Well it was bound to happen someday.Sold a $$ disco 12" to an Italian back in January and just got a message from him asking why he hasn't gotten his record yet. The weird thing is dude left me positive feedback in early March so I assumed everything went smoothly. I also didn't bother with registered mail or anything because he has 250 positive feedbacks and 0 negatives. Any advice from sellers who've dealt with this before? Is it possible that its still en route? Why would he leave me feedback if he never got the record? and is there anyway now to avoid losing a hundred bucks?
No shit. My most fucked up case was a dude who lef positive feedback saying he loves the record, but he did a chargeback claiming he never recevied it...since I didnt send it registered, he got his moneyback...Paypal didnt care if he left a positive about the record, the ONLY proof they will accept is a registered number...I joked with the paypal bitch, "what if I had a notorized photo of myself handing the record voer tot he customer while shaking hands, would that count has his receiving the record?" she said "no sir, it would not"
shit sent outside of North America goes registered now...no exceptions. I like how many euro customers now tell me "It isnt necessary, I would like to save on shipping, you dont have to send it registered"
Yes I do.
"over to the customer"
trying this typing without looking at the keyboard thing..not working out too well..
do they still get the money out of paypal accounts you sent moeny to? I heard of a situation like that...dude emptied his paypal and changed bank accounts, so paypal went to everyone the person had sent money to and took it to pay the chargeback...that couldnt be legal...
If true, that is crazy fucked up. Wow.
When I had a chargeback from an Italian buyer recently paypal refunded the guy's money and my paypal account had a negative balance. I was still able to sell on ebay and collect money but couldn't send money to anyone until the balance was paid back in full. They said they would close my account if it wasn't paid within a certain amount of time also.
I'd rather have a hypothetical negative balance and my account closed than be out a decent amount of real money though.
Would this really work? Wouldn't the corresponding date-sent give it away?
I thought I read an article awhile back regarding a new service that was supposed to be the Paypal killer we've all been hoping for. I wish I could remember where that was...
Also, so has Italy now officially replaced France as the new record Bermuda Triangle?
What's the dude's ebay ID, I got the same thing going on here except I sent it registered (out of my own pocket to avoid this type of thing). His last reply was "I spent a fortune, where is my record?". I just keep sending him the registered number and tell him I can provide scans if he needs them. He filed some sort of ebay thingy but I entered in the registered number and it went away. Best $10 I ever spent.
On a side note, this other guy from Italy was stressing me about not getting his record after three weeks and I had not sent it registered. I told him that I went to the post office with my receipt and they assured me it was sent out and had reached Europe but they could not track it any further (all of which I made up). What the heck does a guy from Italy know about what goes on in a U.S. post office? Anyways, it got him off my back until the record arrived eight weeks after it was mailed.
I'm with you. I had already moved all of the money into my bank account. I ended up eating the refund, then two months later the record showed up on my front porch returned by USPS.
That doesn't work usually. If the buyer starts a dispute and you didn't send the package by registered mail or UPS/FEDEX that is trackable, the buyer will get their money refunded by Paypal.
I am fully prepared to assume a new identity and "go underground" over my next $38.95 charge-back.
my new policy is if it's $50 or more, at my discretion, they use registration...
over $100, at my discretion, they use EMS...if they don't like it...don't buy my records...but, it guarantees that we both are safe...
I sent that Matthew Larkin Cassell...via EMS...believe that...haha
maybe you can tell us his username? Has it been done recently that the soulstrut heads share their "block bidder" ids...I hate snakes in the grass...
I dgaf if its only about 5 dollars, when this happens again once more- if by that time I still can't quit paypal...I'm quitting pizza.
Confucious say, 'real knowledge is knowing the extent of ones ignorance' ClintEastwood say, 'a man gotta know his limitations'- I know little me can't do shit about shit but thx to italy ps theres emptiness in my soul cravin feverishly 4
Has any of these shady buyers been nabbed by ic3? Think some are well aware of the loophole. I mean, when you use registering/insurance I'd imagine they probably want to leave a negative because you weren't 'cool' lol
I'm about to bann Italy and Russia on my next big batch of auctions. Fuck their postal systems.