Important Hip Hop 12"s.........



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    this thread is about to spiral...

    Good fuckin call. This record made it OK for white people to be black.

    None of my Caucasoid buddies responded to this at all.

    I don't think anybody did... dudes are really struggling with the concept of "game changing"

    [sarcasm]It was in reply of[/sarcasm]

    Not meant to be in consideration of true "game changing".

  • this thread is about to spiral...

    Can't Stop The Prophet

  • Therefore = not game-changing.

    Dude, you're in here hating on something you've never even heard. That right there is evidence they've made some kind of difference to the game.

    Are you little dudes really this dense?

    I am not "hating"; I said nothing about these records being bad.

    I merely said that they were irrelevant.

    Not that the "Someone somewhere actually has heard it and formed a negative opinion of it so it must have changed the game in some way" argument really carries any logical weight anyway.

    Mmmm...bait...yum. Let me get some of that...

    Are you really that forgetful? I said we shouldn't overlook this stuff. you said

    No, I guess we should. In fact, I know we should.

    Sounds like hate to me, especially once you say you haven't even heard it. At the very least, it's suggesting that the records are bad.

    And if you can show me someone who made this argument, I'd like to have a look at it:

    Not that the "Someone somewhere actually has heard it and formed a negative opinion of it so it must have changed the game in some way" argument really carries any logical weight anyway.

    In any case, I didn't make it. I, taking you as an example of many, said that you had not[/b] heard it and still had a negative opinion of it. If there are many others like you, that means at least that the records had some reach or created some buzz. How else would you have had a basis for forming your opinion?

    But don't sweat your mistakes. I know things like "reading" and "remembering" are tough for you krusty dudes.

    But in the end, I'll give you the argument. Those dudes didn't change the mainstream rap game. They did create a niche market for a style that still does well on indie charts like CMJ. And no more. I desist.

    SIIIIK BURN! So glad Faux_Rillz doesn't need a job were reading, thinking, arguing, and speaking is important. He'd be so royally screwed-up the wazooooooooo. Totally a krusty dude who can't read or remember schitt!

  • SIIIIK BURN! So glad Faux_Rillz doesn't need a job were reading, thinking, arguing, and speaking is important. He'd be so royally screwed-up the wazooooooooo. Totally a krusty dude who can't read or remember schitt!

    Psshh. Faux can do whatever he wants in the real world. I'm just pointing out that he made some mistakes here, and punctuating it in the same flavour that he brought to me.

    "Are you little dudes really this dense?"

    OH! FA' SHO!

    Faux rillz may of "brought it to you" but chiiiiild you just BROUGHT IT TO HEEEEM[/b].

  • OH! FA' SHO!

    Faux rillz may of "brought it to you" but chiiiiild you just BROUGHT IT TO HEEEEM[/b].

    Good work dude. Way to address my arguments with you youtubing prowess.

    There really isn't shit for me to address. You're arguing with Faux about ANTICON records, RILLZ IS CLEARLY OUT OF HIS ELEMENT...a pathetic dear out in the wilderness and you are bout to Godzilla his ass (YES HOMO!).

    I liked those records when they where first coming out , shit I can maybe even put one on occasion, but really I think those are maybe at best influential in niche market. A niche, I might add, really doesn't have anything to do with what's being discussed upon (HIP-HOP).

    I think talking about historic/important rap records is played, i'm far more interested in current/recent hip-hop music that's been influential. I mean how many times do I wanna hear about "grandmaster flash". These lists all just de-evolve into Vh1-esque chit chats.

  • I liked those records when they where first coming out , shit I can maybe even put one on occasion, but really I think those are maybe at best influential in niche market. A niche, I might add, really doesn't have anything to do with what's being discussed upon (HIP-HOP).

    You don't seem to have been paying attention. Return to page 5:

    But in the end, I'll give you the argument. Those dudes didn't change the mainstream rap game. They did create a niche market for a style that still does well on indie charts like CMJ. And no more. I desist.

    de??sist[/b] (d-sst, -zst), intr.v: de??sist??ed, de??sist??ing, de??sists
    To cease doing something; forbear


    Man, it's like this: if they are a CMJ phenom at best ,which yo is a great Frickin' look if you're a indie artist, then why bother mentioning dudes in a "IMPORTANT RAPP THREAD".

    I'mma forbear this bulletin board, watch some Colbert, and fall asleep.


  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts

    kurtis pretty much turned rap on it's head

    why is that a Warlock classic? Mantronix was on Sleeping Bag.

    does Warlock just buy up catalog shit and label it as their own classic?

    maybe this is a better fit for something off Warlock.

    haha I wasn't saying Warlock didn't put out any classics. Just wondering why a Sleeping Bag release was labled as such.

    and Anticon were only important in their own private mind gardens, the end.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Anticon were only important in their own private mind gardens, the end.

    Please be serious. Jel alone shits all over hip hop, albeit quietly. Dude has completely changed the game by harnessing the infinite potentiality of the sampler.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Wu Tang Clan - Protect Ya Neck

    For most of us, it was Protect Ya Neck along with M-E-T-H-O-D Man...but however you slice it, as crucial indie release and/or birth of a monstrous movement...ish hit haaaaaaard.

    I've been meaning to strike up a conversation on Wu Tang's first wave connections to Houston, by way of Will Strickland and Crazy C. But I'd probably need each of Cashless, The Are, and Matt Sonzala to be in on that conversation or it'd be worthless.

    Yeah, Will would be the dude to bring out every last stinking detail.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Not that the "Someone somewhere actually has heard it and formed a negative opinion of it so it must have changed the game in some way" argument really carries any logical weight anyway.

    In any case, I didn't make it. I, taking you as an example of many, said that you had not[/b] heard it and still had a negative opinion of it. If there are many others like you, that means at least that the records had some reach or created some buzz. How else would you have had a basis for forming your opinion?

    Yeah, okay, like you're some dude whose poasts I'm posta read twice.

    In any case--regardless of whether you're referring to a person who has heard it or who hasn't heard it--your argument is essentially that someone somewhere is "hating" on it, so it must therefore be game changing. Which is like me pointing to the poast that I provoked you into making and proclaiming that I, too, have just changed the game.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Anticon were only important in their own private mind gardens, the end.

    Please be serious. Jel alone shits all over hip hop, albeit quietly. Dude has completely changed the game by harnessing the infinite potentiality of the sampler.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Trae - Swang

    HAWK paying tribute to Fat Pat comes off an his own farewell. Plus, the og version of Swang didn't make the album dude to MJ denying sample clearance. This song was such a monster down here that high school and college marching bands all across Texas and Louisiana immediately added it to their repertoires. Sleep now when it's worth next to nothing, but this will soon be a $100 range 12" fasho.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    Not that the "Someone somewhere actually has heard it and formed a negative opinion of it so it must have changed the game in some way" argument really carries any logical weight anyway.

    In any case, I didn't make it. I, taking you as an example of many, said that you had not[/b] heard it and still had a negative opinion of it. If there are many others like you, that means at least that the records had some reach or created some buzz. How else would you have had a basis for forming your opinion?

    Yeah, okay, like you're some dude whose poasts I'm posta read twice.

    In any case--regardless of whether you're referring to a person who has heard it or who hasn't heard it--your argument is essentially that someone somewhere is "hating" on it, so it must therefore be game changing. Which is like me pointing to the poast that I provoked you into making and proclaiming that I, too, have just changed the game.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Anticon were only important in their own private mind gardens, the end.

    Please be serious. Jel alone shits all over hip hop, albeit quietly. Dude has completely changed the game by harnessing the infinite potentiality of the sampler.

    oh yeah fo sho he's the producer ALL the bboys and mc's ask for by name. Hip Hop wouldn't have made it this far without him.


    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I detest Anticon now as much as I ever have...PLAESE TO REMOVE ALL SIGNS OF YOURSELVES FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH, SUPPORTERS INCLUDED. That is the only way.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

    Exactly. Please find yourself a new culture. Thank's!

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

    Underground hip-hop is looking that way.

    If we're going to talk about Anticon and important 12"s, we should skip them and go right to the first Atmosphere EP. What was it called, Forecast?

    I would argue that that record really established "emo-rap," thus opening the door for more Atmosphere joints as well as Anticon and every other irony-tinged, self-deprecating, most-likely-white-and-suburban underground rapper.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Anticon were only important in their own private mind gardens, the end.

    Please be serious. Jel alone shits all over hip hop, albeit quietly. Dude has completely changed the game by harnessing the infinite potentiality of the sampler.

    oh yeah fo sho he's the producer ALL the bboys and mc's ask for by name. Hip Hop wouldn't have made it this far without him.


    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

    Underground hip-hop is looking that way.

    If we're going to talk about Anticon and important 12"s, we should skip them and go right to the first Atmosphere EP. What was it called, Forecast?

    I would argue that that record really established "emo-rap," thus opening the door for more Atmosphere joints as well as Anticon and every other irony-tinged, self-deprecating, most-likely-white-and-suburban underground rapper.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Anticon were only important in their own private mind gardens, the end.

    Please be serious. Jel alone shits all over hip hop, albeit quietly. Dude has completely changed the game by harnessing the infinite potentiality of the sampler.

    oh yeah fo sho he's the producer ALL the bboys and mc's ask for by name. Hip Hop wouldn't have made it this far without him.


    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.



  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

    Underground hip-hop is looking that way.

    If we're going to talk about Anticon and important 12"s, we should skip them and go right to the first Atmosphere EP. What was it called, Forecast?

    I would argue that that record really established "emo-rap," thus opening the door for more Atmosphere joints as well as Anticon and every other irony-tinged, self-deprecating, most-likely-white-and-suburban underground rapper.

    Wow. So much as a mention of the A-word and you get this.

    where's the "You Gots to Chill" graemlin?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    where's the "You Gots to Chill" 12" in this discussion.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

    Underground hip-hop is looking that way.

    If we're going to talk about Anticon and important 12"s, we should skip them and go right to the first Atmosphere EP. What was it called, Forecast?

    I would argue that that record really established "emo-rap," thus opening the door for more Atmosphere joints as well as Anticon and every other irony-tinged, self-deprecating, most-likely-white-and-suburban underground rapper.

    Wow. So much as a mention of the A-word and you get this.

    where's the "You Gots to Chill" graemlin?

    No, I need to go on an all-out rampage. And yes, anyone who thinks that Anticon has contributed a single positive thing to hip-hop needs to feel the full bazooka wrath of that rampage.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    I guess "hip hop" now means a coffee shop full of clueless hippies.

    Underground hip-hop is looking that way.

    If we're going to talk about Anticon and important 12"s, we should skip them and go right to the first Atmosphere EP. What was it called, Forecast?

    I would argue that that record really established "emo-rap," thus opening the door for more Atmosphere joints as well as Anticon and every other irony-tinged, self-deprecating, most-likely-white-and-suburban underground rapper.

    Wow. So much as a mention of the A-word and you get this.

    where's the "You Gots to Chill" graemlin?

    No, I need to go on an all-out rampage. And yes, anyone who thinks that Anticon has contributed a single positive thing to hip-hop needs to feel the full bazooka wrath of that rampage.

    You've got no argument from me on the Anticon tip. I was actually discussing Atmosphere and how their first EP opened up the emo-rap genre and spawned numerous imitators. Regardless of whether or not you like that record or Atmosphere in general, I think that joint was pretty "game-changing," for better or worse.

    Thanks for the CAP-ONE job, anyway.

  • posta

    i had some of this last night with the trader joes organic marinara sauce. man that tj's organic thing is bullshit. no flavor! give me flavor!

  • posta

    i had some of this last night with the trader joes organic marinara sauce. man that tj's organic thing is bullshit. no flavor! give me flavor!

    trader joes organic ketchup is the bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbommmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb diggggggggy! but for reals, it's really, really good.

    How is this thread 7 pages deeep and no BDP?

    South Bronx? One of the first use of Funky Drummer and James Brown samples?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    De La Soul- "Me Myself and I" (would you say this was the foundation for alt rap in the early 90's?


    I'd say Ultramagnetic from a hardcore standpoint moving into The Jungle Brothers first joint that was the foundation for "Alt Rapp". Its hard to really point to one song.

    Cats outside the game might see Del La as this new alien but the musical/conceptual changes were already happening before Me MySelf and I.

    On the real - Plug Tunin' was some different shit. The ill samples w/ abstract rhymes.
    Me Myself and I was a familiar sample and got played in daytime NYC Black radio.

    Shiiiat.......Planet Rock was some Alt Shit when it dropped.
    And all three groups mentioned were Zulu affiliated.

  • Shiiiat.......Planet Rock was some Alt Shit when it dropped.
    And all three groups mentioned were Zulu affiliated.

    Even back in the 70s Bambaataa and Zulu were "alt rap"

  • roistoroisto 879 Posts
    These are pretty obvious, but

    Public Enemy "Rebel Without A Pause"
    Schoolly D "PSK"

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Public Enemy "Rebel Without A Pause"

    No doubt.

    I was always a bit confused w/ this song and its placement in the PE catalog.

    Its a B-side to a single from the first album. The second albums debut single was Dont BTHype right?
    And Rebel appears on the second album w/ slightly different mastering. it was cleaned up to me. whatever.

    Rebel Without A Pause for me, is an extension of Yo! Bum Rush The Show and just added to Nations by default. Anyone have any stories on this?

    That shrill sound shit was way more prevalent on the second joint but still. Rebel on the 2nd album always seemed kinda out of place to me. When I hear it still I cant shake that 98 posse image from my head. I dont really associate the song w/ the second album. Like it was done w/ a different attitude.
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