boy or girl?

djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
me and the (soon to be) wifey go to find out what our baby is today...I'm effin nervous. no idea why. not really wanting one more than the other but if it's a girl I'm dreading the teen years.


  • twins, one of each

  • i think the world needs a mini daze...

    Close enough.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    Regardless, Daze, I hope she/he comes out happy and healthy. Or they, if that's what happens.

    My wife and I are going to have a baby eventually, and I find myself pulling for a boy. I think it's just because I'm a guy, and I know what's up with being a guy. If we have a girl, I'll be just as happy, but I'm sure I'll stare at her head at times and think "what's going on in there?" Even if it is a girl, I'll still teach her to DJ, skateboard, play guitar, and all the other shit I would teach my boy.

    But anyway, good luck with everything, Daze.

  • me and the future mrs plan on having one soon after we are married and I am getting lots of pressure for it to be a girl. She's ready to donate it if it's a boy. I told her she's love it regardless and she knws that, but she really wants a girl. Damn genetics, why must it be up to me!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Not sure if this is just a wive's tale (or conspiracy theory), but...

    For a girl, conceive at the beginning of your woman's monthly cycle.

    For a boy, conceive towards the end of your woman's monthly cycle.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i was recently told by an LDR doctor that if your lady is picky about the foods she eats while pregnant youre having a girl.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    i was recently told by an LDR doctor that if your lady is picky about the foods she eats while pregnant youre having a girl.

    Poppycock! It's a scientific fact that the sex of your first child is determined by the size of your penis.

    grande = beautiful baby girl

    chiquito = bouncing baby boy

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts


    Grown and Sexy Revealed!!

  • Not sure if this is just a wive's tale (or conspiracy theory), but...

    For a girl, conceive at the beginning of your woman's monthly cycle.

    For a boy, conceive towards the end of your woman's monthly cycle.

    You're not sure about that?

  • just think, if it's a boy you could call him Herm!

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    i was recently told by an LDR doctor that if your lady is picky about the foods she eats while pregnant youre having a girl.

    Poppycock! It's a scientific fact that the sex of your first child is determined by the size of your penis.

    grande = beautiful baby girl

    chiquito = bouncing baby boy this is my congratulations post? pendejo

    I'm sure all of you can guess by Hermie making a funny that it's a BOY! woohoo!!
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