Who among you poptarts...

faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
...rocks a Kindle?I know we got a couple of you in this swagger-deficient community.Perhaps one of you digital picture frames apologists.


  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    don't know nothin bout no kindle. I rocks it like this...

    I can't see shit son!

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    Is anyone using these?

  • Angular 90s-looking plastic garbage.

    Please tell me don't have one, Lord of Swagger!

  • ...rocks a Kindle?

    I know we got a couple of you in this swagger-deficient community.

    Perhaps one of you digital picture frames apologists.

    ^ Should've typed "Kindle" in the subject line of the poast.

    Now poptarts for miles around are going to click-in for no other reason than to receive their weekly drubbing.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    it's funny I was gonna create a poast about this last week.

    are the skreets really calling for yet another handheld device? I mean, really?

    at a time when phones/ipods/blackberrys are becoming MORE integrated, they come out with this proprietary BS that only does one thing? who greenlit this?

    this will go the way of the Newton.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Oliver, is it not true that you were loaned a Kindle for review purposes and have been heard to surreptitously express a hope that Amazon forgets to ask you to give it back?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    proprietary BS that only does one thing?n.

    You're overlooking the fact that it is also large enough to require a fannypack or oh-so-chic baby-sized backpack to carry around.

    Now tell me you don't want one.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    And here we have a photo of self-styled "technology maverick" GenePontecorvo modeling his personal Kindle:

  • are the skreets really calling for yet another handheld device? I mean, really?

    Well yesterday the Amazonian homepage had some real serious apologetic explanation about how the demand for Kindles is so off the hook that they can't keep up with the supply immediately. Of course that could just be some BS.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Bag phone in '08 > Kindle in '08

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    are the skreets really calling for yet another handheld device? I mean, really?

    Well yesterday the Amazonian homepage had some real serious apologetic explanation about how the demand for Kindles is so off the hook that they can't keep up with the supply immediately. Of course that could just be some BS.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    And here we have a photo of self-styled "technology maverick" GenePontecorvo modeling his personal Kindle:

    it appears that there is some serious anger-release pencil stab action going on with that cardboard box on the desk there... nerd rage

    another innocent bystander-box ruined while watching thursday night nba mavs broadcasts?

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I have something better that's about that size it's called a fuckin LAPTOP

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    damn fools were writing detailed reviews of the thing while waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    damn fools were writing detailed reviews of the thing while waiting for it to arrive in the mail.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Yuck. Not only is that thing ugly, but it's just not practical unless you rock a briefcase and even then, why not just buy the paper? I can understand the appeal to some degree, but I'd be hesitant to invest in something like that. I bought my wife an electronic book a few years ago and they went out of business within a year.

    This works fine for me. Double tap where you want to read and the text fills the screen. Who wants to carry that bulky thing around when this fits in your pocket?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Bag phone in '08 > Kindle in '08

    Dear Customers,

    We had high hopes for the new Amazon Brand portable phone before its launch, but we didn't expect the demand that actually materialized. We sold out in the first 5 1/2 hours and have been scrambling to increase our manufacturing capacity ever since. We've been shipping on a first-come, first-served basis, but many customers have had to wait as long as six weeks after ordering as these fuckers are huge and heavy shit takes longer.

    We hope to announce to you within the next few weeks that we're back in stock and that when you order an Amazon Brand portable phone, we'll ship it to you that very same day. That's our goal: order today, and we ship today. Until then, customers can order now, and they'll be the first in line.

    For those of you who've waited six weeks to get your Amazon Brand portable phone, you have our sincerest thanks for your patience. We have written many glowing reviews of our product for you to read, and we're grateful for those, too.

    I found this wonderful picture of customers enjoying our Amazon Brand portable phone on the web. Fucking sweet, no?

    Happy telephonery,

    Some Dude

  • And then the young boy stumbled through the attic, falling face first to the floor. Rubbing his head, his eyes caught the label of the box where his hand had, during the fall, pushed the dust away. "Memories."

    Plunging his hands through the aged, brittle tape, the young boy withdrew a picture of a man. He wore a pink shirt and a forced smile. Grandpa Rillz? the boy thought.

    Next, from the dark belly of the box, the boy extracted a small armful of records -- a meager collection. Turning the giant flaps of cardboard over in his hands, the titles baffled the young boy: Ma$e and Sergio Mendes and names of other long-gone musicians. He peeled the cellophane off of the Ma$e and dipped his nose into the sleeve he had pushed open from the edges. He could hear the streets of Harlem drifting into the attic from inside the musty cardboard, he could feel the bounce of his grandpa's crisp shoes going down the block. The mystic music conjured up a past seemingly forgotten by his grandpa.

    "Why haven't I heard these stories before?" the young boy muttered to himself.

    Setting the records aside in a careful stack, the boy dug into the box for a final memory. In his hands sat a strange plastic device colored yellow along the edges and especially so on its small wheel. The buttons on the bottom had been worn down, the lettering gone.

    "You've found my Kindle," said a voice from behind the young boy, which startled the him.

    "What is it?"

    Grandpa Rillz smiled and beckoned the boy towards him. He sat down on the stack of records and pulled the young boy onto his knee. "If the batteries still have any juice, you'll see."

    The strange device fired up with a dull gray glow and buzzed softly in Grandpa Rillz's hands as it warmed up.

    "Why haven't you heard these stories before?" Grandpa Rillz repeated. "I think it's time for one right now."

    The boy, the exciting light of the Kindle reflected in his eyes, grabbed his Grandpa's pink dress shirt in his small hand.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    And then the young boy stumbled through the attic, falling face first to the floor. Rubbing his head, his eyes caught the label of the box where his hand had, during the fall, pushed the dust away. "Memories."

    Plunging his hands through the aged, brittle tape, the young boy withdrew a picture of a man. He wore a pink shirt and a forced smile. Grandpa Rillz? the boy thought.

    Next, from the dark belly of the box, the boy extracted a small armful of records -- a meager collection. Turning the giant flaps of cardboard over in his hands, the titles baffled the young boy: Ma$e and Sergio Mendes and names of other long-gone musicians. He peeled the cellophane off of the Ma$e and dipped his nose into the sleeve he had pushed open from the edges. He could hear the streets of Harlem drifting into the attic from inside the musty cardboard, he could feel the bounce of his grandpa's crisp shoes going down the block. The mystic music conjured up a past seemingly forgotten by his grandpa.

    "Why haven't I heard these stories before?" the young boy muttered to himself.

    Setting the records aside in a careful stack, the boy dug into the box for a final memory. In his hands sat a strange plastic device colored yellow along the edges and especially so on its small wheel. The buttons on the bottom had been worn down, the lettering gone.

    "You've found my Kindle," said a voice from behind the young boy, which startled the him.

    "What is it?"

    Grandpa Rillz smiled and beckoned the boy towards him. He sat down on the stack of records and pulled the young boy onto his knee. "If the batteries still have any juice, you'll see."

    The strange device fired up with a dull gray glow and buzzed softly in Grandpa Rillz's hands as it warmed up.

    "Why haven't you heard these stories before?" Grandpa Rillz repeated. "I think it's time for one right now."

    The boy, the exciting light of the Kindle reflected in his eyes, grabbed his Grandpa's pink dress shirt in his small hand.

  • Anytime!

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    And then the young boy stumbled through the attic, falling face first to the floor. Rubbing his head, his eyes caught the label of the box where his hand had, during the fall, pushed the dust away. "Memories."

    Plunging his hands through the aged, brittle tape, the young boy withdrew a picture of a man. He wore a pink shirt and a forced smile. Grandpa Rillz? the boy thought.

    Next, from the dark belly of the box, the boy extracted a small armful of records -- a meager collection. Turning the giant flaps of cardboard over in his hands, the titles baffled the young boy: Ma$e and Sergio Mendes and names of other long-gone musicians. He peeled the cellophane off of the Ma$e and dipped his nose into the sleeve he had pushed open from the edges. He could hear the streets of Harlem drifting into the attic from inside the musty cardboard, he could feel the bounce of his grandpa's crisp shoes going down the block. The mystic music conjured up a past seemingly forgotten by his grandpa.

    "Why haven't I heard these stories before?" the young boy muttered to himself.

    Setting the records aside in a careful stack, the boy dug into the box for a final memory. In his hands sat a strange plastic device colored yellow along the edges and especially so on its small wheel. The buttons on the bottom had been worn down, the lettering gone.

    "You've found my Kindle," said a voice from behind the young boy, which startled the him.

    "What is it?"

    Grandpa Rillz smiled and beckoned the boy towards him. He sat down on the stack of records and pulled the young boy onto his knee. "If the batteries still have any juice, you'll see."

    The strange device fired up with a dull gray glow and buzzed softly in Grandpa Rillz's hands as it warmed up.

    "Why haven't you heard these stories before?" Grandpa Rillz repeated. "I think it's time for one right now."

    The boy, the exciting light of the Kindle reflected in his eyes, grabbed his Grandpa's pink dress shirt in his small hand.

    could it be you've invented a genre even better than "erotic digger fiction"?

    "futuristic biographical humor"?

  • it's funny I was gonna create a poast about this last week.

    are the skreets really calling for yet another handheld device? I mean, really?

    Your girl was holding my device with both hands last night.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    it's funny I was gonna create a poast about this last week.

    are the skreets really calling for yet another handheld device? I mean, really?

    Your girl was holding my device with both hands last night.

    your girl was complaining to me how often she's forced to resort to her handheld device.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Is anyone using these?

    I've seen people with them. $400 for something that looks like a 10 year old Palm? No thanks.

  • it's funny I was gonna create a poast about this last week.

    are the skreets really calling for yet another handheld device? I mean, really?

    Your girl was holding my device with both hands last night.

    your girl was complaining to me how often she's forced to resort to her handheld device.

    Speaking of devices, your girl call you a tool but your girl calls me for my tool.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    And here we have a photo of self-styled "technology maverick" GenePontecorvo modeling his personal Kindle:

    woah, I thought that was Big Chan for a second...

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I need an update: who's seen a kindle in real life, now that some time's gone by and Amazon hasn't taken the turd of their front page?

    Saw one once. They use some special type of screen which looks like paper. Should be more comfortable for reading but I'd like rather have a book.
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