Car Insurance
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Sorry for the non-record related post, but I'm about to have a car for the first time this summer and need to get insurance. I know very little about this other than that it's obnoxiously expensive and there are Geckos on TV that want me to buy it. Any recommendations are highly appreciated. If I can get on my parents plan will I save some money? Yes these are little dude questions but I've never dealt with this before.If it makes any difference I'll be driving across the country and back in a '96 Honda Odyssey. Also, I only need insurance for 6 months, because at the start of '09 I'll be in Brasil.
Same here, I am looking at rentals in other states and the prices are dirt cheap compared to here. Thanks for the advice, I am a full time student and got the grades so that should help.
Are you saying you pay $335 a month for car insurance? Or is that for 9 months?
when i was traveling around the country, i was under the yoke of philly's $1500 a year insurance rates (for young men). i realize in new orleans that my insurance had lapsed and the suckers in philly would only renew my policy if i came to their ofice in person (what century were they operating in?)
i figured id get some nice, southern rates instead. but nola, home of the drive through daquiri booths, also had exorbitant rates. enter the "house of the vulva". a new friend linked me with friends in little rock arkansas, where i could establish residence and enjoy the $450 a year rates. he added, "just so you know, its a lesbian house".
but it all worked out.
now, back in philly and in a less encumbered age bracket, i got very respectable quotes through AIG. check them out.
I will be living in another state for around two months though - how might that affect my insurance? Or do I just keep that
Definitely try to. Otherwise, it sounds like almost anyone is gonna charge you up the ass. I know there's a few sites that will find you the cheapest rate in your area, but sometimes it means driving 2 hours to some tiny place just to save a few bucks.