MP3 Req: The Nonce's "Picnic Song"

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
Yo - does anyone have an MP3 of this? I've been curious what the hell it sounds like.Danke in advance.


  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    the nonce- the picnic song.mp3 - 5.59MB

    hope the rip is straight. i haven't checked yet

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    I will always wonder about that dude's choice of name.

    Did this dude not think to try google before deciding to go with 'Nonce' ?

    In the UK, thats generally what people take it to mean.

  • yeah i always tried to gloss over that aspect of the nonce. never cared much about WC and the maaad circle but it didn't escape my attention all the same

  • I will always wonder about that dude's choice of name.

    Did this dude not think to try google before deciding to go with 'Nonce' ?

    naw, you're right. It was all part of a movement in LA. Young rap groups with deviant names. For example...
    The Wascals, The Whooliganz, and The Sex Offenders. They thought Sex Offenders didn't have a good ring to it, so they googled some alternatives and stuck with Nonce.

    Actually The Nonce, is (was) two dudes, and google came into existence 3 years after their debut album was released. Also, I doubt those dudes were concerned with british slang, much less even knowing the existence of such slang.

    The different versions of it are quite different, unfortunately so, but I am guessing they were rolling with something like this:

    The one or single occasion; the present reason or purpose (now only in for the nonce).

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

  • Cool song, thanks-- I've been wanting to hear it for a good minute. Something about the ethereal feel of most Nonce tracks makes me extra sad thinking about Yusef Afloat's death...

    And I'm honestly puzzled that I never made the WC connection until now. from the experience I guess...

  • what's all this about WC? Are you taking it to mean water closet or something?

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    what's all this about WC? Are you taking it to mean water closet or something?

    maybe it's Wooly Cunt?

  • chris morris is genius

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
    Also, I doubt those dudes were concerned with british slang, much less even knowing the existence of such slang.

  • 'disguised as a school'


    how Frickin' genius is that?

    my personal favourite is probably the drugs episode where he gets the anti-CAKE campaign going. bernard manning talking about "one poor bastard coughed up his own pelvis", noel edmonds exclaiming that "cake is a made up drug"

    "They fill the shops with rice, then they pour in water..."

  • 'disguised as a school'

    Trust Me Trousers.

  • What I want to know is how you feel about other people who are feeding off the same ... carcass. People who make computer games like 'The Last Chase' where you play a paparazzo chasing a car through a tunnel, subtitle of the game 'Snap The Dying Bitch'.

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