? about the Rane TTM57SL

highschemehighscheme 785 Posts
edited May 2008 in Strut Central
Can you use this mixer as a Serat_o interface in conjunction with another mixer? I kind of doubt it is possible, but since it already costs $100s more than a TTM56 + Serat_o interface, it sucks to have to buy the standalone Serat_o box to play out on another mixer.Also, is it true that using serat_o through the 57 sounds better than using it with another mixer?


  • DJ_ZestDJ_Zest 252 Posts
    Yeah you can use a SL-1 with the 57SL, but it is kind of confusing...
    From what I read on the Serat.o boards, they say that because there are fewer D/A (Digital Analog) conversions, the quality on the 57SL is a bit better than a SL-1 through another mixer. I have the 57SL, and LOVE it, the quality is truly
    Hope this helps!

  • I think you might have misunderstood my question. I don't want to use an SL-1 with the 57SL, but I want to use the 57SL as an SL-1 with another mixer.

    I am pretty sure this is impossible. If so do you just bring your own mixer every time you spin or you also have an SL-1?

  • Well, basically I want to buy either a TTM56+ Microwave, or a TTM57SL

    It just seems like unless you always bring your own mixer or always DJ with another Microwave user, you also need to buy an SL-1

    Given the fact that the TTM57SL already sells for a premium over the TTM56+Microwave, it would suck to have to have an SL-1 as well.

  • if you play out, u need ssl by itself, because there's gonna be times when you can't bring your mixer to a club.

    u could probably get ssl + a 56 for under a grand if you get 'em used and shop around.

  • thanks keith, thats pretty much what I figured.

    I was just tempted by the on mixer controls, onboard effects, and all-in-one nature of the 57SL.


  • Well I already wanted to upgrade my 05ProII to a Rane mixer so my choice is between the 57SL & the 56 + SL1

    Most of the gigs Ive done have been like 1 or 2 hour switch offs with other DJs, and usually the clubs mixer has been used. I wouldn't mind letting others use the 57, but often the mixer has been a 4 channel and even Rotary style???so it definitely wouldn't always work out.

    Guess I'll go with the 56 + SL1???saves me some cash at any rate

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Just for clarity...

    You CAN use a 57Sl as a standalone "s.erato box".

  • Ok, this is getting confusing now.

    So you mean you can use the 57 as just a Microwave box while using another mixer?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Ok, this is getting confusing now.

    So you mean you can use the 57 as just a Microwave box while using another mixer?


  • damn my dreams just came true

  • damn my dreams just came true

    i dont see it being very practical to bring a 57 to a club and using it just as an SSL box. you'd have to bank on there being a lot of extra space in the dj booth, and if there isn't, your f*cked.

    there is a 57 in the booth of the place where i dj and i don't really see what the big deal is, other than if you are real into effects, and even then, its not as easy to trigger them, like on a pioneer 909.

    def think its better to get the used 56 and an ssl box. cheaper too.

  • oh, i hear you dude. it's definitely over the top. on nights when i'm setting up and can bring my 57, i do. i'm not trying to pull some middle of the night "hey let me plug my headphone out into this line in...trust me dude i know what i'm doing..." otherwise i travel with the sl box.

    i just remembered that ssl wiki article and wanted to get my one soulstrut post in for '08.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    oh, i hear you dude. it's definitely over the top. on nights when i'm setting up and can bring my 57, i do. i'm not trying to pull some middle of the night "hey let me plug my headphone out into this line in...trust me dude i know what i'm doing..." otherwise i travel with the sl box.

    i just remembered that ssl wiki article and wanted to get my one soulstrut post in for '08.

    Jimi! What's good my dude?

    I thought about copping the 57, but it just seems pointless considering I almost never take my mixer out of the house and I wouldn't want to carry around yet another expensive piece of equipment with me when I can just bring the box.
    It seemed cool from the times I've used it, but I just don't see the need for it.
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