REP your experiences with PAYPAL buyer protection.

I bought some protein supplements on a site (, which I later found out is notorious for not sending your order and then not responding to your emails asking them where the feck your order is.The order came to about 40GBP which I paid for with PayPal.Is it worth me going to PayPal with this ? Am I likely to get my money back ?School a disgruntled newbie.Paece.Lee.
i bought a sp1200 from some dude
long story short
the guy was a crooked con artist
paypala did a long investigation
the crooked dudes mom wrote me saying her son was in the concrete momma
after a few months or so of being jerked around i went to my bank
i filed a complaint with my bank
this was on a tuesday
on like wed payplayer sends me an email about how they came to the conclusion that i was the victiom of fraud however there was nothing they could do for me.
i was out 1100 bucks.
the next day say thursday the bank digitaly bitchslaps paypal and my money is back in my account.
i went to bank and they said that they got my dough back but that paypal could get it back if they forced the transfer.
i closed account and a few days later started gettin blown up with paypal emails about how i am in default and that my balance is negative and how i was going to be sent to collections.
i sent them the email from their investigation and outlined the part where it said i was the victim and basicaly told them to go hunt down dude for their end.
it was the last time i heard from them.
they are probably waiting for me in the bushes right now.