Guitar Hero



  • I played it for the first time this week and got hooked fast. I feel as though I might get bored quick, but if I had someone else to jam with it might be fun. My girlfriend won't even pick up the guitar. I need a challenge.

    She was watching me play last night and I was getting my guitar player dance on.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    GH and Wii have opened up a social aspect of video games that wasn't really there before. By social, I mean people in the same room as you, not mad people online playing Halo.

    Cats have been gettin together for Madden tournamnents for a long time. I think this Guitar Hero thing is getting people who dont play video games to come together like Kareoke and Air guitar competitions.

    Its really the beginning of the future of Gaming. Dudes are gonna have customized Video Guitars they're gonna bring to the GH-Party.

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts
    My parents have a Wii, and I played the shit out of this game during the holidays...

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  • CRACK.

    I am far from a "gamer", I get bored w/ video games real quick, but Guitar Hero is some fun shhh.

    Talk about timing, literally as I was opening this thread, I saw my neighbor pull up and get a huge box out of his trunk. "ROCK BAND"

    why play music when you can play playing music.


    I went to the VINYL ROOM on a monday night and they have a guitar hero competition nigt there. Go make it happen. How??s my bird, muh fucka


    your post makes no sense, you was already doing splits in your does guitar hero factor into this


    They got Taiko )sp) drum versions.
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