''Being Bobby Brown'' (Bravo) (NRR)
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Did anyone catch this last night? As to be expected, and as others have already said elsewhere, it's like watching a "trainwreck" in slow motion. We get to find out that Brown picks "dootie bubbles" from Whitney Houston for whatever reason. I am sure it will air throughout the weekend, but while so-called "celebrity reality shows" are not my thing, I had to watch this.
It also makes me sad to see a pure talent like Whitney go to waste like that. She looks so sick to me!
Don't think I'll continue to tune in, unless my girl hides the remote from me.
Sommeone should make one of these charts for Whitney.
There was definitely some ass play and ass discussions in these two shows. Bobby Brown wanting the Preparation-H, Whitney Houston at that Chopstix restaurant talking about bugs clinging on to the rectum, and then the infamous dootie bubble reference. Or Bobby Brown talking about having experience with someone sticking something up it.
It just seems odd, especially after seeing Bobby Brown on that New Edition VH-1 Behind The Music[/b] a month or so ago, and here he is with a big ol' show. In more ways than one. I just hope his kids get a firm grip on things as they get older, to not be tainted by the fame (or lack of it) they are exposed to, the need to show and prove when a camera is around.
That's how I felt, that he seemed to be the most normal of the two.
I believ the gist of the situation was, Whitney was consti-ma-pated and Bobby inserted some fingers in the rear entrance to help move things along. Really...
OH MY GOD~!!!!
hahahahah. who is this? what the fuck? is there a site of these? hilarious!
I've seen similar photos, especially of women in Hawai'i strung out on batu (ice).
it's funny but sad and disturbing.
btw nice avatar. lol
In the words of Jay-Z in "Dear Summer"
They like the drunk uncle in your family
You know they lame, you feel ashamed
i couldn't have said it any better
it was beautiful to see how in love they are....but
cocaine is a helluva drug....
especially crack cocaine