Cubicle Shelving [for records]

just want to get some input from the board on different sites/stores on record shelving. this weekend i need to go to Lowes and buy some more shelv- errr cinderblocks & wood for a new wall. i'd much rather just purchase a nice cubby-hole wall unit like i've always wanted [preferably in espresso] and maybe keep a smaller municipal cinder block shelf to the side. the question is, are there any other places BESIDES Ikea? if i lived near one this wouldn't be a problem, but they can go roger themselves because shipping costs more than the damn shelving unit! i've heard Target has some "nice" cheap furniture but i haven't seen anything. what other [furniture] stores, on and offline, would you suggest? any sites out there with cheap shipping on something like this?any help would be much appreciated!
Aren't you in DC? There is an Ikea just past College Park on Rt 1.
nope, i'm there at least once or twice a month via continental now-a-days
i know that, there's also the one at potomac mills and white marsh too.
but no, currently i'm not living back "home" home in DC.
if i was there, i would be swangin & bangin my way down to galveston to break down the sea wall with my bass. i haven't been to Houston in years. i'm actually trying to go back this summer and do some galleria pimpin.
7hrs away from an ikea
i had *just* swallowed by beverage, luckily, or it would have been clean-up time.
right on, I live in New Mexico too.
now, who has ordered this type of shelving unit online?
Or, you could go to a wood worker and show him what you want and ask if he can make it for $300 or less.
The nice thing about the expedit is that it's got a smooth finish to it. Easy on your records. But, the thing I don't always like is that there is no back to it and it's deeper than the vinyl is. I like seeing them all flush on the front edge. You could get the guy to make one that is better and it might be cheaper.
Who knows.
If you need something to do and you want to stock up on some IKEA shiz, see if it's cheaper to rent a truck and go to the IKEA closest to you. $250 for shipping sucks. If you can get a truck with unlimited mileage at a flat daily rate you might be good to go. Hit some record stores along the way. It will suck if it's a really long trip, but it will be an adventure.
You might even find an expedit in the As-Is section and get it cheaper. There are always as-is expedits at the Emeryville location.
checking u-haul right now since a little trip does sound good.
look on orbitz or something.
The Wald-ettes are kinda dope...
I ain't mad.
Controller, yeah the u-haul evened out to be the same price as shipping hahahaha!
i'm checking enterprise right now for a truck since i get a discount through the company i work for. - ohhh wow, yeah this joint it cheap! any chi-town strutters gwan go shopping with me?
Ya know, you really don't need a truck to move an Expedit. You don't buy them assembled or anything. I've moved mine (4X4) disassembled in a rather small car several times. The 5X5 might be a tough fit in a sedan, but a wagon or hatchback would be no problem. Save that gas money for records.
that was actually a question i had in the back of my mind, like how big the box is going to be. when i got my new bed delivered [not from Ikea] it was pretty long & akward and i couldn't see it fitting into my jetta.
renting the truck is cheap enough ($45), and i would like to load up on ikea goods too, but maybe i can find a smaller SUV of some sort. i was really looking forward to driving around yelling "S my Deeeeeeeeeee i drive a truuuuuuuuuck!" and giving people the surfs-up hand.
thanks for the info again Snag'pus!
4x4 Expedit box dimensions: 16"W x 12 3/8"H x 59 1/2"L (Weight:137lb)
5x5 Expedit box dimensions: 16 1/8"W x 12 7/8"H x 73 5/8"L (Weight:207lb)
I moved a bunch of them in a Subaru Outback at my last job. In the boxes they fit but the hatch won't close all the way so you have to get on that twine. In a sedan you might be able to do it if you've got the fold-down back seat.
I don't know man, a truck makes it way easier. I had a hell of a time fitting two 2x4s in my Altima. Plus, it's pretty hard to go to Ikea and not get a few extra items.
True ... if he's gonna grab some other goods, it'd be worth using a truck. I'm just thinking if it's really a 7 hour trip, the difference in gas $$ would be significant (10 m/g vs. 25 or so).
I drive a luxurious Hyundai Accent and bought a 4X4 no problem. I just put down the passenger seat.
If you can't make regular trips there and you've got money to spend on some items I'd just get a truck and stock up while you can. Shelves can make life easier, not just for records. IKEA has lots of cheap shelves too.