the fuck? school shooting related



  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    some guy mentioned him in a rant on an aphex twin forum :

    steve motherfucking kazmierczak. yes thats exactly the problem here.

    i was working at pirates cove in late 1995 and i was you know $4.50/hr child labor laws be damned and like i remember steve kazmierczak, the kind of kid who engaged in odd acts of fellatio with his dog, the kind of kid who'd go and masturbate in the bathroom while you were over at his house, the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn't be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat... when steve Frickin' kazmierczak ran up to me in late 95 early 96 proudly boasting his brand new copy of "i care because you do" like he was finally in with the cool kids.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    some guy mentioned him in a rant on an aphex twin forum :

    steve motherfucking kazmierczak. yes thats exactly the problem here.

    i was working at pirates cove in late 1995 and i was you know $4.50/hr child labor laws be damned and like i remember steve kazmierczak, the kind of kid who engaged in odd acts of fellatio with his dog, the kind of kid who'd go and masturbate in the bathroom while you were over at his house, the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn't be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat... when steve Frickin' kazmierczak ran up to me in late 95 early 96 proudly boasting his brand new copy of "i care because you do" like he was finally in with the cool kids.

    You have to post the rest of that rant. Mind you - this comes in an APHEX TWIN forum board. I'm sure Strut can relate:

    "both me and my friend joe died a little bit that day.

    see back in the day there was utter esoteria-bred-righteousness and the smarminess that these newschool glitch-heads embrace but dont fully understand. i used to like think i policed the aphex twin fandom of elk grove village. music was always too clique-y at high school and when i discovered this wunderkind taking childrens music and combining it with drillled drums that were harder and faster than any metal track i had ever heard, i was like "whoa this is some shit"

    and i took it upon myself to be a guardian of the genre.

    yes it was MY music and not yours. i was there first dammit and i was there back in the day when lking aphex twin MEANT SMETHING. i mean it meant if you had his entire back-catalogue you were well connected with cool kids cuz in the pre-napster era you couldnt just get the man's entire discography wihtout at least knowing 2-3 people who were more entrenched than you.

    there were rites of passage. like seriously people enjoyed the music so much they were starting up their own creative ventures in derivative forms of the message wrought through the music (cough cough hack wheeze) i remember paying my dues. there was a chicagoland bbs called "the analogue bubblebath IV" ran by a dude named source. after i heard ab4 and it changed my world of thinking on music, i applied for the board. i was honest that i just heard cuckoo and it was far and away the most genius form of electronic music i had heard to date and i wished to congregate with people who were into this because i needed to hear more and see what its all about.

    i remember source, the dude who ran the board, was like "uh sorry we have too many callers to allow poseurs on"

    i will never forget those words, cuz like they burned inside of me like man this is what im doing, but the otehr people doing it think i'm the faux guardian? ha!!

    we took no shit in #idm. fresh, who used to run the #1 squarepusher site on the net pre-warp-records came in and was like "do you know who i am? op me" and we're like "actually we dont. we know who squarepusher is, but not you. " and the guy cursed us and said without his support the channel would go nowhere and he would have the last laugh.

    well had the last laugh. anywho

    so ideally, the guardians of IDM (TM pending) were constantly on guard against mainstreaming in fear of the phenomenon i now call "emo faggotry"

    you see in this modern epoch faggotry is a societal defense mechanism geared to instill a delapidating through about creativity in people: if you're sensitive, affluent, and stylish: YOU ARE GAY. this is used to keep the masses in line, because most people suffer from inward-homophobia (they're afraid that they'd like it) so this weird nervous joking about it flaunting gayness openly like you're so Frickin' cool you can ACTUALLY ACT GAY and yet NOT BE GAY kind of spawned off of it. seriously the gay thing serves its purpose now cuz everyone emulates the media-enforced-stereotypical-gayness because you are led to believe that all people who can interior decorate are in-touch-with-their-emotions-metrosexuals, let alone brash jockish alpha males who would rather have more toys than friends.

    so therefore everyone feigns gayness in the hopes of convincing some thinks-shes-deep girl that they're all sensitive and smooth and capable of emotive responses to just about everything. you see all the hoes of the world are busy Frickin' alpha male rappers, athletes ,celebrities, rockstars, musicians, rich people etc. so they're spoken for. the really really cool girls have no problem picking out who they want so oyu just gotta be wicked cool and get lucky. so this leaves hte pseudoemotional bad-poetry-writing emo-glassesed white chick contingent wide open for our non-alpha-male friends to try and impress through mastering the art of public faggotry to feign depth.

    i mean its kind of insulting that any man who showers, cuts his fingernails, and gives a damn about he looks is called a "metrosexual" right? i mean that just terrible cuz replace "metr" with "hom" and you've got the -osexual chillin. its a not so subtle diss at the modern man, who is currently being pussificated (ask mike north, chicago sportsradio host who came up with "steak and blowjob day" i nmarch) and browbeaten into being more liek the kind of "emotive" guy that average girls wanna settle down with, cuz society has a vested interest in upholding hte family unit cuz once you have a kid you lose your freedom to remain "off the grid"... you become a customer, you plug into the matrix, you do everything the way you are told because you cant risk Frickin' up health insurance for a kid. i mean that'd just be wrong.

    so when mainstream america's pussonification was called out by cool people 10 years ago, the kind of bitterly held on to the aspects of hteir culture that kind of validated their diabolicaly intelligent asshole ways, and they fought tooth and nail to make sure that their little oasis in a sea of aural shit was never overtaken by emo faggotry pilots.

    i mean, things evolve.. things move on. and peple who could truly give a shit like aphex just will take the money from the idiots as soon as they would from people like us. the dedicated soldjas who probably scare him more than the weird emo faggotry seething newjacks who are busy posting acronyms and inside jokes on "electronic music" messageboards all day long.

    plus the music was so Frickin' good it was bound to happen.

    so this is exactly the state of affairs that the oldschool totem poles of all things IDM saw and feared. which is why all of us obviously gave up, listen to arcade fire and air, and now front on a faily cuz we have decided that the menial pursuit of pussy is so much better than any true artistic/creative drive.

    btw if you own an arcade fire CD, you should unregister from this board out of shame. go bury your head in some girl's itts and cry i bet she'll love that. meanwhile us soldjas who have paid the piper in the form of never getting recognition from females cuz we're so damn hardcore into stupid things that we refuse to stop and cater into their tastes, we'll continue fighting unnecessary fights and making enemies before we make friends. but like, does the KLF -> aphex pipeline predicate that the people made the music are really nice good ol boys, or bitter assholes who wish to make a mockery of hte canvas that is the world?

    as i say about the music i listne to, you can only soak in the works of assholes ofr so long before you become one.

    now what sucks is everyone's all happy go "yaaaay other people like me will talk to me" and the result is the heap of crap you see before you. i feel a growing detachment to this board and its principles. so thats why i enlisted the help of paul konerko, cuz i mean this shit will stand no longer. i am one genuinely bored motehrfucker with principl es. i havent done anything with my life yet, sure, cuz its because i've been laying low figuring out how to do everything. mastermind shit.

    anyways yeah someone tell me to go away cuz i need a warmup argument to get the ol juices flowing agian =D"

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    some guy mentioned him in a rant on an aphex twin forum :

    steve motherfucking kazmierczak. yes thats exactly the problem here.

    i was working at pirates cove in late 1995 and i was you know $4.50/hr child labor laws be damned and like i remember steve kazmierczak, the kind of kid who engaged in odd acts of fellatio with his dog, the kind of kid who'd go and masturbate in the bathroom while you were over at his house, the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn't be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat... when steve Frickin' kazmierczak ran up to me in late 95 early 96 proudly boasting his brand new copy of "i care because you do" like he was finally in with the cool kids.

    Dog fellatio is one of the sure signs he was "programmed".

    You used to know a person was crazy when they walked down the street talking to themselves but the goverment invented that damn Blue Tooth so that we can't tell who is's part of "the plan"

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    i am not blaming video games but damm they are violent as hell and kids play them for hours at a clip

    like ya don't know how violent TV has become in general?

    you think at this point nothing of the violence in a movie like matrix #1
    like the lobby scene is OK -rated PG and shit-go trinity!!!
    it makes james bond look like bozo the clown
    times changed
    between that ,shitty food,bad parenting,crappy schools,medication/drugs,its an inescapable symptom of american modernity and has a corresponding rising percentile with a plethora of newly created thesis',graphs,charts and books for phds to study.

    but i don't think its planned
    [like the way the cia/gov't smuggles blow]

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Assassination???Conspiracy theories of varying popularity surround the deaths, disappearances, assassination attempts and attacks on, several prominent figures including:
    Philip IV of France, 1314
    Edward V, 1483?
    Zachary Taylor, 1850
    Abraham Lincoln, 1865
    Huey Long, 1935
    Adolf Hitler, 1945
    Mahatma Gandhi, 1948
    James Forrestal, 1949
    Marilyn Monroe, 1962
    John F. Kennedy, 1963
    John F. Kennedy Jr., 1999
    Malcolm X, 1965
    Brian Epstein, 1967
    Harold Holt, 1967
    James P. Brady, 1967
    Martin Luther King, Jr., 1968
    Robert F. Kennedy, 1968
    Brian Jones, 1969
    Jimi Hendrix, 1970
    Janis Joplin, 1970
    Jim Morrison, 1971
    J. Edgar Hoover, 1972
    George Wallace, 1972
    Gerald Ford, 1975
    Jimmy Hoffa, 1975
    Bob Marley, 1978
    Keith Moon, 1978
    Pope John Paul I, 1978
    John Bonham, 1980
    John Lennon, 1980
    Ronald Reagan, 1981
    Huey P. Newton, 1989
    Osho, 1990
    Danny Casolaro, 1991
    Vincent Foster, 1993
    Kurt Cobain, 1994
    George H. W. Bush, 1994
    Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, 1994
    Yitzhak Rabin, 1995
    Ron Brown, 1996
    Tupac Shakur, 1996
    Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi al-Fayed, 1997
    Gary Webb, 2004
    Anna Politkovskaya, 2006
    Alexander Litvinenko, 2006
    Black helicopters.
    Cattle mutilation.
    Notorious B.I.G.[/b]

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    i am not blaming video games but damm they are violent as hell and kids play them for hours at a clip

    like ya don't know how violent TV has become in general?

    you think at this point nothing of the violence in a movie like matrix #1
    like the lobby scene is OK -rated PG and shit-go trinity!!!
    it makes james bond look like bozo the clown
    times changed
    between that ,shitty food,bad parenting,crappy schools,medication/drugs,its an inescapable symptom of american modernity and has a corresponding rising percentile with a plethora of newly created thesis',graphs,charts and books for phds to study.

    but i don't think its planned
    [like the way the cia/gov't smuggles blow]


    We change the moral fiber of society and then wonder why some have questionable morals.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    Notorious B.I.G.[/b]

    I wouldn't suggest he got taken out for political reasons, but you have to admit: the investigation into his death raises a ridiculous number of questions. Of course, the easier explanation might be the general incompetency of the investigation itself. But shit - when's the last time a rapper's murder was solved?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Notorious B.I.G.[/b]

    I wouldn't suggest he got taken out for political reasons, but you have to admit: the investigation into his death raises a ridiculous number of questions. Of course, the easier explanation might be the general incompetency of the investigation itself. But shit - when's the last time a rapper's murder was solved?

    I don't understand this man (it's bullshit)
    Why they can't ever solve the crime Marley?
    (Whatever happened with that Scott LaRock case man?)
    I don't know

    You wanna get away with murder - KILL A RAPPER
    You wanna get away with murder - KILL A RAPPER
    The investigation won't go further - KILL A RAPPER
    You wanna get away with murder - KILL A RAPPER

    Scott LaRock's a open case, unresolved
    The cops never find the killer, when it's one of ours
    Tupac's a open case; even though
    he was killed in a open place there's really no haste
    It's sorta like we govern ourselves
    Even though we lack a love for ourselves
    Or is that we know this thug shit sells?
    You want them pockets too swell well
    Even though we know we livin in hell - WHAT ABOUT BIG L?
    Hold up, let's stop frontin, let me tell you somethin
    JMJ's dead, and the cops don't know NUTTIN~?!
    We gotta open our eyes to this too, this issue
    Lisa 'Left Eye', we miss you


    It seems like when a rapper dies it don't matter
    He simply becomes a poster, somethin to run after
    A reason for these kids to pull they guns faster
    Tryin to emulate and be like dead rappers
    I roll with them visionary look-ahead rappers
    From the city to the farm pushin John Deere tractors
    Bust this, in the city, there is no justice
    The whole system is flawed, how could you trust this?
    Crimes can't seem to be solved when it's one of us
    That's why there's no forgiveness and cats just wanna bust
    Hush, some people take the law into they own hand
    and get burned like touchin frying pans


    Man, we lyin too much, we dyin too much
    Mothers cryin too much, brothers tryin to touch
    that cash and such, in they hand they want a grand to clutch
    Dissin they man and such
    But Christopher Wallace is a unresolved murder
    Another one is Mac Dre, I don't know if y'all heard of
    him, but word is grim, when it turns to sin
    All hip-hoppers are next of kin
    We face what we supposed to face
    But when it comes to them CRIMES, they never seem to CLOSE THE CASE
    Yo Marley...
    Uhh, uhh, uhh, uhh

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Notorious B.I.G.[/b]

    I wouldn't suggest he got taken out for political reasons, but you have to admit: the investigation into his death raises a ridiculous number of questions. Of course, the easier explanation might be the general incompetency of the investigation itself. But shit - when's the last time a rapper's murder was solved?

    I wouldn't doubt for one minute that some crooked cops were paid to off the dude.

    As far as rappers go...whan was the last time a witness came forward and was willing to testify who killed a rapper??

    "Stop snitching" is obviously a way the Illuminati can control the Rap game.
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