What skillz would you like to learn or get better
edith head
5,106 Posts
at?me- constructing garments (so far i've only made a-line skirts, bags & ties)- playing drums- cooking on the fly instead of following recipes- woodworking & blacksmithing (ugh, classes at The Crucible are so expensive)
2. writing
3. brewing beer
bo staff skills
Actually I would like to know how to sew, so I could design the perfect record bag. A decent sized shoulder bag for 45s.
- Driving (almost 40 and no license, NYC resident fo life!)
- Household maintenance
- Finding good 45's and vintage Nikes for cheep
- Aging gracefully
general handyman stuff (carpentry/plumbing etc...)
Come to vegas man. I'll show you some thangz.
I'd love to learn more about engineering specifically I want to be able to always fix my amp, and build my own effect pedals. Part of me wants to go back to school, the other part says I can probably teach myself.
- spidey
Have you read chess books? I got about as good as I could get w/o reading the books and then started digging into em. They bored me to tears and I didn't keep up with them, but I did get the sense that unless you're naturally a chess prodigy you have to read books and worth through their exercises/problems to get to the next level.
consolidate my spanish and portuguese
I know the basics and have read a book or two, but I still suck.
piano - i would love to know how to ACTUALLY play keyboard as oppossed to fakin my way through shit
French - it pisses me off that 10+ years of french as a child did not make me able to speak french
car repair
french & spanish
and before I die I would like to do this:
Astral Projection
Balloon Animals
Multitasking, managing paperwork
Free weights
my bass playing and guitar need work
making better music
confidence in certain situations
i want to be a better fisherman
love chess...the books are boring and require an intricate knowledge of the game to be beneficial...ive been playing for years and have improved greatly just competing against players equal or better to myself and watching matches between advanced players, studying strategy, sacrifices, etc....to answer the question...
--lucid dreaming, meditation, breathing abdominally, martial arts
Slap Bass
Pro Tools
Cutting and Scratching
Grant Writing
Musical instrument bulding
Graphic Design/Web design
Cutting - I really want to learn how to do the crab & flare
im building an indoor bouldering cave so we'll see what happens...
skateboarding - i want to get my tricks back! and progress some
i want to b a better fishrman
i want to b able to play bass and guitar better
better production on tha music i make!
im a good piano player but i want to b on some herbie hancock shiat!
i want to play [color:purple] vibraphone [/color] (monty got an old 1 i can purchase related)
running in heels
speaking French
investing money
In that order??
Screen printing
tantric love making
auto repair
film editing
beat production
weight gain
price switching
Wow. I was gonna say almost the exact same thing excpet I would like to build my "best crates ever" out of metal.
video/film shooting n editing
foreign languages
graphic design
public speaking
... all in the get better dpmnt
Recipes rather than cooking on the fly - I FUCK up the kitchen. I seriously get down. But everything I make is improv with the ingredients I have - which means staying consistently stocked with expensive ingredients that sometimes go bad before i get inspired to use them. Not cool. Julia Childs Mastering French Cooking, im coming for your ass.
Wine Knowledge.
Wish I could play stringed instruments. Guitar, why cant I wrap my head around you?
Italian. Being essentially the only person in the family not fluent is NAGL.
French. You too.
Fencing. I have a fantasy of me being lowered by helicopter to some ultra fancy fencing competition in the south of france. I best dukes, princes, landed gentry to become the first angelino world champion. Then i eat caviar out of my helmet with a martini and knock out blonde at my side.