(Almost) Got caught by the POs for Fireworks!

yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
edited July 2005 in Strut Central
alright so, me and my girl were gonna do some fireworks in La Jolla (where fireworks are illegal). West LA is illegal too, but everyone does 'em anyway. I figured the best place would be on the highest level of the UCSD parking lot, where it is not so visible. At the risk of getting caught, we start with some small ones, and then finally light up 2 of the biggest fountain ones. They make a lot of noise and smoke, and i'm thinking, "shi-t, we've gone this far, nobody's gonna come up here". We clean everything up and dump it in the nearest trash can on the 5th floor. I'm trying to rush out of that mug, so i don't get a fine! We're coming down the 4th floor, and there's a cop car coming up. 3[/b] of 'em!! The cop asks "were you guys doing fireworks?", instinctively i tell him, "uhh no, we were just watching other people do them...", "oh ic, where did they go?", i tell him, "they already left the parking structure and went out on La Jolla Village Dr. (the biggest street)". The cop lets us go!!! i'm thinking HELL YES. i drive out of there as carefully as possible, being paranoid as hell. moral: DON'T DO FIREWORKS IN LA JOLLA. how much can a fine be for fireworks in illegal areas?


  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    I probably heard your fireworks 10 miles up north eating some icecream with Blargon. Mellow BBQ's for days. Fuk a braek, lol.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    mmm ice cream sounds soooo good right now.

    I ate so much today...2 JUMBO patties, 2 beef skewers, chips, and 2 beers. probably amounted to close to a pound of beef.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    that is a lot of beef
    I stuck to the chicken which was quite yummy
    I forgot how good corn on the cob is, too

    damn I need to get to bed

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts

    Moral: Don't go to the highest ground you can find, thus increasing your chance of being seen.

    Really, you just go to a park. Besides, even if they are all shitty about it in La Jolla or whatever, just go to a neighborhood where everyone is shooting off fireworks. There are thousads of them.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts

    Moral: Don't go to the highest ground you can find, thus increasing your chance of being seen.

    Really, you just go to a park. Besides, even if they are all shitty about it in La Jolla or whatever, just go to a neighborhood where everyone is shooting off fireworks. There are thousads of them.

    yea, but i wasn't shooting anything into the air. it probably had more to do with the sound than anything.

    In La Jolla, NOBODY does fireworks individually.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I think it's funny how the POs here will be ON you about some harmless shit like this, but they won't catch any of the people breaking into cars around here. Cuz cars around here are ALWAYS being broken into.

  • ehuffmanehuffman 302 Posts
    its great to live in an area where you have all those crazy ass stands selling fireworks....they sell em at gas stations and K mart too this time of year out here i guess. my 3 year old loved that shit....

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • doisndoisn baleadas&pupuzas 303 Posts

  • That video was awesome.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    12 Stars!

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
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