manchester crate diggers please stand up

yo, i will play hungarian 7"s with Andy Votel this Friday and Saturday in the M town, so if local Strutters are interested in that Legendary Hungarian Psych, they should definitely show up. will let you know the venues once Andy V lets me know.also, i'm looking for beat cats and record dealers on the local scene to interview for my research project on the UK crate digging scene, so if there is anyone out there with an insight to the past and present of manchester (hip hop related) digging, PM me. interviews wont last longer than 30-40 mins. might have some hungarian break records to trade with me, unless other people rob me off them before i get there.thanks in advance,shuriken
well, the deatails:
ry Hungarian Psych, they should show up.
7th Dec Friday at
5/8 Thomas Street,
Manchester. M4 1EG
from 9PM to 1AM
8th Dec Saturday at
567 Wilbraham Rd, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 0AE
from 9PM to 1AM