I Thought It Was You



  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    What else does anyone recommend from her? Didn't she do a cover of "As"???

    I've got her cover of "Use Me" which was booted over here in the early 90's. It's really good. Not only that, but it haz braekz.

    Possible post up? I don't think I know this one.

    I don't know exactly where the 12" is, but I'll try and dig it out, assuming nobody else comes through with it in the meantime.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    that's on the Butterfly album

    Funky in a slightly sanitised Japanese way
    but Paul Jackson on bass with that upfront 'Black Octopus' sound helps a lot

    theres soundclips all over the place

    You can't beat Jap jazz, when it hits the right spot there's none better....

    Domo arigato gozaimashita

    Please stop making references to this as "Jap" jazz. I'm sure you are from some place in Europe and you don't mean any harm, but "Jap" is an offensive racial slur.

    Kimiko rocks ! the version sung by Herbie on Direct Steps sucks....

    beside Paul Jackson on that butterfly Lp played SS favourite Alphonse Mouzon

    I still like the Sunlight version best. Both of these sound tame in comparison, although the Butterfly version is killing it minus the vocals. Kimiko is stiffer than Herbie's vocoder. She sounds like a classically trained singer trying to be soulful and it just doesn't work IMO.
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