this is a mix that me & my girl put together from our records (and a couple CDs) to send to our family/friends for christmas. mostly on the mellow songerwriter-ish tip. thought you all might enjoy...TRACKLIST:Ronnie Von - Espelhos QuebradosEdu Lobo - Meu CaminhoChico Buarque - Copo VazioDjavan - Est??ria de CantadorMilton Nascimento - Milagre Dos PeixesNovos Baianos - Mist??rio do Plan??taJorge Ben - Menia Gata AugustaZelia Barbosa - Funeral do LavradorLuiz E??a & Sagrada Familia - Atras das Portas da TardeL?? Borges & Milton Nascimento - Trem de DoidoMaria Beth??nia - Sol NegroTom Z?? - Senhor Ciad??oSecos & Molmados - AmorJo??o Nogueira - Recado Au PoetaLuiz Carlos Vinhas - Un jour ChristineCaetano Veloso - IreneAlceu Valen??a - Chutando PedrasModulo 1000 - Esp??lhoArthur Verocai - Na Boca do Sol L?? Borges - Como o MachadoQuinteto Ternura - Quando Gosto e Pra ValerGeraldo Azevedo & Al??eu Valen??a - NovenaNara Le??o - Por Exemplo VoceGilberto Gil - Medita????oLuiz Bonfa - Concerto for Guitarripped & tagged @ 320, including artwork and printable insert:part one
http://www.zshare.net/download/5744433407f7ab/part two
http://www.zshare.net/download/574550231d173c/(the folder titles are switched i believe...part one is in the part two folder and vice versa)happy holidays to all
- spidey
Thanks Awall, I'm downloading, I appreciate the effort!
Without having heard this, I'm thinking of burning copies and giving out to MY FAMILY for Christmas presents...
the geraldo azevedo & al??eu valen??a track is 'talism??', and not 'novena'.
like it matters.