what's the verdict on windows vista+music software

matamaticmatamatic 488 Posts
edited December 2007 in Strut Central
I heard that some software doesn't work in vista and that you'd be better off sticking to xp. How true is that? I want to upgrade but if it's gonna be a problem I'll just wait...


  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    You should upgrade.......

    TO A MAC.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,779 Posts
    You should upgrade.......

    TO A MAC.

    While I would heartily agree upon this... all is not peachy with Leopard and drivers for music software.

    I have a m-audio recording interafce that did not have an available Leopard driver when Leopard was release... which is way wack.

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    Yea I don't know about Leopard either...

    I am on 10.4.8 and I will stay there for as long as I can... everything works great for me. I have the last generation of G5 before they switched to Intel chips.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,890 Posts
    You should stick with XP. XP will run faster than Vista on just about every machine.

  • actually I was thinking of getting a cpu with vista and then downgrading to Xp...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Like I've stated before. I'm actually enjoying Vista. No real problems as of yet. Minor bugs that didn't really faze me. Nothing more than I'm finding using leopard anyways.

    Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC was rls'd to the public today. Not that I'll update just yet. I'll wait for the final rls.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,890 Posts
    I'm really curious to see how much SP1 improves Vistas performance.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I'm pretty sure that unless it blows fire out it's ass, most won't be impressed. It was the same with XP. It wasn't until after SP1 & even SP2 that it started to get a bit of respect.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    I'm really curious to see how much SP1 improves Vistas performance.

    Not much, apparently.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,890 Posts
    I'm really curious to see how much SP1 improves Vistas performance.

    Why am I not surprised?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    I'm really curious to see how much SP1 improves Vistas performance.

    Yeah, but to be honest. That was written about a month ago. RTM...

    Even on this RC rls, things could change on the final release.

    Plus, speeds have greatly improved on things like networking & file transfer speeds.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I just got a new laptop with vista after having xp for a few years prior. I like it, apparently itunes & vista aren't totally speaking the same language yet, but I've had no probs thus far.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I have a m-audio recording interafce that did not have an available Leopard driver when Leopard was release... which is way wack.

    It's a crime that M-Audio hasn't resolved this yet. Looks like there's a workaround for MIDI devices, but that's only half of what I need.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I have a m-audio recording interafce that did not have an available Leopard driver when Leopard was release... which is way wack.

    It's a crime that M-Audio hasn't resolved this yet. Looks like there's a workaround for MIDI devices, but that's only half of what I need.

    Is this for all M-Audio interfaces, or just some?

    I'll have to change my computer upgrade plans if it's all of them.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I have a m-audio recording interafce that did not have an available Leopard driver when Leopard was release... which is way wack.

    It's a crime that M-Audio hasn't resolved this yet. Looks like there's a workaround for MIDI devices, but that's only half of what I need.
    Is this for all M-Audio interfaces, or just some?

    I'll have to change my computer upgrade plans if it's all of them.

    M-Audio Welcomes Arrival of Mac OS X Leopard
    M-Audio works closely with Apple to ensure future support of new operating system

    M-Audio has a history of quickly bringing the benefits of significant new advancements in computer technology to the pro audio community???from the advent of USB and FireWire to the release of Mac OS X. We are working closely with Apple to ensure that our products and technologies will support Mac OS X Leopard.

    Due to the nature of software and driver development, we are not able to provide exact dates for when specific drivers will become available???but please rest assured that supporting Leopard is a top priority for us. As soon as Leopard drivers or updates for any product become available, our Web site will be immediately updated to reflect this.

    If you choose to install Leopard on your system before your M-Audio product has been qualified for use with the new OS, please be aware that your M-Audio device may not function properly. Please continue to check M-Audio.com for updates.

  • Vista will eventually be better for audio but right now it lacks support. Quite a bit of software still isn't compatible but Vista does have much better audio driver and routing capabilities offering lower latency then xp. From what I've heard though developers have been slow to jump on board and so almost everyone is sticking with xp.

    Also there is the speed issue, vista is a pig. I wonder how it runs with all the display settings and graphics turned down though.

  • just found out my presonus sound card has vista drivers.... Damn I want to buy something but I haven't even got any x-mas gifts yet. AND my cars service light is on... 2 weeks after I got my regular service from the dealer. SUCKS>>

  • We got an Acer laptop a few months ago that has Vista on it. I don't know if it's the operating system or something else, but if I try to listen to music on this thing you can hear all kinds of digital clicks and pops. Basically this computer is useless for playing audio unless I ever figure out what's causing the problem. Anyone else ever have that experience?
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