Nader announces presidential bid; ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    That really sucks but I ain't cutting dude an ounce of political slack cause he got his arms broken when we were Frickin' around in the middle of a civil war.

    do you feel the same way about soldiers fighting in Iraq? How about the dead ones? Is this what you're thinking when you scribble their names on the Portland sidewalk?

    Yeah, i think that anyone who steps into the political arena is fair game. Their service for this country affords them no special privilege or condemnation. I disagree with McCain about most everything. Most importantly with regard nut hugging GWB. So he gets the bozak.

  • That really sucks but I ain't cutting dude an ounce of political slack cause he got his arms broken when we were Frickin' around in the middle of a civil war.

    do you feel the same way about soldiers fighting in Iraq? How about the dead ones? Is this what you're thinking when you scribble their names on the Portland sidewalk?

    Yeah, i think that anyone who steps into the political arena is fair game. Their service for this country affords them no special privilege or condemnation. I disagree with McCain about most everything. Most importantly with regard nut hugging GWB. So he gets the bozak.

    but his imprisonment happened before he steped into the political arena? Do we do all the judging in hindsight?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    That really sucks but I ain't cutting dude an ounce of political slack cause he got his arms broken when we were Frickin' around in the middle of a civil war.

    do you feel the same way about soldiers fighting in Iraq? How about the dead ones? Is this what you're thinking when you scribble their names on the Portland sidewalk?

    Yeah, i think that anyone who steps into the political arena is fair game. Their service for this country affords them no special privilege or condemnation. I disagree with McCain about most everything. Most importantly with regard nut hugging GWB. So he gets the bozak.

    but his imprisonment happened before he steped into the political arena? Do we do all the judging in hindsight?

    When you step into the political arena you're fair game....unless you have magical chalk to protect you.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    KVH.....why is my voting history pertinent to anything being discussed here?? You also "called me out" on this recently and I was happy to share my vote with you, but seriously, how does it effect a discussion on whether or not Barack will win by a landslide??

    It amuses me that some folks on the left think they can invalidate an argument by pointing out that I voted for Reagan in '80 or Pat Paulson in '76.

    What the folks reading this really need to understand is that this whole beef stems from me simply saying that ASSUMING Barack(or Hillary) will win in a landslide is ignorant. I've lived through enough politics to know that what appears to be true in February may not be, and usually isn't, true in November.

    I also feel, as do others here, that making that assumption is a dangerous thing if you support Barack as your candidate.

    If Dr. Wu is that sure of himself and questioning his logic is offensive then I don't understand the purpose of a "Discussion Group".

    I am quite sure of my exegesis. Barring a bomb in Long Beach Port or Barack revealing his involvement in a kiddie porn ring, I say this shit is over. Not out of arrogance but belief that the facts are the facts. I am assuming nothing. I am building a pretty Frickin' remarkable case for why one would "guess" that Obama will win big. Could Obama lose? Absolutely. Would I bet money on him to win for sure.

    As for Rock's voting record, it is pertinent for him to debunk my argument that he was jocking McCain in 2000. As for those who are wondering who Pat Paulsen was from Wikipedia.

    "Paulsen's campaign that year, and in succeeding years, was grounded in comedy, while not bereft of serious commentary. He ran the supposed campaigns using obvious lies, double talk, and tongue-in-cheek attacks on the major candidates, and responded to all criticism with his catch phrase "Picky, picky, picky". His campaign slogan was "Just a common, ordinary, simple savior of America's destiny."

    Basically, Paulsen ran on the politics is a joke message which fits perfectly into Rich's repeated statements about everyone being corrupt (excepting Rich of course).

    Lastly, you continue to debase Nancy's completely honorable intentions of honoring the troops and their families' sacrifice with not a wit of evidence or even balls. I think you should call her and explain your whole theory. Of course, you don't have the guts to engage such a compassionate and humble soul such as hers. Which just goes to show what a game this whole thing is for you, Richard. Vote Paulsen 2008.

    PS: I loved Slobababa's reply to the Bushy hug photo by trying to roll out the McCain's a hero so you can't say nothing turd. As my buddy said the other day, "McCain got shot down. What's heroic about that?" I am personally sorry that he had to rot in a cell for 5 years while Nixon and Kissinger decided to extend the war that could have been settled in 68. That really sucks but I ain't cutting dude an ounce of political slack cause he got his arms broken when we were Frickin' around in the middle of a civil war. That clear enough for you, counselor.

    LOL at me voting for Pat Paulson....ignorant and gullible, what a combination.

    If this makes you feel better(I posted it here 2 weeks ago) I voted for GWB in 2000.

    You repped Paulson not me. His ideology does match yours to tee though. My question to you was did you prefer Bush over McCain in 2000? Or did you ride from day one.

    As for McCain not taking a free ticket home. That is on him. I personally don't understand the culture of first in first out POW stuff but I haven't thought to long about it either. The fact remains he would have been home no matter who he was were if Nixon et Co had not extended the war.

  • That really sucks but I ain't cutting dude an ounce of political slack cause he got his arms broken when we were Frickin' around in the middle of a civil war.

    do you feel the same way about soldiers fighting in Iraq? How about the dead ones? Is this what you're thinking when you scribble their names on the Portland sidewalk?

    Yeah, i think that anyone who steps into the political arena is fair game. Their service for this country affords them no special privilege or condemnation. I disagree with McCain about most everything. Most importantly with regard nut hugging GWB. So he gets the bozak.

    but his imprisonment happened before he steped into the political arena? Do we do all the judging in hindsight?

    When you step into the political arena you're fair game....unless you have magical chalk to protect you.

    but the things he faults him for are: (1) being [i assume he implies incompetent enogh to be] shot down; and (2) being in the middle of a civil war. These have nothing to do with his later politcal life.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    You repped Paulson not me.

    That's the gullible part I referred to.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    Lastly, you continue to debase Nancy's completely honorable intentions of honoring the troops and their families' sacrifice with not a wit of evidence or even balls. I think you should call her and explain your whole theory. Of course, you don't have the guts to engage such a compassionate and humble soul such as hers.

    It's honorable that you are defending your friend. There are at least 4 states that have laws against the unauthorized use of a deceased soldier's name or image for a commercial or political endeavor. You choose to believe the "chalk project" is not a political statement, while in my opinion it is. As a family member of a deceased soldier, I would want the right to approve or disapprove of the use of my childs/spouses name in ANY public display that could be PRESUMED commercial or political. You don't feel they should have that right....we disagree.

    I would find their efforts much more honorable if they had received permission from those family members who might object to their "project".

    Nancy needs no defense from me. You on the other hand have yet to provide any evidence of Nancy's "political" intent. Typical. Again, I think you should call her and express your concerns.

    Let me just add that there is any explicitly political message on the VWM wall website. Another memorial that neither asked for family permission not should they have.

    From the site:
    This is not a war Memorial but a Memorial to those who served in the war, both living and dead.

    I wonder if every veteran listed on the wall agrees with that statement? I wonder if they checked with them?

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    That really sucks but I ain't cutting dude an ounce of political slack cause he got his arms broken when we were Frickin' around in the middle of a civil war.

    do you feel the same way about soldiers fighting in Iraq? How about the dead ones? Is this what you're thinking when you scribble their names on the Portland sidewalk?

    Yeah, i think that anyone who steps into the political arena is fair game. Their service for this country affords them no special privilege or condemnation. I disagree with McCain about most everything. Most importantly with regard nut hugging GWB. So he gets the bozak.

    but his imprisonment happened before he steped into the political arena? Do we do all the judging in hindsight?

    When you step into the political arena you're fair game....unless you have magical chalk to protect you.

    but the things he faults him for are: (1) being [i assume he implies incompetent enogh to be] shot down; and (2) being in the middle of a civil war. These have nothing to do with his later politcal life.

    They also do not afford him some sort of free pass when he hugs the single worst president in memory. A president that he despises for lots of good reasons. It's really sad how he played the game after 2000.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Lastly, you continue to debase Nancy's completely honorable intentions of honoring the troops and their families' sacrifice with not a wit of evidence or even balls. I think you should call her and explain your whole theory. Of course, you don't have the guts to engage such a compassionate and humble soul such as hers.

    It's honorable that you are defending your friend. There are at least 4 states that have laws against the unauthorized use of a deceased soldier's name or image for a commercial or political endeavor. You choose to believe the "chalk project" is not a political statement, while in my opinion it is. As a family member of a deceased soldier, I would want the right to approve or disapprove of the use of my childs/spouses name in ANY public display that could be PRESUMED commercial or political. You don't feel they should have that right....we disagree.

    I would find their efforts much more honorable if they had received permission from those family members who might object to their "project".

    Nancy needs no defense from me. You on the other hand have yet to provide any evidence of Nancy's "political" intent. Typical. Again, I think you should call her and express your concerns.

    Let me just add that there is any explicitly political message on the VWM wall website. Another memorial that neither asked for family permission not should they have.

    From the site:
    This is not a war Memorial but a Memorial to those who served in the war, both living and dead.

    I wonder if every veteran listed on the wall agrees with that statement? I wonder if they checked with them?

    When you claim to be Anti-War, and then expect that stance to be ignored or overlooked in your actions, you are either ignorant or gullible.

    We've established you're both.

  • Lastly, you continue to debase Nancy's completely honorable intentions of honoring the troops and their families' sacrifice with not a wit of evidence or even balls. I think you should call her and explain your whole theory. Of course, you don't have the guts to engage such a compassionate and humble soul such as hers.

    It's honorable that you are defending your friend. There are at least 4 states that have laws against the unauthorized use of a deceased soldier's name or image for a commercial or political endeavor. You choose to believe the "chalk project" is not a political statement, while in my opinion it is. As a family member of a deceased soldier, I would want the right to approve or disapprove of the use of my childs/spouses name in ANY public display that could be PRESUMED commercial or political. You don't feel they should have that right....we disagree.

    I would find their efforts much more honorable if they had received permission from those family members who might object to their "project".

    Nancy needs no defense from me. You on the other hand have yet to provide any evidence of Nancy's "political" intent. Typical. Again, I think you should call her and express your concerns.

    Let me just add that there is any explicitly political message on the VWM wall website. Another memorial that neither asked for family permission not should they have.

    From the site:
    This is not a war Memorial but a Memorial to those who served in the war, both living and dead.

    I wonder if every veteran listed on the wall agrees with that statement? I wonder if they checked with them?

    message sent:
    Live soldiers are rapists and baby killers.
    Dead soldiers are victims and safe to be mourned.

    It doesnt have to be a "political message." If either you or Nancy are to stupid to figure that out, give me her number and I'll call her later when I get home from school.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    Lastly, you continue to debase Nancy's completely honorable intentions of honoring the troops and their families' sacrifice with not a wit of evidence or even balls. I think you should call her and explain your whole theory. Of course, you don't have the guts to engage such a compassionate and humble soul such as hers.

    It's honorable that you are defending your friend. There are at least 4 states that have laws against the unauthorized use of a deceased soldier's name or image for a commercial or political endeavor. You choose to believe the "chalk project" is not a political statement, while in my opinion it is. As a family member of a deceased soldier, I would want the right to approve or disapprove of the use of my childs/spouses name in ANY public display that could be PRESUMED commercial or political. You don't feel they should have that right....we disagree.

    I would find their efforts much more honorable if they had received permission from those family members who might object to their "project".

    Nancy needs no defense from me. You on the other hand have yet to provide any evidence of Nancy's "political" intent. Typical. Again, I think you should call her and express your concerns.

    Let me just add that there is any explicitly political message on the VWM wall website. Another memorial that neither asked for family permission not should they have.

    From the site:
    This is not a war Memorial but a Memorial to those who served in the war, both living and dead.

    I wonder if every veteran listed on the wall agrees with that statement? I wonder if they checked with them?

    When you claim to be Anti-War, and then expect that stance to be ignored or overlooked in your actions, you are either ignorant or gullible.

    We've established you're both.

    What do my beliefs have to do with this? Are you saying that because I am anti-war I cannot honor fallen soldiers? A wreath I lay on a grave is invalid? What a bunch of horseshit. Once again Rich proves that he is above all others in his regard for the fallen while doing nothing to support them or recognize their deep sacrifice. Get over thyself.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    anti-war does not equal anti-soldier. (more like anti-commander-in-chief)

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    message sent:
    Live soldiers are rapists and baby killers.
    Dead soldiers are victims and safe to be mourned.

    It doesnt have to be a "political message." If either you or Nancy are to stupid to figure that out, give me her number and I'll call her later when I get home from school.

    Who sending that message? You are too stupid to figure out the money's in VC not law so you toil endlessly trying to get a doorman. Now that's funny.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    What do my beliefs have to do with this? Are you saying that because I am anti-war I cannot honor fallen soldiers? A wreath I lay on a grave is invalid? What a bunch of horseshit. Once again Rich proves that he is above all others in his regard for the fallen while doing nothing to support them or recognize their deep sacrifice. Get over thyself.

    This is the last time I'm going to engage you on this topic.....there is a reason that some states have laws against using deceased soldiers names....if you don't understand why or disagree with this, fine that's your opinion.

    If this is indeed apolitical, why don't you explain what Chalk4Peace is and why the Portland Iraq Names Project is listed under their umbrella??

    It's laughable that you want to examine my 24 year voting record to come to some sort of conclusion about me, yet when I assume that a person who has been outspoken about being Anti-War may carry that agenda into their work, you cry foul.

    My ONLY comment towards this effort, and you can go check it verbatim, was...

    "How about getting the permission of the dead soldier's families before you use their name for your agenda" want to use some convoluted "Viet Nam Wall Memorial" analogy whcih is apples and oranges, yet it satisfies your stance.

    We'll leave this conversation with different opinions and the folks who have read it can form their own.

  • You are too stupid to figure out the money's in VC not law so you toil endlessly trying to get a doorman. Now that's funny.

    Im in it to help people.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    You are too stupid to figure out the money's in VC not law so you toil endlessly trying to get a doorman. Now that's funny.

    Im in it to help people.

    We understand. Just don't call asking for a loan. You brought that shit on yourself.

    Rich, the fact that you do not you expect it of others, such as those behind the wall, shows hypocrisy behind these statements. Your perception is empirically wrong. You continue to choose to see political connotations where none exist. Your failure to admit this is very telling of your self-important and high handed ways. "I am the lord god of righteousness and you fools are blind to the ways of the world?" You continue to say. We get it Rich and its lame. Give Nancy a call she'll explain the whole thing.

  • You are too stupid to figure out the money's in VC not law so you toil endlessly trying to get a doorman. Now that's funny.

    Im in it to help people.

    We understand. Just don't call asking for a loan. You brought that shit on yourself.

    just like McCain brought capture and torture on himself. I understand.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    You are too stupid to figure out the money's in VC not law so you toil endlessly trying to get a doorman. Now that's funny.

    Im in it to help people.

    We understand. Just don't call asking for a loan. You brought that shit on yourself.

    just like McCain brought capture and torture on himself. I understand.

    Now I feel like standing up and saluting. You sir are a hero.

  • You are too stupid to figure out the money's in VC not law so you toil endlessly trying to get a doorman. Now that's funny.

    Im in it to help people.

    We understand. Just don't call asking for a loan. You brought that shit on yourself.

    just like McCain brought capture and torture on himself. I understand.

    Now I feel like standing up and saluting. You sir are a hero.

    sometimes people ask me "how I do it" and Im just shocked Wu. Sure I've been through tough times, but nothing compared to what you and the average citizen goes through every day. It reminds me of a recent visit i took to Walter Reed .....

    oh wait a minute thats not me. thats hillary.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    We'll leave this conversation with different opinions and the folks who have read it can form their own.

  • This just in: MATT GONZALEZ is Nader's running mate.

    Quick back story: after years of serving as a supervisor, Gonzalez ran an intriguing mayoral campaign here against Gavin Newsom in SF a few year back. He had a lot of momentum and got a lot of people hyped (myself included), but when he lost the election, he just quit altogether and was all mopey about it. I lost a lot of respect for him.

    And now this.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    This just in: MATT GONZALEZ is Nader's running mate.

    Quick back story: after years of serving as a supervisor, Gonzalez ran an intriguing mayoral campaign here against Gavin Newsom in SF a few year back. He had a lot of momentum and got a lot of people hyped (myself included), but when he lost the election, he just quit altogether and was all mopey about it. I lost a lot of respect for him.

    And now this.

    At least he has experience losing and moping.

  • Zing!

    Looks like you're over the flu.
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