What skillz would you like to learn or get better



  • Cooking. Ongoing life skill that always needs improving.

    Wine knowledge ... again, it can always use improving and it's always fun to try new wines.

    Screen printing. I'd like to get into multi-color printing. I went to the Warhol museum with my girlfriend recently and it fired us both up to step up our screen printing games (she's actually quite talented already). Anyone who knows any good tricks for simple, multi-color printing (without using huge equipment) I'd appreciate 'em.

    Web development. I have a decent grasp of HTML and CSS peppered with a bit of Javascript, MySQL, PHP, etc but need a some more experience before I consider myself "good" at this stuff. I'm planning on diving into Flash soon.

    Photoshop/Illustrator. Related to web development (and screen printing ... and, well, SoulStrut posting).

    Recording. I'm in a band and would like to get a better recording set up. However, I'm pleased with the engineer we work with (records to Pro Tools then bounces to tape and back into PT) so I'm not eager to dump hundreds and hundreds into a Pro Tools rig (I'd rather spend the cash on more recording sessions). I think getting really good with a cassette 4-track would be more my speed (I dig the Soul Fire sound & Guided by Voices' early stuff a lot).

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    Chess, I suck at chess.

    I was thinking about brushing up on this the other day. Last time I messed around with chess was when I was a kid with those thrift store sets that tell you your move options on the pieces.

    Spanish...took a few years in high school several years ago and did well, but didn't have the desire to reach complete fluency until earlier this year when I couldn't help but notice that a lot of jobs seem to prefer biligual speakers. I have a good grasp on verb tenses, pronoun usage, little cultural nuances and have the ability to get the gist of what a document written in Spanish says, but I have a loooong way to go. However, I'm very self-concious making a fool out of myself saying the wrong things. Anyhow, I don't want to be the typical, English-only gringo.

    Drums...Been at it for a solid year. I can sort of handle my own when it comes to funk and rock beats. I need work on my fills. I have a solid grasp on jazz drumming theory, but I need to work on my comping and left hand work. I've been toying with ethnic rhythms. Listening intently to more salsa, Afro-Cuban, reggae and cumbia with Tommy Igoe's "Groove Essentials" as a guide has been helping me. I recently got a book called "4 Way Coordination" with some helpful excersizes.

    Drafting...I'm going to go back to school in the spring to study this. A lot of people have been telling me there's a lot of dough in CAD.

    Piano...I can read music, but sight reading and playing on the spot accordingly is a problem. I have an old sheet music book for songs like "In The Midnight Hour", "Can This Be Real?" and "Summer Breeze" to help me along. Learning chords seems a little overwhelming, though.

  • i'm down to school some of you strutters on a chess board!

    i'd really like to learn money and time management. i'm horrible at both.
    also, always wanted to learn to fence. there is a fencing club by the crib but i haven't made the serious jump into it yet (nerd alert).
    i could stand to be more of a handyman around the house, but i'm learning. also would love to learn how to cook/bake well. hopefully next year i'll have the time to dedicate to this.

  • Making money from home

    Handy man stuff

    Falconry (no renaisance fair-o)

  • Computer programming (just seems like something that will consume my life if I got serious about it)
    Final Cut Pro and general filmmaking

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts

    Drafting...I'm going to go back to school in the spring to study this. A lot of people have been telling me there's a lot of dough in CAD.

    If you like to stare at a computer screen for eight hours, draw with a mouse, sure go ahead. Did it.

  • I'd love to learn PHP - I've got big ideas but I have to rely on others.

    Playing piano.

    Getting my music released.

  • Being more generous.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts

    running in heels check!
    speaking French
    investing money

    co-signizzle, also...

    balance my time
    learn more about massage therapy (do I really want to do it?)
    Honestly, wish I knew how to break. Shit's so Frickin' awesome to watch, and when I have a bit too much to drink, I always try, but fail. Hey, at least I try!

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    hahahaha! Frickin????? I've missed a lot here lately I guess...

  • hahahaha! Frickin????? I've missed a lot here lately I guess...

    Glad you're back!!!!

  • 1.Automechanics - Odd that a son of an engineer who assisted in the Stealth Bomber and Seawolf sub who can also rebuild any auto engine does not know what the hell he is looking at when popping the hood

    2.Construction/Wood Work - Shopping for record holders, baby cribs, dressers, and noticing how shitty some of the wood work is and how they mark up the prices on this shit , I know I can do a better job

    3.Percussion - wish I could throw down on a pair of congas or djembe.

  • i wish i knew how to invest money too.

    and i wish i could sing.

    no disrespect, but how come so many people want to speak french? just curious...

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts
    motorcycle repair




  • YNOTYNOT in a studio apt mixing tuna with the ramen 417 Posts
    1. Scratching and Beat Juggling.

    2. Beng a pick up artitst.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    Free weights

    running in heels
    speaking French
    investing money

    Move to Montreal. You'll master all this ish in about 10 minutes.

  • 1. To speak spanish - I'm half Spanish myself and I only know a few words here and there. So sad. Being down in Costa Rica this past summer made me want learn more than ever.

    2. My left hand/ball handling skills in baskeball- I'm really trying to work on my all around game. I must look pretty funny to those who see me trying to lay it up with my left haha.

    3. Making Beats - Always trying to improve.

    4. Screen Printing - Just getting into it. My sister recently went back to school for fashion design. She's been designing her own stuff and we've talked about collaborating. It's something I've always wanted to try.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    i wish i knew how to invest money too.

    and i wish i could sing.

    no disrespect, but how come so many people want to speak french? just curious...

    well as for french, I want to pass my class!

    oh! and I saw sicko!


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Mental Telepathy

    Astral Projection

    Balloon Animals

    In that order??

    I'd probably bump Balloon Animals to the top if it really came down to it.

  • Convincing my girlfriend and her friend that 3-somes are a normal way of showing that you care for one another.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    Convincing my girlfriend and her friend that 3-somes are a normal way of showing that you care for one another.


    is she white?

  • Get a handle on Tha Diggin' Lifestyle as I currently only buy records and I fill its time to ratchet it up a notch

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Cutting - I really want to learn how to do the crab & flare

    Yeah man, learning multiple-click flares is tough. I didn't understand what they were for awhile and then someone showed me and it opened up a whole new world of scratches. I really had to conceptualize how to cut a record out instead of cutting in, if that makes any sense. Still don't have it down like I want it.

    What gets really tough is when you hear a scratching style that's dope but you can't figure out how the hell it's made. There are a couple that have been driving me nuts lately.

    I'd like to get better at mixing in headphones when you've got dodgy monitors. I don't use microwave so I can't just do it visually. It's just hard to hear bass in a loud environment through headphones.

    I also want to spend more time listening to beats next to the drums they sample to really understand how the break got chopped. Basic stuff but I don't do it often enough. I need a reference point to understand how to do it right.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    no disrespect, but how come so many people want to speak french? just curious...

    I live in Canada and it's the official second language...I feel like a heel that I took it in school the whole time but I don't know how to speak it well. I'm not that hot at understanding a thick Quebecois accent either. I can read it OK...Man is bilingual and I suggested he speak French with me so I can get better. He said no.
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