Mid Week Finds

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central


  • Texas?, damn you get good rackerds.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Nice ones!

    What is Cosmic Michael?

    Is it as home-made as it looks?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    OPPS, wrong thread. MY BAD!!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Nice ones!

    What is Cosmic Michael?

    Is it as home-made as it looks?

    No shit...as home made as it gets....gonna give it a spin tonight and will let you know.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Rockadelic, you might want to ask Nunez at waxi about that Cosmic Michael. I think that may be some rare ass free jazz they spoke about over there. Nice finds, damn!

  • that Doc Gibbs is sought after by french modern soul collectros i got $80 on it i think

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

    OPPS, wrong thread. MY BAD!!

  • Rockadelic, you might want to ask Nunez at waxi about that Cosmic Michael. I think that may be some rare ass free jazz they spoke about over there. Nice finds, damn!
    on popsike it shows that they go from 175- 350 ! nice finds

  • Goddammit Rock.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    Nice ones!

    What is Cosmic Michael?

    Is it as home-made as it looks?

    No shit...as home made as it gets....gonna give it a spin tonight and will let you know.

    i sold Cosmic Michael last year for around $300 i believe.

    cool record.

    there must have been a few different versions. my "Bliss" label was different, as was the cover art (which was not attached, but just in the sleeve as a poster)

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I believe there are 2 different Cosmic Michael LP's.....I've heard them referred to as the "Piano LP" and the "Guitar LP"....one more beer and I'll know which this is.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Cosmic Michael has 2 records. Not to be confused with the equally home-made Michael Cosmic.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Cosmic Micheal has 2 records. Not to be confused with the equally home-made Micheal Cosmic.
    You've got to be making that up.....

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Cosmic Micheal has 2 records. Not to be confused with the equally home-made Micheal Cosmic.
    You've got to be making that up.....

    Or am I?


    and, this, Ive been sweatin' the "Luiza Manaquim" track for a couple years now, was always on the fence about LP or 7"? Saw the 7" for cheaper than it goes on ebay and bit the bullet...glad to have it.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Cosmic Michael has 2 records. Not to be confused with the equally home-made Michael Cosmic.
    Ah, yes. That must be the free-jazz whatever thing nunez was talking about. Another classic from the Alhambra dig.

  • this record is really great...belongs in the ahead of their time thread

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    That Guy Warren record shreds.

  • i bought records today

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Cosmic Micheal has 2 records. Not to be confused with the equally home-made Micheal Cosmic.
    You've got to be making that up.....

    Or am I?

    wow, who would have thought...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Cosmic Micheal has 2 records. Not to be confused with the equally home-made Micheal Cosmic.
    You've got to be making that up.....

    Or am I?

    wow, who would have thought...

  • wasn't the one that found it, but I sure was impressed when it walked in the shop today...

    This schitt is so good.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    my copy, for reference:

    IMG src=http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u101/ataru67/michael3.jpg>
    IMG src=http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u101/ataru67/michael1.jpg>

  • THAT is what the cover to my "Cosmic Michael" album looked like by the way. except it had a Goodwill "$.99" sticker on it.

    yes this is the mom and pop thrift store china marker 99cent version.

  • THAT is what the cover to my "Cosmic Michael" album looked like by the way. except it had a Goodwill "$.99" sticker on it.

    yes this is the mom and pop thrift store china marker 99cent version.

    oh and its not comic michael or whatevers. but maybe as raer? i dont know

  • THAT is what the cover to my "Cosmic Michael" album looked like by the way. except it had a Goodwill "$.99" sticker on it.

    yes this is the mom and pop thrift store china marker 99cent version.

    oh and its not comic michael or whatevers. but maybe as raer? i dont know

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Local Dallas LP

  • Local Dallas LP

    it was half off (today only!). did i overpay?
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