Worst movie endings



  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    you guys will really hate the end of Blowup.

    SHIT. I almost blocked that one out of my mind completly.

    I HATE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!


    - spidey

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I nominate 28 Days Later. It was shaping up into a pretty nice Zombie show, then all of a sudden for the last 28 minutes it's this weird military-infighting-rapist/escape from unjust imprisonment movie, and then the whole thing just stops dead. Why couldn't they just have stuck with the zombies?

    You better not watch 28 weeks later then.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    ACCESS DENIED - will have to check later from non-work machine.

    Co-sign on Bamboozled.

    Add Mystic River for inexplicable character twist.

    Best worst ending is Miike's Dead or Alive.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Best worst ending is Miike's Dead or Alive.


    Best WTF ending ever!

  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    The Holy mountain. Where at the end, they reveal that the film is an illusion, pull back the camera, and show it's just a bunch of hippies filming a dumb movie.

    - spidey

    i guess the cast didn't know about this until it was filmed and were all really pissed....

    still its a great film

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Best worst ending is Miike's Dead or Alive.


    Best WTF ending ever!

    I didn't even want to see this and a friend said if I hated it after watching the whole thing, he would give me my money back. Until that ending, I was thinking I had just seen a movie for free.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Best worst ending is Miike's Dead or Alive.


    Best WTF ending ever!

    I didn't even want to see this and a friend said if I hated it after watching the whole thing, he would give me my money back. Until that ending, I was thinking I had just seen a movie for free.

    Miike's an acquired taste. There's nothing you can watch as a Miike primer (maybe only Audition), you just need to watch and prepare to be freakified.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Best worst ending is Miike's Dead or Alive.


    Best WTF ending ever!

    I didn't even want to see this and a friend said if I hated it after watching the whole thing, he would give me my money back. Until that ending, I was thinking I had just seen a movie for free.

    Miike's an acquired taste. There's nothing you can watch as a Miike primer (maybe only Audition), you just need to watch and prepare to be freakified.

    I don't know how I feel about him...he's so hyped and loved by people I usually agree with on movies that I wonder what I'm missing. I don't mind all the things one would usually mind about his movies, but I am just not blown away. Audition was a great plotline, but the movie was just OK to me.

    DOA's ending was so ridiculous and came otu of nowhere, that it was hard not to appreciate, but up to then, his attempt at humour was just not funny imo.


  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Best worst ending is Miike's Dead or Alive.


    Best WTF ending ever!

    I didn't even want to see this and a friend said if I hated it after watching the whole thing, he would give me my money back. Until that ending, I was thinking I had just seen a movie for free.

    Miike's an acquired taste. There's nothing you can watch as a Miike primer (maybe only Audition), you just need to watch and prepare to be freakified.

    I don't know how I feel about him...he's so hyped and loved by people I usually agree with on movies that I wonder what I'm missing. I don't mind all the things one would usually mind about his movies, but I am just not blown away. Audition was a great plotline, but the movie was just OK to me.

    DOA's ending was so ridiculous and came otu of nowhere, that it was hard not to appreciate, but up to then, his attempt at humour was just not funny imo.


    Points on point and definitely taken. File under: not for everybody.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    How is it that M. Night's name hasn't come into play yet? I mean, he's the king of the gotcha! ending and as good as some are, "The Sixth Sense", I imagine some of his other films (that crop circle one comes to mind) are straight cheese.

    cosign of all cosigns right here. i will never ever see another movie from this dude ever again. Dude is straight up lazy, on some "we ran out of cash so i have to end the movie in the next 10mins" type steez

    i never saw 6th sense, just cuz i found out the ending too early from others

    the one with Bruce Willis (unbreakable?) didn't start off too bad, but was mad disappointing when they just ended that shit super quick. i was expecting like another 45mins of film.

    signs was probably my least favorite big budget movie ever. total cop out of a movie ending. and fuck that noize about having some aliens travel all the way across the universe to kill us, and not realizing that our planet is made out of 2/3 of a substance that can kill them. DO YOUR Frickin' DUE-DILLAGENCE YOU DUMB ALIEN MUTHAFOCKERS!!!![/b]

    since that movie, i have refused to ever see another movie from this dude ever again.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    LIMBO!! that ending made me want to hurt something.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    The Holy mountain. Where at the end, they reveal that the film is an illusion, pull back the camera, and show it's just a bunch of hippies filming a dumb movie.

    - spidey

    Dude - that was one of the best endings I've ever seen. Competely supported the entire spirit of the movie, and it was the only way out. I am dead serious.

    The problem with a There Will Be Blood (and I missed the entire thread related to this on the Strut) is that, besides the "shave and a haircut / two bits" ending, there was Sound And Fury But Follow The Metaphor.

    No plot, no logical development, little exposition, terrible narrative, only informed Huston apery and nice photography. Boo. There's a reason why The Great Gatsby was The Great American Novel and There Will Be Blood is the pretty project of a smug, naked, asshole emperor who should know much, much better.

    < Magnolia.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I nominate 28 Days Later. It was shaping up into a pretty nice Zombie show, then all of a sudden for the last 28 minutes it's this weird military-infighting-rapist/escape from unjust imprisonment movie, and then the whole thing just stops dead. Why couldn't they just have stuck with the zombies?

    I actually wholeheartedly agree here.

    I thought "28 Weeks Later" wasn't quite as bad in the "where did this ending come from?" but without spoiling shit for people can I just ask?

    You're trying to protect a city from being re-infected by a virus that has killed millions. An infected person has shown up, threatening everybody in the city.



  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    A Fuckin I [/b]

    First one I thought of. Unbelievably cheesy and depressing at the same time.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    "AI" would get my vote too but again - it's a pretty bad movie prior to that so it's hard to say the ending could get that much worse (but it does).

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I nominate 28 Days Later. It was shaping up into a pretty nice Zombie show, then all of a sudden for the last 28 minutes it's this weird military-infighting-rapist/escape from unjust imprisonment movie, and then the whole thing just stops dead. Why couldn't they just have stuck with the zombies?

    I actually wholeheartedly agree here.

    I thought "28 Weeks Later" wasn't quite as bad in the "where did this ending come from?" but without spoiling shit for people can I just ask?

    You're trying to protect a city from being re-infected by a virus that has killed millions. An infected person has shown up, threatening everybody in the city.



    Why did the maintenance man have top level military clearance to a quarantined area? To unclog the plumbing, right?

    Also exactly how was Zombie daddy able to avoid the napalm holocaust only to have gained the uncanny ability to not only find his kids no matter where they go, but also to be one step ahead of them, ie., waiting in the subway station.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    i never saw 6th sense, just cuz i found out the ending too early from others

    Trick ending aside, this is still a pretty solid movie for what it is. I don't even like Bruce Willis but overall, I thought this was well-done. Alas, everything M. Night has done since has been on a steady decline towards

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    I thought The Village was OK. The "monsters" were pretty interesting, and honestly that shit probably could still happen in this world, especially in light of the polygymist revelations of the past few weeks -- plenty of corners for extremely ignorant and sheltered folks to hide. Also, the set-up as to why those people went into hiding in the first place was relatively believable. The movie was a tad too earnest overall but I can't force myself to hate the movie in light of M. Night's ouvere.

    (I also liked Sixth Sense the first time around.)

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    AI's ending was pretty awful but the film lost me from the moment that Jude Law turned up (and then truly died when Robin William's voice entered the movie).

    Spielberg seems to have entirely lost the ability to end a movie these days. Just look at Minority Report - an enjoyable sci fi action flick that falls apart in the last 20 mins or War of the Worlds, a less enjoyable sci fi action flick that also falls apart. The man really needs to make a movie without any father/son references.

    I didn't love the ending to NCFOM (it definitely works better in the book) but it didn't leave me feeling truly floored like a truly bad ending does (i.e. The Magnificent Ambersons where the work of the whole film is undone in minutes)

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    Mo Betta Blues ended pretty badly.

    I thought dude would be able to play again...

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    AI's ending was pretty awful but the film lost me from the moment that Jude Law turned up (and then truly died when Robin William's voice entered the movie).

    Spielberg seems to have entirely lost the ability to end a movie these days. Just look at Minority Report - an enjoyable sci fi action flick that falls apart in the last 20 mins or War of the Worlds, a less enjoyable sci fi action flick that also falls apart. The man really needs to make a movie without any father/son references.

    I didn't love the ending to NCFOM (it definitely works better in the book) but it didn't leave me feeling truly floored like a truly bad ending does (i.e. The Magnificent Ambersons where the work of the whole film is undone in minutes)

    War of the Worlds -- nice call. I liked that movie pretty much until the end. The entire country, including some pretty isolated areas in the boonies, was all F-ed up, except Tom Cruise's ex-wife's parent's house in some toney Boston neighborhood. I don't think so.

    Catch Me If You Can, had an OK ending, if I can recall, so did Munich. I like my Spielberg movies largly sans-special effects.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Mo Betta Blues ended pretty badly.

    It started and continued pretty badly too.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    That French horror movie High Tension had a terrible ending. Unneeded twists rendering the entire movie moot related.

    On the M. Night Shyamalan tip, Lady in the Water was by far the worst. The twist was set up so obviously that I didn't believe he would actually do it. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    That French horror movie High Tension had a terrible ending. Unneeded twists rendering the entire movie moot related.

    It was the very very last scene that I didn't like in that movie. I thought it was unnecessary to show her at the hospital.
    I loved the twist, it didn't negate everything that came before imo, if anything, it made me appreciate it more to have to backtrack for all the little clues. I think those "who shot JR?"-type endings where it's all a dream are way more disappointing.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    AI's ending was pretty awful but the film lost me from the moment that Jude Law turned up (and then truly died when Robin William's voice entered the movie).

    Spielberg seems to have entirely lost the ability to end a movie these days. Just look at Minority Report - an enjoyable sci fi action flick that falls apart in the last 20 mins or War of the Worlds, a less enjoyable sci fi action flick that also falls apart. The man really needs to make a movie without any father/son references.

    I didn't love the ending to NCFOM (it definitely works better in the book) but it didn't leave me feeling truly floored like a truly bad ending does (i.e. The Magnificent Ambersons where the work of the whole film is undone in minutes)

    War of the Worlds -- nice call. I liked that movie pretty much until the end. The entire country, including some pretty isolated areas in the boonies, was all F-ed up, except Tom Cruise's ex-wife's parent's house in some toney Boston neighborhood. I don't think so.

    Catch Me If You Can, had an OK ending, if I can recall, so did Munich. I like my Spielberg movies largly sans-special effects.

    Yeah Catch Me If You Can and Munich are probably the only two of his films that haven't left me feeling cheated in recent years.

    I know one recent one that didn't sit happily was the ending of The Orphanage.

    Spoiler alert

    I liked the twist and the scene where she discovered her child was dead was suitably horrifying but why couldn't they leave it with her swallowing the pills to die rather than insisting on having the happy ghosts playing scene afterwards.
    Felt like I was being spoon fed the message.

    Similar though even more heavy handed was the ending of Children of Men, it would have been so much better if they had left the film with them floating in the boat rather than the insistence on the more happy ending.

    Oh yeah, while I'm at it, Identity, while not exactly blowing me away had a truly wtf twist. I don't mind the rug being pulled away but at least have it make some Frickin' sense.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,914 Posts
    That French horror movie High Tension had a terrible ending. Unneeded twists rendering the entire movie moot related.

    It was the very very last scene that I didn't like in that movie. I thought it was unnecessary to show her at the hospital.
    I loved the twist, it didn't negate everything that came before imo, if anything, it made me appreciate it more to have to backtrack for all the little clues. I think those "who shot JR?"-type endings where it's all a dream are way more disappointing.


    Eh. All the emotional investment was in the main character. By turning her, in the last 10 minutes, into something completely different and unlikable (undefinable, general "craziness" is a pet peeve of mine), the filmmakers negated the reason for feeling tense in the first place, which is one of the main purposes of the film (if the title is to be believed).

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I wrote this whole long thing in two parts and what I posted made no sense. I deleted it. Let's just agree to disagree.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    That French horror movie High Tension had a terrible ending. Unneeded twists rendering the entire movie moot related.

    It was the very very last scene that I didn't like in that movie. I thought it was unnecessary to show her at the hospital.
    I loved the twist, it didn't negate everything that came before imo, if anything, it made me appreciate it more to have to backtrack for all the little clues. I think those "who shot JR?"-type endings where it's all a dream are way more disappointing.


    Eh. All the emotional investment was in the main character. By turning her, in the last 10 minutes, into something completely different and unlikable (undefinable, general "craziness" is a pet peeve of mine), the filmmakers negated the reason for feeling tense in the first place, which is one of the main purposes of the film (if the title is to be believed).


    I loved the movie up to that point and then totally lost interest after the twist was revealed.

    BTW, how does one person drive two cars? My suspension of disbelief has been suspended.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Mo Betta Blues ended pretty badly.

    I thought dude would be able to play again...

    I tottaly disagree. Yall mofos wanted a happy fuckin ending?

    Dude said fuck it ill be a family man.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Add the silly Wolverine "I Love U" trash to that.
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