GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
G'night FidelALL HAIL RAUL (CNN) -- Fidel Castro announced his resignation as president of Cuba and commander-in-chief of Cuba's military on Tuesday, according to a letter published in the state-run newspaper, Granma. Fidel Castro, shown in an undated file photo, took power in Cuba in 1959 and reigned with an iron hand. 1 of 2 Castro, 81, temporarily handed power to his younger brother Raul Castro in July 2006 after undergoing intestinal surgery. He hasn't been seen in public since his surgery, but he has appeared in numerous videos and photos in state media.In December 2007, a Cuban television news anchor read a letter reportedly written by Fidel Castro promising he would not "cling to office" or be an impediment to rising young leaders. Castro took power in Cuba in 1959 and has ruled the island nation ever since, governing the first communist nation in the Western Hemisphere. Fidel Castro captured the world's attention and imagination at 32 when the bearded revolutionary led a band of guerillas that overthrew a corrupt dictatorship -- and then became an irritating thorn in Washington's paw by embracing communism and cozying up to the Soviet Union.For the next 47 years, Castro reigned in Havana with an iron hand, outlasting nine American presidents and defying a punishing U.S. economic embargo designed to dislodge him.


  • I guess he won't be controlling that mic anymore...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    End of an era.

    whats next for Cuba?

    McDonalds, theme bars and wifi hotspots?

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    I guess he won't be controlling that mic anymore...

    He didn't really control the mic - he just had Cuba on lock, or "locked Cuba", prompting some to make an analogy between their ability to control the mic and Castros Cuba-locking skills.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    End of an era indeed. I wouldn't be expecting any major changes in the way Cuba operates for a while yet at least.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    End of an era indeed. I wouldn't be expecting any major changes in the way Cuba operates for a while yet at least.

    Me neither, and while the man's still alive, I don't expect he'll be pulling a last minute Franco and declare democracy.

  • ???I am not saying goodbye to you,??? Castro wrote. ???I only wish to fight as a soldier of ideas.???

  • Hope I'll still be able to go there for health care.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Raul is just going to take power and that's that.

    That dude is a loose cannon.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Raul is just going to take power and that's that.

    That dude is a loose cannon.

    Yeah, but he's also 76, so I wouldn't worry about him executing any long-term plans.

  • right wing propaganda

    there are positives and negatives to castro's cuba

    i'm glad he's stepping off. hopefully raul will introduce some reforms and ease some basic rights. but i wont hold my breath

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    End of an era indeed. I wouldn't be expecting any major changes in the way Cuba operates for a while yet at least.

    More like end of a few eras... just think of everything that has happened in US history since he's been in power. Now THAT is lasting power!

  • End of an era indeed. I wouldn't be expecting any major changes in the way Cuba operates for a while yet at least.


    I missed one of his speeches by one day when I was there in 2003. damn.

    "History will absolve me..." We'll see I guess.

    PS this could mean he's already dead.

  • damn who's left for unbeleivably-long-standing dictators?

    I got Mugabe and Gaddafi/Qaddafi/Kaddafy/Quaddafi/Gadaffi

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    incredibly hot all female elite body guards.

  • Gaddafi/Qaddafi/Kaddafy/Quaddafi/Gadaffi

    incredibly hot all female elite body guards.

    yeah I always thought they should have their own website or something.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    incredibly hot all female elite body guards.

    yeah I always thought they should have their own website or something.

    Soon to be seen on tour with Gwen Stefani!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    incredibly hot all female elite body guards.

    This is a strong case for imposing totalitarianism.

  • I could take them.
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