Recommend me a good DJ Mixer
151 Posts
I have been stepping my game up with dj gear. Got a Technics 1200 and Ortofon Concorde Nightclub needle but my mixer/phono preamp steez is below par.Im currently using this piece of shiet, and I am in need of an upgrade:What would yall recommend to compliment my 1200, ortofon, and mpc 60 mkII? Im looking for high quality converters and sound.
Get a Rane and dont look back.
and do yourself (and your records) a favor and lose those ortofons.
Rane ttm56 mixer
Shure M-44-7 needles
for me... there is no better set up for scratching mixing and overall sound quality. Go rane... they are hands down the illest. I rock a 54... but wish I had a 56... PLUS... shit... i want the 56 with the built in Microwave... that'd be real nice.
I've heard good things about the Ecler and the Rodec Scratchbox as well, never used them.
And get some Shure Whitelabels instead.
Whats so bad bout the ortofons? I thought they were high grade, and i really like the bannana design seems easy to get to the groove i want.. Theyre spherical needles, but they still tear vinyl up or what??
This is the mixer I had to use on Thursday for the first time... Way too many buttons when you're drunk. However Benny from my crew actually crashed into the turntables, so I guess in comparison I didn't do too bad.
- spidey
I'm using the Shure M44G needles but otherwise, yeah, co-sign.
I got this mixer as a hand-me-down from a homie who upgraded to a ttm-56. two of the channels dont work and the sound quality is garbage. I just bought the roger linn operating system upgrade for my mpc 60 and the mixer is next. allen & heath or rane ttm series here i come. all feedback and suggestions appreciate. word. thanks
You serious? I have whitelabels and am not feeling them at all. I wouldnt recommend them to anyone personally.
ortofons RIP up your records.
yea... its kinda no question to me. Unless you wanna go with the allen and heath with the penny and giles faders... but for me FOR a progressive DJ who likes to show off... the 56 is the way to go... everything is strong on this mixer... and any mixer that ups it on the sound quality usually isn't as good to scratch on.
to each his own, but this ortofon hatery on soulstrut is really weird - especially because people ride for these (mediocre) shure needles that hard.
and they are practically the worst carts for cutting I've ever used.
I don't know about those white label joints, but I've been using M-447's for over a decade and I've never had a problem. I tried Ortofon's when they first came out and while they might track better, they tear the living shit outta your records. So unless you plan on never back-cueing, I wouldn't mess with them.
My advice for a mixer is a Rane TTM56 or 57 if you have the dough. If not, Allen & Heath Xone 02 is the next best thing IMO.
I agree with everything here...
I do think that the Ecler Hak's were the closest thing to the Rane's though.
Yeah, you know I've only used them a few times, but I agree, they're better for a scratch DJ than the Xone. Overall/sound quality wise I'd say the Allen & Heath is comparable (some say better) to Rane (and probably easier to find than an Ecler), but that's probably cause I've used them more.