angry record dude on Craigslist

Secret_ChimpSecret_Chimp 915 Posts
edited July 2005 in Strut Central
They call themselves "collectors","enthusiasts","lovers" and "students".Suffice it to say some ARE many ARE NOT.Those who are not want to profit from your ignorance.Any "DJ" who says that they want to buy your ENTIRE collection generally is doing so for resale which is fine.Not long ago I had some puppy dog eye using "hipster" try and buy my original english MONO pressings of Stones,Beatles and Who records for 2 dollars each.Obviously, I sent him packing.There are plenty of people who'll tell you that your records are worth pennies on the dollar.In the event that they offer you anything more than $4.00 they are stealing your money as that records is probably worth at least many times that amount. The point here is if you are looking to get rid of my clutter you might as well get a fair price.If you have Jazz records from the 40s-60s, $1000 for 300 records is jack shit(not always) but often. I have Hank Mobley records which for 1 are worth half that.The final conclusion to be drawn is to do some homework and maximize your profits.This can be acheived by going to Ebay,Pork chop music,GEMM.Do the comparibles.If you do not find a records info keep it as it is probably an oddity and could be worth more then you expected.I just do not want to see people getting ripped off.Lets keep the trolls to the thrift shops. On a side note,not all records are valuablemkeeep in mind that the labels printed MANY copies so as with any other sale supply and demand dictate price.Before you go sell your records do some work,you may be pleasantly surprised.
He must have gotten screwed pretty bad.


  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts

    He must have gotten screwed pretty bad.

    i see what he's trying to do but the one thing lacking in his suggestion is how vinyl grade relates to price. for busted mono stones, $2 is fair, especially if you're reselling. most regular folks think their albums are in 'excellent condition'.. whatever that means.

    this lady responded to our ad for buying collections with 2 records to sell: a christmas music box set and some other bullshit... it was her 'research' on ebay that led her to believe her xmas music was worth 20$.

    this guy acts like it's only hipsters woh are buying cheap.. i don't know of many stores that'll give more than 2$ for even hotter pieces.

  • Options
    They call themselves "grocers","food people",and "fellow eaters".Suffice it to say some ARE many ARE NOT.Those who are not want to profit from your ignorance. Oxtail at Nicey's in Scarborough is only 1.49 a lb while in Yorkville it's well over $10! Keep yourself educated

  • ArtifactorArtifactor 887 Posts
    In selling records you have to leave room for others to make money. He is being a hardass. Everybody tries to get a deal off others. You make your money and so do they. He needs to kick back thinking he's all down with his Rolling Stones and Beatles.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    They call themselves "grocers","food people",and "fellow eaters".Suffice it to say some ARE many ARE NOT.Those who are not want to profit from your ignorance. Oxtail at Nicey's in Scarborough is only 1.49 a lb while in Yorkville it's well over $10! Keep yourself educated


    many people just want to make a quick buck (sellers and buyers alike)

    many people could give a rats ass about raer records vs common. they need to move, need the space, or simply don't care

    many people could benefit from researching (sellers and buyers alike)

    nothing new under the sun

    move along people, nothing to see here

  • MikeZeroMikeZero 215 Posts
    I owned a record shop for five years and at least twice a year someone would bring in their record collection and just give it to me! Didn't even want to wait and see what I'd offer. Maybe not "holy grail" collections but sometimes there would be great records in there. Some people just don't care about what their stuff is "worth". They just want to get rid of clutter -- out of site, out of mind...recycling. Lots of people make pretty good money in their careers and could care less about $100 for a bunch of old records. Not everybody has a passion for this stuff...and why care if you have to invest time and WORK to sell 'em off individually. Obviously, serious collectors would be a different story...but I wanted to give an example...your not stupid or getting ripped off just because you don't seek "top dollar" for everything you're getting rid of.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Not long ago I had some puppy dog eye using "hipster" try and buy my original english MONO pressings of Stones,Beatles and Who records for 2 dollars each

    "...and...and...they were...MONO copies!!!"[/b]

  • ArtifactorArtifactor 887 Posts
    Not long ago I had some puppy dog eye using "hipster" try and buy my original english MONO pressings of Stones,Beatles and Who records for 2 dollars each

    "...and...and...they were...MONO copies!!!"[/b]


  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I owned a record shop for five years and at least twice a year someone would bring in their record collection and just give it to me! Didn't even want to wait and see what I'd offer. Maybe not "holy grail" collections but sometimes there would be great records in there. Some people just don't care about what their stuff is "worth". They just want to get rid of clutter -- out of site, out of mind...recycling. Lots of people make pretty good money in their careers and could care less about $100 for a bunch of old records. Not everybody has a passion for this stuff...and why care if you have to invest time and WORK to sell 'em off individually. Obviously, serious collectors would be a different story...but I wanted to give an example...your not stupid or getting ripped off just because you don't seek "top dollar" for everything you're getting rid of.

    Seriously....there are times when I just want to dump shit off, or give chunks away...and I used to deal a lot on ebay, now even the thought of it gives me a headache.

    Bottom line, some 'experts' just get bitter and love to hear themselves bitch.

  • roneazyroneazy 111 Posts
    They call themselves "grocers","food people",and "fellow eaters".Suffice it to say some ARE many ARE NOT.Those who are not want to profit from your ignorance. Oxtail at Nicey's in Scarborough is only 1.49 a lb while in Yorkville it's well over $10! Keep yourself educated


    Do they sell Oxtail in Yorkville? I've certainly never seen it at Pusateri's.. :P


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I don't think some people understand that for the most part when they sell a collection, that they might have a few good records in there... but alot of the time 65% plus is shit that will just never sell, unless it's put at .25 or a buck and even then a good portion will just sit. Now, of course, I'm not talking about someone's collection thats been nicely put together. But the hotness doesn't come often enough. People need to make a good profit off a bit of the stuff to making buying the shit doable. Ever see a guys face when you pick out 20-30% and tell him your only interested in that stuff? He knows he's going to get stuck with shit he just can't get rid of.

    Even if you try to sell a hip hop collection. So many come with 50-60% that will never move. Even at under $5 bucks. 30% will sell at 5-10 bucks but will take a bit to move and the other 10% you can get $12 up and can take even longer to move.

    Shops can't afford to pay $5-%8 a record (Unless it's fill with mostly good shit) Which doesn't happen enough when you look at things over all. I've always tried to be fair with people over the years.

    For the most part, people are kewl when ur upfront and honest. Alot sell. Some will go and get a bit more from someone else once they play the "This dude said they would give me this much" and once in a blue moon a guy will freak out when you tell him you can't pay him the 10 bucks he wants a record.

    The guy says 300 for $1000 is a rip off??? Collections like that don't come along every day. Everything in a business sense is always ROI. You can get more on ebay selling each one of them? More power to you. The guy said GEMM??? Great.. he just sent some people to a site that is soooo all over the place for prices, that if you had no clue what you were looking for, you would think you had gold, when really all you have is hot shit in a dixie cup.

    You wanna give them to a good home where the guy will not be selling to make a profit? Take a minute and find a kid thats just getting into DJing and make his day. If it really bugs you that much, why are you selling them in the first place?

    I have noticed that alot of the times these are the same dudes that shit a brick when you tell them ur selling something for 10 bucks and they say it's only worth $2-3 bucks. I always wanna tell them sure, I'll sell it to you for 2 bucks, as long as you buy these other 20 records for 2 bucks each also...

    Anyways... Happy 4th Americans...

    PS- All prices above were in Canadian funds~!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    They call themselves "grocers","food people",and "fellow eaters".Suffice it to say some ARE many ARE NOT.Those who are not want to profit from your ignorance. Oxtail at Nicey's in Scarborough is only 1.49 a lb while in Yorkville it's well over $10! Keep yourself educated


    Do they sell Oxtail in Yorkville? I've certainly never seen it at Pusateri's.. :P



    Seriously... Crazy prices in that section of the city for food. I just can't seem to drop $10 bucks for a sandwhich that I could buy a few blocks away for $4 bucks... But then.. Those people are rollin' and could care less.. Even if it was free, they wouldn't eat the shit unless it's wayyy over priced!

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Lets keep the trolls to the thrift shops.


  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    They call themselves "collectors","enthusiasts","lovers" and "students".Suffice it to say some ARE many ARE NOT.Those who are not want to profit from your ignorance.Any "DJ" who says that they want to buy your ENTIRE collection generally is doing so for resale which is fine.Not long ago I had some puppy dog eye using "hipster" try and buy my original english MONO pressings of Stones,Beatles and Who records for 2 dollars each.Obviously, I sent him packing.There are plenty of people who'll tell you that your records are worth pennies on the dollar.In the event that they offer you anything more than $4.00 they are stealing your money as that records is probably worth at least many times that amount. The point here is if you are looking to get rid of my clutter you might as well get a fair price.If you have Jazz records from the 40s-60s, $1000 for 300 records is jack shit(not always) but often. I have Hank Mobley records which for 1 are worth half that.The final conclusion to be drawn is to do some homework and maximize your profits.This can be acheived by going to Ebay,Pork chop music,GEMM.Do the comparibles.If you do not find a records info keep it as it is probably an oddity and could be worth more then you expected.I just do not want to see people getting ripped off.Lets keep the trolls to the thrift shops.

    On a side note,not all records are valuablemkeeep in mind that the labels printed MANY copies so as with any other sale supply and demand dictate price.Before you go sell your records do some work,you may be pleasantly surprised.

    He must have gotten screwed pretty bad.

    great. all those "antique" store dealers with $100 Elvis K-tel comps will now have beat the fuck up copies of Who's Next for $200.

    "I done readed on Greg's List that Mono records is worth money.

    So them Stereo records must be worth twice as much."

    anyways, why was he having someone over to buy his records if he knows so much about the market/eBay? dickhead.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts

    "I done readed on Greg's List that Mono records is worth money.
    So them Stereo records must be worth twice as much."


  • dstill808dstill808 704 Posts
    Yeah, having only semi-recently gotten into buying collections for resale, I see where the dude is coming from. I kindof had to check myself from getting in the habit of just mentally being like .25 cents for anything in so-so condition, 1.00 for anything solid but not rare, and as he says, rarely over $4 for something unless it's really heat.
    But really, I think DOR's post is pretty much right on the money. I genuinely don't have the desire to rip people off. But rarely do I come accross a collection where even 10% of the records are worth giving top dollar for, and no-one wants their collection to be cherry picked. Yes, it's very important to research your records so you don't get taken for a ride, but understand that you can't get individual market value if you want to sell your entire collection at one time out of your house.

  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    Yeah the craiglist guy needs a dose of perspective.

    People back in the day didn't buy what was the best, necessarily, they bought was they were feeling and what was popular around them.

    What we online throw around as "rare" is, in real life, often very to ridiculously rare. As in, a lot of store owners have never seen one. I'm not talking early fatback band or JBs. The solidly several hundred dollar+ records. Carleen & the groovers, billy wooten, turner bros., hank mobley blue notes (like our amped craigslist friend), whatever, the REALLY collectable records that everybody is after and nobody wants to give up.

    Sometimes you do come up on insane collections from old record pools that are nothing but mint multiples of hot disco & hip-hop, or from the old jazz cat who just doesn't feel the same way about things.

    But generally if you're a reseller you might get 2-3 of these crazy records in larger collections of a few thousand. MAYBE. If the doud's DJ nephew, flea market in the late 80s, and house guest didn't take them long ago. If they're in sellable condition. If the guy wants to part with them. If you're lucky.

    Besides, $5-10 records are store owners' bread & butter. I see led zeppelin LPs fly out the door of my local spot at $10. I can't tell you how many times I've been browsing and some lady comes in looking for, say, the GREASE soundtrack. Yeah they've got it for $10 and what a deal! She's happy, you bet the store owner's happy, all smiles. Money exchanges hands. That's better than some albert ayler that will sit on the wall for years at $50.

    Plus you or I wouldn't want to sell or own that shit anyways!!

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    A , you just went and hit that on the head!!!!
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