Hip Hop 12" from 88

DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
Anyone play shit like this anymore? Got some more tracks you like on 12 Inch from 88??


  • dude, that was random. What areeeeeeeee you talking about?

  • i dont know what that other shit is but i like supreme nyborn

  • Anyone play shit like this anymore?

    Did people ever play this in the clurb? not in '88, but I mean more recently, when the whole random thing took off. Or was it strictly limited to mixtapes and ebay sales?

    I have a live recording of Edan djing at a club in Boston and he drops some more known stuff but also was playing stuff like Freestyle Professors and Blvd Mosse.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I'm tired of MLP talk taking up all my time. Record talk would be kewl...

    Fuck the Random title. I just wanna know if anyone still likes shit like this. 88 is probably my fav year. I can remember hearing shit like this all the time on college radio.

    Maybe I should post something like this.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Anyone play shit like this anymore?

    Did people ever play this in the clurb? not in '88, but I mean more recently, when the whole random thing took off. Or was it strictly limited to mixtapes and ebay sales?

    Back then, it was really a radio thing. Or tapes of radio shows.

  • are you talking about '88 or 2004?

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    Hahaha, no doubt. And hell yeah, I still play that stuff out. I'm not in das clurb as much as I used to be, but still, when I am, I'm definitely gonna be throwing some of that stuff on.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

  • ha i like all of those. Didn't know anyone else was really up on X Rated lynn. good song in a Latoya type of way.

  • Didn't know anyone else was really up on X Rated lynn.

    What loop is that? Between the Sheets? I remember wishing that record was mixed a bit better. I found my copy in a BBoy Records sleeve. Was it distro'd by them ?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Didn't know anyone else was really up on X Rated lynn.

    What loop is that? Between the Sheets? I remember wishing that record was mixed a bit better. I found my copy in a BBoy Records sleeve. Was it distro'd by them ?

    Grace Jones - My Jamaican Guy

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    And yes, Mob was distributed by B Boy.

  • Didn't know anyone else was really up on X Rated lynn.

    What loop is that? Between the Sheets? I remember wishing that record was mixed a bit better. I found my copy in a BBoy Records sleeve. Was it distro'd by them ?

    nah it's the grace jones joint that ll cool j used for the song with the go brooklyn chant...(sorry i'm bad with titles haha)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Kid n play also used it on "undercover" off 2Hype

  • Didn't know anyone else was really up on X Rated lynn.

    What loop is that? Between the Sheets? I remember wishing that record was mixed a bit better. I found my copy in a BBoy Records sleeve. Was it distro'd by them ?

    If yall are curious about what Gee and Jay's "Get Some" sounds like:


    It's about half way in the mix.

    Also, if i'm not mistaken, they went on to be Greyson and Jasun.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Also, if i'm not mistaken, they went on to be Greyson and Jasun.

    Damn really??? I did not know that.

    I can post both X Rated Lynn & Got To Get Some. But not from work... L8r tonight maybe.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Anyone play shit like this anymore?

    who played this shit when it came out?

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    88 was rap's apex without a doubt.

    "Because I'm a Pro" is definitely that shit. busy boys and nyborn were from greensborough, nc and definitely sold plenty of records in the south. i used to find them in VA regularly.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Anyone play shit like this anymore?

    who played this shit when it came out?

    Well, I wasn't looking for the usual shit. Stuff that was off all the main 88 albums...


    Lots of dudes I knew back then were playin' many of these back then. Really, you didn't hear Don't Scandalize Mine anywhere?

  • HawkeyeHawkeye 899 Posts
    I play records which are considered as Random Rap or Fast Rap in the club.

    People aceept it relay quick, they dont know the tunes, but they know all the UBB originals, so the can accept a 808 under it and rap on top of it.

    So my audience is consiting out of funk lovers, breakbeat lovers and so on.


  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Tuff Crew is still in my iPod. Both LPs. DJ 2Tuff was so ahead of the game back then...Pretty much like DJ Scratch. Supreme Nyborn used to be my fav party starter. The whole Next Plateau LP is dope. What about Lakim Shabazz?? Any client?? If my memory dont fail me, "Black Is Back" was out in 88...or was it 89. I don't remember. Too much weed...

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts

    So dope. I picked up a sealed copy of this on my very first flea market digging adventure about 12 years ago, so it's partly responsible for pulling me into the game. It's been in constant rotation lately too, because I just threw it on a mix.

    "Treat you like the farmer went and did the potata/plant you now and dig you later"

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Yeah, I love that early 3X Dope 12"

    Sum more 88 12s

  • bootleg alert...

    Keep it real

    more 88 heat

    BDK is obviously going to be killin it but I'm not sure what kind of reaction you'll get in the club from the other 2

  • Anyone play shit like this anymore?

    who played this shit when it came out?

    I used to love playin this stuff when it first came out. A lot of the "random" stuff I didn't get or know about. But if you're talkin about tuff crew, 3xd, mc ez, sugarbear, all that stuff that red and marley played(well not all, just the stuff i could find) well then that was my thing. Now ask me if people were feelin it and that's a whole nother story... to me random rap is just another term for 2nd rate old hip hop shit.

  • to me random rap is just another term for 2nd rate old hip hop shit.
    until you here brainfood, pelon and BQ in Effect and you realize that you just straight up slept.

    i did too.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    to me random rap is just another term for 2nd rate old hip hop shit.
    until you here brainfood, pelon and BQ in Effect and you realize that you just straight up DIDNT GET TO HEAR THESE RECORDS CAUSE THE ARTISTS DIDN'T HAVE THE PAYOLA EAGLES, NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION, HAD SUN-PAR TALENT OR WERE STR8 DOO-DOO.

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