

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Wouldn't the biggest difference between average soul stut collection '02 and average soul strut collection '08 just be a buncha jheri curls anyhow?

    Er, I dunno... I'm sure there's a lot of dudes like me who just started collecting in '02. I'm not ashamed of it... can't go back in time, but I certainly don't wanna know what it looked like back then

    I don't want to know what my collection looked like a year ago. I doubt I still have more than five records from back then.

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    You can call me McCoy...the real McCoy. Here's my cabin...

  • upskibooupskiboo 2,396 Posts
    I wanna see that pic of Marcosa's with 14 copies of the Tough Guys OST.

    pic is from last year but im pretty sure i didnt cop or at least copped most of these before 02... still though, its a cool ost, just mad unraer round these parts, if i see nm copies under a buck i might still cop!?

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    You can call me McCoy...the real McCoy. Here's my cabin...

    I always notice, for some reason, when people are left-handed.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    so who won this pic battle?

  • RerogRerog 569 Posts
    You can call me McCoy...the real McCoy. Here's my cabin...

    I always notice, for some reason, when people are left-handed.

    You smoke around that board?

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    you sound californian,lol...yes i do smoke in MY studio, but i surely avoid the sensitive area. The ashtray does not belong there, it's usually behind my back.
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