Periodical Strut (what mags are killing it?)

In the ever-changing landscape of periodical journalism, it's pretty tough to stay on top of the people who are still doing something different, keeping to a coherent theme, and writing about shit that you're not hearing about from all the same other sources. So what continues to be good reads in your opinion?I'm feeling:Wax Poetics (for all the obvious reasons)Signal to Noise (great broad yet specific theme of music covered)Beautiful Decay (So well put together)Fader (hate all you want, but still beats most folks to the punch)RE:UP (SD/NY familam)Murder Dog (SO many spelling errors, and articles that are cut off with no continuation, but more more coverage on actual music than just about anything else out there)
Film Comment
ANP Quarterly
I remember this being a quality mag.
but I will dabble in the Nation, Commentary, Dissent, Foreign Affairs, American Prospect, Mother Jones, Economist, the New Yorker, etc. on any given trip to the book store.
i've grown to dislike that magazine more and more over the years for some strange reason.
although it did make me feel good to see that article in the past issue [i think it was] about the original zines that the magazine once was...those were the best shits ever. i also enjoyed that Set KRT article in the latest issue
I'm not up on these guys. Their website has a Kitchen Blog. Saucy.
Architectural porn for days...
Described here.
Those Dusty people seem to like it. God knows they have such discriminating taste regarding things they are trying to sell you.
those ain't spelling errors, it's just the dun language.
I'm also a big fan of not putting the questioner/questionee in bold, or paragraph breaks in interviews. So stream of consciousness with it.
This actually does look pretty legit.
Judging by the single exclamation point usage in their review though, I can only assume this is a total yawner.
but their self-description is madd laffable dunn:
"a brand new publication inspired by the five elements, the four noble truths, three - the magic number, forever two stepping (never half) but still always on the 1.
yes indeed, as we proceed. welcome to shook, uk-based but with an international outlook, representing not just the vibrations of the melodic underground, but preaching peace and overstanding in this world of madness."
Wow, that description makes me really want to not read that magazine ever. Nice one!
Wow. That is so poorly written that it verges on evil.
You guys clearly don't overstand the realness....
hey I'm jsut glad you could finally own up.
German: Zeit, Spiegel, IP, De:Bug
mod, garage, freak, beat and psych based bi-monthly from the UK.
Word, nice on the recommendations on the fringe music 'zines. Keep 'em coming.
This mag looks real similar to Ugly Things, if you check that out at all.
And that's another one I started to mention: Ugly Things, who just came out with a new ish.
I shouldn't mention No Depression since their final issue just hit the stands, but when they were around, they had pretty good coverage on the roots-music scene every now and then. And on that tip, Living Blues, after 38 years, still does a fine job of documenting the blues world.
And as far as soul: In The Basement. Even when they're writing about some "modern soul" act I could hardly give a damn about, the story is still strong enough to make me want to keep reading.
is XLR8R any good?
I just picked up a year subscription for $7 on eBay. Karlito put me up on this and now I'm hooked!
Is there a magazine about northern soul in the UK? Seems like there has got to be something...
I continue to ride hard for Uovo. No ads, tons of great art, and a music cd with each issue.
The Journal is ok, not outstanding, but a decent read.
XLR8R does some good stuff, though I feel like they and URB are trying to figure out what their readers want after things kinda sagged for electronic music early in the 2000s.