i want to slap this bitch



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Hey Ms. Damn,

    No offense or anything (cause you're good people), but why do women think so damn much about little shit? Why must women make simple situations complicated? In the present situation, respond like a man and forget about it. We would not obsess over some person ignoring us, we'd just say, "fuck it!!!" That's my suggestion. Obsessing about petty shit causes stress, gives people power over you that is unnecessary, and demeans you by making you appear weak emotionally.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    I don't think it was really about that tho... Maybe a touch.
    But what it really comes down to is getting pissed off when your trying to be nice or have manners and someone is so negative. I hate when I say hi to someone or say have a nice day and people act like the biggest pricks. It doesn't take anything to be nice back...

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    Hey Ms. Damn,

    No offense or anything (cause you're good people), but why do women think so damn much about little shit? Why must women make simple situations complicated? In the present situation, respond like a man and forget about it. We would not obsess over some person ignoring us, we'd just say, "fuck it!!!" That's my suggestion. Obsessing about petty shit causes stress, gives people power over you that is unnecessary, and demeans you by making you appear weak emotionally.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    I don't think it was really about that tho... Maybe a touch.

    But what it really comes down to is getting pissed off when your trying to be nice or have manners and someone is so negative. I hate when I say hi to someone or say have a nice day and people act like the biggest pricks. It doesn't take anything to be nice back...

    Perhaps this is manifestation of a character flaw on my part; that is, I expressed how I'm too egocentric to give a shit about such situations. Also, I confess that I do have this "pet view" that women tend to overthink things, or perhaps the women I've known (my wife included), and exacerbate situations needlessly.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
    I hate when I say hi to someone or say have a nice day and people act like the biggest pricks. It doesn't take anything to be nice back...

    I think in the US strangers talk to each other in passing a lot more (on busses and that kind of thing).

    No fecker talks in Britain, it bites. If anyone tries that kinda thing here, most people are looking at them like 'What the feck are you talking to me for?!? Am I supposed to know who you are or something?!?'.

    I definitely prefer other countries for social standards.

  • hi!

    i have not had time for the advice column but i will bust that soon.

    listen baby, your too good to sweat other people's insecure behavior. ignore her. W stands for WHATEVER and thats what you need to say to biatch.

    have an exciting weekend.


  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    i thought it was because she was new and maybe still getting acclimated to her new office environment. but then i realized that everytime i walk by her cube she is a perky lil motor-blabbermouth with her cube neighbors, like a chihuahua that has the ability to speak legalese.

    Maybe she doesn't like you.

    Maybe some of the people she's already met have told her bad shit about you and she's biased.

    Who cares anyway? It's not like you need to be friendly with her. Fuck her. Not everyone is going to want to be your friend.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Hey Ms. Damn,

    No offense or anything (cause you're good people), but why do women think so damn much about little shit? Why must women make simple situations complicated? In the present situation, respond like a man and forget about it. We would not obsess over some person ignoring us, we'd just say, "fuck it!!!" That's my suggestion. Obsessing about petty shit causes stress, gives people power over you that is unnecessary, and demeans you by making you appear weak emotionally.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    I don't think it was really about that tho... Maybe a touch.

    But what it really comes down to is getting pissed off when your trying to be nice or have manners and someone is so negative. I hate when I say hi to someone or say have a nice day and people act like the biggest pricks. It doesn't take anything to be nice back...

    Perhaps this is manifestation of a character flaw on my part; that is, I expressed how I'm too egocentric to give a shit about such situations. Also, I confess that I do have this "pet view" that women tend to overthink things, or perhaps the women I've known (my wife included), and exacerbate situations needlessly.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    I have to second this. A previous girl of mine used to do this. She 'seemed' to enjoy having some ongoing fabricated beef with some girl at her work.

    So I said..

    did she say something to / about you?

    "No. I've never spoken to her."

    Does she do something in particular that annoys you?

    "Not really."

    Is she difficult to work with?

    "Well she's in a different department to me so I only have to see her when.."

    So what does she do to offend you so much?

    "Well. she looks at me funny."

    That???s it?


    Blah blah blah.

    Shits stupid.

    My advice is listern to more

    If that fails, talk to her. She might be ok.

    But if she's not, go and tell your friends what a dick she is, and have nothing more to do with her.

    Life's too short, and there are enough real assholes out there, so you don't need to create any.

    mmmmm, tough love baby.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    fuck it, just straight up bitchslap her.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Dear Anthony Pearson,

    There is this uptight new law clerk here who i would say hi to at the beginning and then she would just like look away and not say shit, like she was either really shy or socially retarded. she was really weird about it, almost like she was going out of her way to not say hi and would look away at the ceiling or at her mug and shit. i thought it was because she was new and maybe still getting acclimated to her new office environment. but then i realized that everytime i walk by her cube she is a perky lil motor-blabbermouth with her cube neighbors, like a chihuahua that has the ability to speak legalese. what the hell? i gave up on saying hi and all i do is glare at her now when she is in the kitchenette with me and i actually think i kind of intimidate her now, which i am ok with. this is one of those seinfeldian situations that confuse me. around me, cat's got her tongue, can't get a single 'hi' outta her but around others, she's this annoying hyperactive chatty chihuahua, that kind that keeps interrupting people because they are dying to talk. Should I just try saying hi again or keep glaring silently instead?

    Miss Damn

    She is prolly jealous of your record collection...She saw u come into the office with some raer tucked under your arm & is now freaking out.

    "I don't have the deepest crates in the office!"

    Seriously, though, I bet she's in love with you or some shit. Why does everyone always fall in love with you? You're like the internet equivalent of that girl in "There's Something About Mary".


  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Dear Anthony Pearson,

    There is this uptight new law clerk here who i would say hi to at the beginning and then she would just like look away and not say shit, like she was either really shy or socially retarded. she was really weird about it, almost like she was going out of her way to not say hi and would look away at the ceiling or at her mug and shit. i thought it was because she was new and maybe still getting acclimated to her new office environment. but then i realized that everytime i walk by her cube she is a perky lil motor-blabbermouth with her cube neighbors, like a chihuahua that has the ability to speak legalese. what the hell? i gave up on saying hi and all i do is glare at her now when she is in the kitchenette with me and i actually think i kind of intimidate her now, which i am ok with. this is one of those seinfeldian situations that confuse me. around me, cat's got her tongue, can't get a single 'hi' outta her but around others, she's this annoying hyperactive chatty chihuahua, that kind that keeps interrupting people because they are dying to talk. Should I just try saying hi again or keep glaring silently instead?

    Miss Damn


  • novasolnovasol 204 Posts

    alternately you could visit http://www.officeplayground.com/stressreliever.html

    and choose from a healty serving


    stress free

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Why does everyone always fall in love with you? You're like the internet equivalent of that girl in "There's Something About Mary".

    That's what happens when you have a bunch of guys with no access to women otherwise. Kinda like jail, but nerdier.

    I think that's a good idea though. She should put the moves on her. Grab her booty. See how she reacts.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Why does everyone always fall in love with you? You're like the internet equivalent of that girl in "There's Something About Mary".

    That's what happens when you have a bunch of guys with no access to women otherwise. Kinda like jail, but nerdier.

    I think that's a good idea though. She should put the moves on her. Grab her booty. See how she reacts.

    And film it on your phone, then post it up here.
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