Zimbabwe Legit lp

HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
edited July 2005 in Strut Central
So has anyone checked this out? I can't find any sound clips & it prolly won't make it up here. Did their album not come out because Hollywood Bacic folded before it could drop?Peaceh


  • I got the mp3 of the track but that's about it.

  • All I know is that Glow in the Dark (That group "Time Machine's" label) is putting it out.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    TTLab & Sandbox have it for sale, but they have no sound except for the Shadow song. I think its too new to be on soulseek, too. Maybe someone will post some tracks...


  • got it today, I will throw it up on soulseek.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    got it today, I will throw it up on soulseek.

    Very cool - Merci!

    What's your soulseek name?


  • got it today, I will throw it up on soulseek encourage you guys to buy your own copy and support independet labels that are barely making any money as it is. That way if people buy it,indie labels that thrive off of niche audiences can keep putting out similar music and not go belly up.

    The same dudes that shit on "the majors and commercial labels" are the same dudes who would rather download indie label music for free.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    got it today, I will throw it up on soulseek encourage you guys to buy your own copy and support independet labels that are barely making any money as it is. That way if people buy it,indie labels that thrive off of niche audiences can keep putting out similar music and not go belly up.

    The same dudes that shit on "the majors and commercial labels" are the same dudes who would rather download indie label music for free.


  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    got it today, I will throw it up on soulseek encourage you guys to buy your own copy and support independet labels that are barely making any money as it is. That way if people buy it,indie labels that thrive off of niche audiences can keep putting out similar music and not go belly up.

    The same dudes that shit on "the majors and commercial labels" are the same dudes who would rather download indie label music for free.

    No, for sure - downloading is good to get a taste, but you got to support label & music with $$$$. If we don't spend the dough, we won't see more shit like this in the future. I hope that this move works for the label & that they will go on to put out more unreleased gems.


  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    I have the CD on HollywoodBASIC, so it was never officially released?

    It was the first place I had heard of one "Shadow", a year after he was Unsigned Hype.

    I do have the new Glow In The Dark reissue though.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    I have the CD on HollywoodBASIC, so it was never officially released?

    It was the first place I had heard of one "Shadow", a year after he was Unsigned Hype.

    I do have the new Glow In The Dark reissue though.

    Is there a difference between the 2 releases?



  • awallawall 673 Posts
    I have the CD on HollywoodBASIC, so it was never officially released?

    yeah, apparently the full length got shelved for some reason. sounds like something hollywoodbasic would do.

    these cats are still at it. i did a remix like half a year ago for their new project (called O.U.O.) that should be dropping on 12" soon. pm if you want to hear it.

    on a related note, has anyone seen the video for "doin' damage"? it's great.

  • I would encourage everyone to purchase the lp, it is from traffic distribution and can be found online at sandbox. Use soulseek to sip the flavor of the lp, but savoir the release once you buy it.

  • bboybboy 13 Posts
    samples here>>> http://music.msn.com/album/?album=40936354&affid=100003

    also, a recent interview

    and I just found their new site

    I'm feelin their shit. I think it's dope Funkenklein ACTUALLY signed on African MC's amidst the whole Afrocentric era...and as a young buc startin to find out more and more about Funkenklein, the industry needs more heads like him. RIP

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    RIP Funkenklein
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