Houston record show?
You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts
Any of you been to the Houston record show? I was thinking about heading down there this weekend to check it out.
if you do go show up a little before 10 when it opens.
i havent checked my mail this week so im not sure if i got my invite yet but it is usually at the hilton on the sw freeway which is about 2 minutes from my apt.
Thanks for letting me know. I was || this close to driving to Houston this weekend to visit some friends and check out a show that wasn't happening at all. I would have been pissed.
The guy handling the table space booking for the show said he emailed the recordshowsofamercica site and was sorry to hear that they have not updated their page.
Oh well. Maybe in August then... I'm on their mail list now so I'll know when the next one is actually happening.
I hold them all in for at least a week prior to any record show. Its like tear gas for nerd riots.