new computer (notebook). dell or mac book?



  • I had a g3 for a slim period,
    - spidey

    so you really have no idea about or have any relevant experience using macs. which funnily enough always seems to be the majority of anti-Mac PC users..

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    both my computers are PCs, and one of them runs great!

    however my girlfriend just had me help her buy a laptop.....aaaaand i made her go with a macbook.

    look, XP is ok, Vista is an absolute nightmare from everybody i know who's used it. most personal experience: my dad bought a brand new top-of-the-line Dell laptop that came with vista, he's good with computers and is very careful as far as making it as secure as possible. he's been working with them for nearly 15 years so he generally knows what he's doing.

    about 2 weeks into owning the new laptop, somehow the file that allows the mouse pointer to work, at all, disappeared, and there was no (trust me, NO) way to recover it because Vista was so fucked up. and this is purely with his experience using it EXCLUSIVELY to run Lotus notes. Dell also gave him a hard time with the whole thing (even though he swears by their customer support usually, i think he's about given up on that) and the whole thing was just a huge fiasco. i still havent heard what he's doing with dell...

    and on another level (windows-related at least), his cell phone runs windows, and it's totally fucked as well. again, all he uses it for is occasionally checking e-mail, and somehow half the features dont work anymore, it randomly starts doing things out of nowhere (and he wears it on his belt, so its not like hes pushing buttons by mistake or something)

    windows is just plain buggy.

    basically what im saying here is, windows CAN run great! my personal laptop, which is an older Dell Inspiron (8100 i believe?)running XP has had ZERO problems, and thats even without any anti-virus programs or anything on it. PCs are like cars. as long as you take care of them, and arent stupid, they SHOULD work forever. Mac's are like....well...i dont know. something better than cars. they just work no matter what. plain and simple.

    get whatever suits your needs.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts

    There should be no performance differences between Windows running on a Mac with BootCamp and Windows running on a regular PC.

    Which further proves that a Mac is just a Pretty PC, with a different OS.

    No, it simply shows that a Mac machine can run Windows as well as any PC. That says nothing to support your little tirade.

    The point most people are making here is that the Mac OS is far superior to Windows. That makes getting an Apple machine well worth the $$. The fact that they can also run Windows just as well is further evidence that purchasing a Mac just makes more sense.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts

    have you tried UNIX based stuff to draw a comparison?

    OS X is Unix based (that's why the X is there). That's essentially why OS X is so much more robust than Windows is.

    Here's a bit about Leopard and it's Unix compliance.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    so you really have no idea about or have any relevant experience using macs. which funnily enough always seems to be the majority of anti-Mac PC users..

    Did I mention I've worked for apple for a few years. Also, that I've been fixing computers since about 97? I know more about the ins and outs of apples than you can imagine.

    Let's not even play that game.

    - spidey

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    To be honest, I'm really only causing a shit cause everybody was wholeheartedly reccomending a Mac as if there was no alternative. There's a cheaper more efficient alternative and that's all I'm representing.

    Mac OS is far superior to Windows. That makes getting an Apple machine well worth the $$.

    How about you explain what makes it FAR SUPERIOR?

    I'm going to disagree with you and say, the Mac OS is more easily accessible to light computer users. As an OS apple has some features that are better and windows has some features that are better. Does Vista bite OSX's style? Does OSX bite Windows features? Yes. Yes.

    IMO it's main advantage over Windows is it's control over, Final cut pro, Logic, and a better marketing campaign.

    Let's all get over, No Virus, No Spyware, No Keyloggers cause honestly if you can't deal with this stuff on your own. You're at a pretty basic level of computer using, in which case a Mac is better suited for you. An easy pretty little box with sparkly features so you can check your Myspace with. I aint mad at ya.

    Let's also get over Vista, Vista Barely freaking launched, it's gonna be buggy as are almost all launches of software including Leapord. You guys remember the first Ipod? Huge.

    Speaking of which if the OS is so important what about UBUNTU?

    I'm not trying to fight, just trying to debunk the Mac supremacy around these parts. It's sad to see that the Soulstrut massive is giving Steve jobs a circle jerk.

    - spidey

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    It's sad to see that the Soulstrut massive is giving Steve jobs a circle jerk.

    - spidey

    "if you're a dumb ass or Paris Hilton, get a Mac."


    "if you're a smug asshole, get a PC"

    Hmm...tough call

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Mac's are like....well...i dont know. something better than cars.


  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    Does OSX bite Windows features? Yes.

    Are you referring to the features that Microsoft bit from Apple in the first place? Like the whole "desktop" theme and pull-down menus? Which features are you referring to?

    Perhaps "far superior" is pushing it. How about just "superior"? Chuckle. Honestly, the fact that you absolutely have to be a high end user to get a workable experience out of an operating system is not a bragging point. Do you see auto mechanics choosing to drive shitty cars simply because they know how to fix them?

    And of course, Ubuntu is an even more robust option for an OS. OS X just offers the best combination of robustness and available software.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Do you see auto mechanics choosing to drive shitty cars simply because they know how to fix them?

    Well, apparently, only a superficial schmuck would purchase, you know, a Honda just because it has clean design and is easy to operate.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    Do you see auto mechanics choosing to drive shitty cars simply because they know how to fix them?

    Well, apparently, only a superficial schmuck would purchase, you know, a Honda just because it has clean design and is easy to operate.

    Obviously, Hondas are for "light" car users.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Spidey's in good company though:

  • edulusedulus 421 Posts
    for those who used windows and got virii, trojans, keyloggers...its called not using outlook and using a combination of firefox with adblock.

    nearly all the problems the mac people are pointing out with windows are user-related. lets not get it twisted tho, some software is written based on the fact that it is going to run on mac os, and some have problems being ported to windows, but thats because it was originally written for mac os. there are the same problems going the other way.

    bang for your buck, its PC.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Does OSX bite Windows features? Yes.

    Are you referring to the features that Microsoft bit from Apple in the first place? Like the whole "desktop" theme and pull-down menus? Which features are you referring to?

    This is silly, which is the better OS is debatable, and in the end, the answer depends on the user. But really, who cares where all these feature come from. Didnt Xerox create all those anyway? Who gives a fuck anyway. I'm not going to not buy an Apple because TimeMachine is basically System Restore.

    Even as a lifelong PC head, I can recognize that unless you have a certain level of computer knowledge and an instinct to tinker and upgrade, there's less and less reason these days to get a PC. I was happy to add a hotswap bay for backup drives to my PC for 30 bucks; if thats even an option on Mac, I'm guess you'd pay 3-5 times that.

    If I had the cash, i'd probably have both, although compatibility BS makes that probably the least appealing choice.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    nearly all the problems the mac people are pointing out with windows are user-related.

    By an extension of this logic, this must mean that Mac people are more capable than Windows people given that you rarely hear Mac people complaining about running into these kinds of problems.

    So what is it?

    Mac users = superior?
    Mac OS = superior?


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    this thread is full of misinformation

  • Guaranteed my laptop will run Microwave as well if not better than a Mac.

    Actually, it won't. S.erato has a higher latency on a Mac, period. You can read it in the specs.

    Let me ask you without third party software how do you get your music off an ipod?

    You start you Mac in Unix and read the Ipod as an external drive.

    Tahmaytoe / Toemahtoe .

  • akoako 3,419 Posts


    i'll ride (no pun intended) for these dudes any day of the week.

    IMG src=>

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts

    There should be no performance differences between Windows running on a Mac with BootCamp and Windows running on a regular PC.

    Which further proves that a Mac is just a Pretty PC, with a different OS.

    No, it simply shows that a Mac machine can run Windows as well as any PC. That says nothing to support your little tirade.

    The point most people are making here is that the Mac OS is far superior to Windows. That makes getting an Apple machine well worth the $$. The fact that they can also run Windows just as well is further evidence that purchasing a Mac just makes more sense.

    this thread should have been dead-ed.... after this post.

    This topic has potential to never end .. we can't all agree on everything!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    What I like best about the PC vs. Mac debate is that it's two squads of utter geeks trying to out-son one another.

    At the end of the day, whichever side you roll with is less important than simply repping for a side.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    What I like best about the PC vs. Mac debate is that it's two squads of utter geeks trying to out-son one another.

    At the end of the day, whichever side you roll with is less important than simply repping for a side.

    I represent the broke niggas, aka fuckamac.

    - spidy

    Sorry. Drunk post.

    - spidey

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    What I like best about the PC vs. Mac debate is that it's two squads of utter geeks trying to out-son one another.

    At the end of the day, whichever side you roll with is less important than simply repping for a side.

    I represent the broke niggas, aka fuckamac.

    - spidy

    Sorry. Drunk post.

    - spidey

    ^^^ Clearly a "PC" guy.
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