Worst movie endings



  • Yeah Limbo was really terrible. Left me feeling the same way, despite the association with the movie's title.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,917 Posts
    That French horror movie High Tension had a terrible ending. Unneeded twists rendering the entire movie moot related.

    It was the very very last scene that I didn't like in that movie. I thought it was unnecessary to show her at the hospital.
    I loved the twist, it didn't negate everything that came before imo, if anything, it made me appreciate it more to have to backtrack for all the little clues. I think those "who shot JR?"-type endings where it's all a dream are way more disappointing.


    Eh. All the emotional investment was in the main character. By turning her, in the last 10 minutes, into something completely different and unlikable (undefinable, general "craziness" is a pet peeve of mine), the filmmakers negated the reason for feeling tense in the first place, which is one of the main purposes of the film (if the title is to be believed).


    I loved the movie up to that point and then totally lost interest after the twist was revealed.

    BTW, how does one person drive two cars? My suspension of disbelief has been suspended.

    There were other things that didn't add up either. It's because the filmmakers wrote the movie as a straightforward suspense film, and then at the last minute, on the advice of a veteran horror director, added the twist. I think they should have stayed with their original vision.
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