dayday 9,611 Posts
edited May 2008 in Strut Central


  • jaysusjaysus 787 Posts
    Heartbreaking shit.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    Myanmar was named the world's most corrupt nation, along with Somalia in 2007. Yeah I know the country just got wiped out, just spittin' a fact.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I think there was a thread the other day.

    Pretty horrible situation, and as I understand it the paranoid military gov't was not letting aid in.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    I feel like the government gunning down Buddhist monks in the street was somehow more newsworthy. Not to take anything away from the devastation of so many lives lost. It's terrible. I think it may be the worst place in the world to live, especially right now.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    sad events. but isnt the name to use Burma? Inst Myanmar the name the dictatorship imposed? Any aid that gets sent or raidsed though will probably be misappropiated by the military leaders (as alot of tsunami relief did).

    The worse thing is western govt and large business aint doing shit or demanding any change, so its gonna be near impossible for the Burmese to liberate themselves... Yo Stallone...time to hand over some of that Rambo money I thinks....

    Are there any aid orgainsations allowed at all? Thia groups or Chinese disater relief NGO? I read ppl. are being forced to buy buckets of fresh water at huge fees....

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I honestly wasn't even thinking about the government, You all make good points, but it's the people I'm talking about.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    yeah i feel you, and burma has been on my mind for ages. the problem is the govt has shit so locked down, how do you help the ppl? Thats where the big business and countrys come in, cause Thailand for example has alot of business deals with the gernerals, and lots of their money is in western banks, US/Euro business make alot of money there too...Im sure a few aussie companies trade there too.... then you have the huge black market dealins etc etc. This is a country where there is still enforced child labour... there on some medievel shit but without the support of the outside world with weapons, money, recognition the junta would not stand. The other problem is, like Iraq, if you attack the govt with sanctions you may end up hurting more people. I was checking the charity sites you listed before, stange some of them have no info on the disaster (they are collecting donations for Burma but no info from the ground)... so for all we know the death toll maybe heaps more, and i wouldnt be suprised if the junta take the opportunity to liqidate some more people and blame it on the cyclone.

    Thats the dilema, how do you help the people without helping the corrupt govt. and who shouuld or can do it?

  • DrBorisQDrBorisQ 298 Posts
    Thread bump!

    Obviously this shit is still going on, and the government isn't making life easy for people. This little iniative from google I thought was worth a mention.

  • davesrecordsdavesrecords 1,802 Posts
    i got a thing from moveon that was suggesting donating to this buddhist monk relief organization since they are on the ground in burma...i suggest giving some money even if not a lot
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