old school record auctions

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited April 2008 in Strut Central
you know the auctions where you phone/mail in your bid...anybody have any luck with these in the last 10 years? Seeing some lists with some decent things and Im thinkin only dudes over 60 still fuck with these, so there might be some nice bargins to be had...


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    So you do read Goldmine.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    this is how Sandbox used to do it and as a result how I was first exposed to the one Jonny's music by just chatting with dude when I called to order records.

    I actually called to order records while an auction was going on once, and one 12" I ordered, a repress of DeLa's "Jennifa (taught me)" ended up being out of stock so dude hit me off with the og from the auction for the same price.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    So you do read Goldmine.

    Ha! Although I do peruse some old copies we have in the garage here at the shop..I actually started getting lists emailed to me some time ago somehow...and decided maybe I should start trying them out..

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    If you're talking about online its not like they're ignored by under-40 collectors or anything. You'd probably be more likely to get a deal than on ebay but unless its a barely-distributed list I wouldn't expect anything crazy.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Is it just me, or do the guys who advertise in Goldmine know their shit more thoroughly than the ones who shill on eBay?

    A Goldmine dealer knows better than to advertise a Marvin Gaye record from 1964 as "RARE FUNK." Like a eBay seller would...

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Is it just me, or do the guys who advertise in Goldmine know their shit more thoroughly than the ones who shill on eBay?

    A Goldmine dealer knows better than to advertise a Marvin Gaye record from 1964 as "RARE FUNK." Like a eBay seller would...

    but surely you realise the ebay 'funk' tag is just used to capture all those who search 'funk' as the keyword. Sellers know it's not funk per se. The chancers.

    I stopped getting Leon Levitt lists through the mail years ago. What happened to him?
    Moerers list I find a real grind to go through; I lose the will to live about 3 pages in. And his recent list had so many UK issues and re-issues....

    As for old school auctions, there are still a few among hardcore northern and modern soul dealers here; it would be nice if they sent a follow up showing the winning bid amount. I don't see what the big secret is. Tell the people so they can put a more realistic bid in next time. Your commercial secrecy bs is lame.
    Transparency is king!
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