I don't anticipate huge changes because McCain is president. Still in Iraq for sure (but that will/would be the case in the event that Obama wins also.) Afganistan slips back into full Taliban mode, etc. Nothing new.

    but trill things could happen regardless of who's in power I suppose. N. Korean nukes, Iranian nukes, Pakistan taken over by Islamists, etc. Lot's of great options going forward; so don't count out a nuclear winter!

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    anyone see Olbermann spaz out on his "special comment"?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    anyone see Olbermann spaz out on his "special comment"?

    par for the course. his righteous indignation schtick is so tired. shoulda stayed on sports center.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I'd expect as much from a pitbull wearing an American flag, but are you telling me you don't like hearing "PLEASE MR BUSH, SHUT THE HELL UP" after a 20 minute tirade about "giving up golf for war"?

    If you don't feel some righteous indignation yourself, I don't know what to say.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I'd expect as much from a pitbull wearing an American flag, but are you telling me you don't like hearing "PLEASE MR BUSH, SHUT THE HELL UP" after a 20 minute tirade about "giving up golf for war"?

    If you don't feel some righteous indignation yourself, I don't know what to say.

    and if you don't roll your eyes when you hear Olberman do these little self-important monologues, I don't know what to say. the dramatic cadence, the smugness: I can't stomach them (and I actually agree with much of the content).

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    i agree with a lot of what Olberman has to say but, other than his own commentary, he's not bringing much new to the table these days. there is no investigative journalism on his show, so its really just him reporting what other people found out. a few years ago, i never missed a show, but the lower bush's approval numbers sink, the more mainstream news coverage we have for all things anti-bush and gop.

    i'm also kinda with rootless and would add that his ego seems to be growing. jon stewart does a better job and is 10 times more entertaining.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    lol @ "investigative journalism"

    That is definitely what I watch MSNBC for.

    I don't roll my eyes, I clap. Then again, I'm not a pitbull with an American flag around my neck.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    lol @ "investigative journalism"

    That is definitely what I watch MSNBC for.


    not around on friday nights at 10 for Lock Up: San Quintin

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Then again, I'm not a pitbull with an American flag around my neck.

    I have no doubt. By your logic it seems you are a fried chicken joint.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    lol @ "investigative journalism"

    That is definitely what I watch MSNBC for.

    I don't roll my eyes, I clap. Then again, I'm not a pitbull with an American flag around my neck.

    You clap for Olberman and at the same time someone is clapping for Bill O'Reilly.

    Same schtick, different teams.
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