SS set sale sellers (fuc!< ebayR)



  • i understand sellers not liking ebay because the money isnt right. i dont like ebay because of the prices people pay for wax.. who saw that sylvers II go for $150?? i am willing to pay fair market value for the records im after, ebay just is getting to be a giant rip-off for those who cant shop ebay all weeklong just snipe an auction or two sunday afternoon.. unless its a bigger ticket item like mpcs, cars, bikes..ebay isnt a deal.. for records its a sellers dream (sometimes). but my post wasnt to complain about ebay, it was just to nicely (ihope) request some sellers to consider selling on here.

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    i understand sellers not liking ebay because the money isnt right. i dont like ebay because of the prices people pay for wax.. who saw that sylvers II go for $150?? i am willing to pay fair market value for the records im after, ebay just is getting to be a giant rip-off for those who cant shop ebay all weeklong just snipe an auction or two sunday afternoon.. unless its a bigger ticket item like mpcs, cars, bikes..ebay isnt a deal.. for records its a sellers dream (sometimes). but my post wasnt to complain about ebay, it was just to nicely (ihope) request some sellers to consider selling on here.

    yeah, I understand. You see TheNon has all three JuJUoneness for sale?
    If you ask, the rares will appear.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    You guys really sound like you can't find good records in the real world if this is that big an issue for you.

    I really don't see what complaint buyers have about the whole eBay system. There are tons of deals to be had. You have the power of leaving negative feedback and chargebacks. You get to marinate on your bid decision for a week before deciding. You can usually hear the record before you buy it. How much more convenient does it get?

  • i understand sellers not liking SETSALES because the money isnt right. i dont like ebay because of the prices people pay for wax.. who saw that sylvers II go for $150?? i am willing to pay fair market value for the records im after, ebay just is getting to be a giant rip-off for those who cant shop ebay all weeklong just snipe an auction or two sunday afternoon.. unless its a bigger ticket item like mpcs, cars, bikes..ebay isnt a deal.. for records its a sellers dream (sometimes). but my post wasnt to complain about ebay, it was just to nicely (ihope) request some sellers to consider selling on here.

    whoops it was supposed to read 'setsales' not ebay..

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    There is more to this than "price the good records here and sell the bullshit on eBay". It doesn't really work like that. At the end of the day, the money is on eBay not here. Selling on forums is also far from the beautiful hassle free expression of brotherly love that some people make it out to be. I'm not saying that set sales aren't a great way to sell records, or that eBay is always so much better, but these threads are always super bias. Dudes who want Skull Snaps without the bidding war talking up the evils of eBay... until they find some gross $300 modern soul record then it's off to eBay with their 17 feedback points.

    i very regularly get better prices at set sale than I i have done on ebay. The opposite is also true of course, depending on teh record, but if you know its a $50 record, why not try it at $50 first, instead of watching 13 watchers not bid after a week. If I find a $300 modern soul record, my instinct is to flip it for $300 immediately to someone on soul-source or fryers, and ebay it if it doesn't sell, because if it doesn't sell immediately to the people who are said to want that sort of thing then they quite possibly don't, and it thus quite probably isn't worth $300 and you might as well let the vicissitudes of ebay-bidders paypal funds sort it out i.e. see it go for $137.56. I don't want Skull Snaps, bidding war or not, but if I did, it would be far easier for me to see one at set sale and then pay out the money being asked.

    What's your point?

    I was just trying to explain why eBay dealers aren't generally going to offer the cream of their crop on a message board. If you are trying to sell one or two or ten in demand records at a time set sales are great. If you have 50 or 100 or 500 to sell and you want respectable prices for mediocre shit like Dennis Coffey fried chicken panties and one-tracker high school band bonerz then you need to run it on a list with shit like Roy Ayers He's Coming, etc.

    I have to have a special point? I don't really, beyond what I said: I was just trying to explain why ebay doesn't always work best, especially for people who aren't ebay dealers, the same type of people I assume you're referring for most of your post e.g. these dudes with the skull snaps and modern record who you are suggesting are the guilty parties when it comes to whinging about ebay. It's not always people who 'don't want a bidding war' from the buying end: sometimes from the selling end its easier to go straight ahead with a set sale rather than risk the hoped for war turning out to be a minor skirmish.

    I'm not trying to push eBay on anyone here. I understand that it doesn't work for everyone. My point was simply that it's silly to say "Hey eBay dealers, I'm sick of all this bidding against other people stuff and having to pay top dollar for your records. Why don't, you know, just like offer them to me here so I don't have to do that?"... which is basically what this dude is asking.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    i understand sellers not liking SETSALES because the money isnt right. i dont like ebay because of the prices people pay for wax.. who saw that sylvers II go for $150?? i am willing to pay fair market value for the records im after, ebay just is getting to be a giant rip-off for those who cant shop ebay all weeklong just snipe an auction or two sunday afternoon.. unless its a bigger ticket item like mpcs, cars, bikes..ebay isnt a deal.. for records its a sellers dream (sometimes). but my post wasnt to complain about ebay, it was just to nicely (ihope) request some sellers to consider selling on here.

    whoops it was supposed to read 'setsales' not ebay..

    LOL all 5 times?

  • errm uh yeah..

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Why not just bid your "fair market value" amount on eBay? Sometimes you'll win (unless your "fair market value" price is unrealistically low).

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Hey, if bidding on ebay or the Set Sales aren't your thing. check out a few of the record sites that sale.

    theres many on the web!

  • "Hey eBay dealers, I'm sick of all this bidding against other people stuff and having to pay top dollar for your records. Why don't, you know, just like offer them to me here so I don't have to do that?"... which is basically what this dude is asking.
    umm if im 'that dude' thats not what i was asking (at all) as i said i pay fair market value for records. its more for ME about keeping things off the ebay (paypal/creditcard) account i share w/ the wife. its about ebay sniping getting really old. its about paypal getting a percantage of the sellers dough (arent i the considerate one). Its about supporting the dudes on here rather that some guy who lucked up on a headless heros at a flea market and is going to flip (i just found $500 in the street related. no hate)..
    ive had some really good experiences buying off soulstrut but then some big posters have let me down a little e-beef...

    i never said hook me up because im the super raer grippeuer. i was just ASKING sellers to consider the non-ebay buyer. i like to see the record buy it and pay (and sometimes admittedly overpay) good money for it. not wait for a week and see if i can get a deal on a copy of blahblah underpriced ebay score...

    doesnt ebay paypal kinda sting the seller witht the fees and such incurred in the auction listing and payment process??

    This post has nothing to do w/ paying the 'right' prices for records and was more to let the ebay sellers/dealers know that I (and surely others) appreciate the sales that dont go on ebay and go down on the strut. no homo.


  • Why not just bid your "fair market value" amount on eBay? Sometimes you'll win (unless your "fair market value" price is unrealistically low).
    its creditcard w/ the wife related..

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Look, we have this thread fairly often. It always breaks down
    to the same points for and against set sales. I always ride for
    set sales, but then last week that dude Button had a set sale with
    a ton of 45's at great prices, I fully wanted to drop $125 with him
    but was on financial lockdown for the week. Nobody else seemed to
    step up, so now that dude would probably say "set sales are a waste
    of time for a seller" ... but the same exact list 2 weeks later, I
    would have bought 10-12 of his 45's. Point being, alot of it comes
    down to timing. You are dealing with a much smaller customer base
    than eBay, like tens of thousands of people smaller, so you need
    the timing to be more right, the right person seeing it with the
    willingness to spend the money. Think of all the things you pass
    up on eBay, just because you aren't looking to drop the money at the

    I think the best set sales are in the Ari/JP style, a bunch of
    under-the-radar stuff that they talk up a little and have sound files of,
    unknown LP's you can take a chance on because they know their shit.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts

    doesnt ebay paypal kinda sting the seller witht the fees and such incurred in the auction listing and payment process??

    First of all I would bet 99.9% of set sale purchases on this site are made with Paypal so you can stop talking about Paypal fees, that's a moot point. Secondly do you think dudes on here that sell on ebay have never noticed that ebay takes a cut? Apparently a lot of people think it's worth the price, and I highly doubt you're going to change any minds. It's probably time to just

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    Look, we have this thread fairly often. It always breaks down
    to the same points for and against set sales. I always ride for
    set sales, but then last week that dude Button had a set sale with
    a ton of 45's at great prices, I fully wanted to drop $125 with him
    but was on financial lockdown for the week. Nobody else seemed to
    step up, so now that dude would probably say "set sales are a waste
    of time for a seller" ... but the same exact list 2 weeks later, I
    would have bought 10-12 of his 45's. Point being, alot of it comes
    down to timing. You are dealing with a much smaller customer base
    than eBay, like tens of thousands of people smaller, so you need
    the timing to be more right, the right person seeing it with the
    willingness to spend the money. Think of all the things you pass
    up on eBay, just because you aren't looking to drop the money at the

    I think the best set sales are in the Ari/JP style, a bunch of
    under-the-radar stuff that they talk up a little and have sound files of,
    unknown LP's you can take a chance on because they know their shit.

    Yeah, I agree. It's about timing. I've seen Aleit/JP put up sales and only move 15 to 20 records out of maybe 50 things.While the heavy priced stuff sits. Then there was someone on here who was selling "Wayne McGhie" . It was listed for 500 and I believe it sold.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    last week that dude Button had a set sale with
    a ton of 45's at great prices, I fully wanted to drop $125 with him
    but was on financial lockdown for the week. Nobody else seemed to
    step up, so now that dude would probably say "set sales are a waste
    of time for a seller" ... but the same exact list 2 weeks later, I
    would have bought 10-12 of his 45's.

    send Button a PM and stop this crying in pubic, please

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    last week that dude Button had a set sale with
    a ton of 45's at great prices, I fully wanted to drop $125 with him
    but was on financial lockdown for the week. Nobody else seemed to
    step up, so now that dude would probably say "set sales are a waste
    of time for a seller" ... but the same exact list 2 weeks later, I
    would have bought 10-12 of his 45's.

    send Button a PM and stop this crying in pubic, please


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    "Hey eBay dealers, I'm sick of all this bidding against other people stuff and having to pay top dollar for your records. Why don't, you know, just like offer them to me here so I don't have to do that?"... which is basically what this dude is asking.

    umm if im 'that dude' thats not what i was asking (at all)

    Well, I apologize then.

    The thing is while YOU might be willing to pay top dollar outside of eBay, the vast majority of soul strut just isn't. They want bargains and they want them on a (relatively) very specific few titles.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    last week that dude Button had a set sale with
    a ton of 45's at great prices, I fully wanted to drop $125 with him
    but was on financial lockdown for the week. Nobody else seemed to
    step up, so now that dude would probably say "set sales are a waste
    of time for a seller" ... but the same exact list 2 weeks later, I
    would have bought 10-12 of his 45's.

    send Button a PM and stop this crying in pubic, please


    I like how you express that the potential transaction would have been valued at $125.
    Reminds of a time in Argentina when people would fill supermarket trolleys and then abandon them at the cashiers lines...virtual shopping

  • "Hey eBay dealers, I'm sick of all this bidding against other people stuff and having to pay top dollar for your records. Why don't, you know, just like offer them to me here so I don't have to do that?"... which is basically what this dude is asking.

    umm if im 'that dude' thats not what i was asking (at all)

    Well, I apologize then.

    The thing is while YOU might be willing to pay top dollar outside of eBay, the vast majority of soul strut just isn't. They want bargains and they want them on a (relatively) very specific few titles.

    apology accepted. peace.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    virtual window shopping

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    $125 was last week's price. This week it's $150 and next week it will be $197.34.

    But anyways, I usually just price at or a bit under typical ebay rates. I've found that with set sales here, unless you're unloading something enshrined in the SS top 20, the only way you'll sell a bulk of product is if you price it all at sub-ebay levels. Which can be fine if you factor in all the ebay fees, or if you just need to clear stuff out fast. But its sort of annoying when you consider ebay prices to be theoretically lower than what set sale prices should be. Like if a record goes for $25 on ebay, the winner's max bid was probably $30 or whatever, but you end up having to sell it here for $16.

    Every sale I've got a few records I'm not dying to part with so I go fishing and set prices a little HIGHER then the ebay price. Guess how many of those ever move...

    But, in fairness, I can't do sound clips which is a pretty major thing.

    The best though is when you had a set-sale record a YEAR AND A HALF ago for like $20 that just ebayed for $60 and out of nowhere dudes start tripping over themselves PMing you about it. That's the best

    All that being said, at the end of the day set sales are still fun to do. Even if you get a couple less dollars per record, it generally means that if you're quick you'll nab a few deals too.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    if you're looking for set-sale madness, check my website this weekend. shit's about to go down.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Dennis Coffey fried chicken panties
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