kalakala 3,362 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central
not on everyone's list like Blue Notea late start and a straight ahead-ish approach but still a high quality catalouge


  • I bought out a jazz radio station in my early digging days and got probably a whole crate of Pablo stuff. Only a couple were really listenable to me...I'm sure there's a whitewale or two on it though.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    that oscar peterson with the electric piano keys is kinda hot, I think its called night child or something.

    Otherwise I'm bored with them

  • Yeah, that Dizzy Gillespe & Lalo Schifrin LP has a really good track on it that J5 sampled.

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    that Mike Longo record on pablo is whats real.

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    ive got a good Dizz one "Jazz maturity...where it's comming from-" with a good track on it called quasi-boogaloo

    the height of 1978 jazz

  • What's there to discuss?

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    For a company with major-label distribution (RCA), Pablo sure had some blah-looking covers.

    (And if I'm not mistaken, they had two different artists named Joe Turner!)

  • For a company with major-label distribution (RCA), Pablo sure had some blah-looking covers.
    The worst...

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Fatback, from the old thread:

    Some of the pictures on Pablo records used to scare me.
    Like the bloated half dead Zoot Sims.

    When I just re-read that thread, I re-laughed for 3 minutes.

  • I quite like Matrix - Harvest, though possibly for sentimental reasons

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    theres some ok stuff on that louis bellson explosion album.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    theres some ok stuff on that louis bellson explosion album.

    I like that one. Right now I'm listening to a Joe Pass LP called Tudo Bem -it has a couple of nice spots. Pablo was patchy with its output but overall a pretty high quality catalogue with some outstanding moments (bad and good).

  • inVrsinVrs 687 Posts

  • dizzy gillespi "bahiana" is the best one for my money. chico o'farell does the arrangments and there is even a really tasteful arp synth in the mix thats used sparingly but effectively.

  • Paulinho Da Costa "Happy People", ye alde peas eyed black jams and joints

    yes i will

  • also, isn't there a Joe Pass LP on pablo that has that bonkers funky-psychy thing that was sampled for el da sensei's 'Keep it Live'?

    nope. guitar interludes one of the few joe pass records not on the label.

    except for a couple exceptions (already mentioned) pablo sucks


  • yeah that Coltrane is serious serious business

    Those Ella Fitzgerald / Joe Pass duets are mostly incredible, but not suitable in content for a website such as this

  • For a company with major-label distribution (RCA), Pablo sure had some blah-looking covers.

    I always dug the logo,but thats cuz my name is Pablo as well.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts

    yeah that Coltrane is serious serious business

    Those Ella Fitzgerald / Joe Pass duets are mostly incredible, but not suitable in content for a website such as this

    agreed on the ella/joe situations
    but why not here?

  • yeah that Coltrane is serious serious business

    Those Ella Fitzgerald / Joe Pass duets are mostly incredible, but not suitable in content for a website such as this

    agreed on the ella/joe situations
    but why not here?


  • igboigbo 44 Posts
    Dizzy Gillespie- Dizzy's Party...still one of my favorite records

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    This LP is funky as hell with mazzive breaques. Seriously slept on.

    Probably my favore pablo release. Dollar bin shit.

  • PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts
    Pablo sure had some blah-looking covers.

    Yeah, I always thought of Pablo artwork as the antithesis of Blue Note/Francis Wolff.

    on Nate's recommendation above, forgot about that one. Good stuff (red wax too, right?).

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts

    on Nate's recommendation above, forgot about that one. Good stuff (red wax too, right?).

    There is also some sweet vocoder scat moves that rock my fragile little world.


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I think the real question is who would win the cage match between Pablo and PAJ.

  • These are two of my favorite Coltrane LPs.

  • along with Kudu, ECM and CTI...Pablo gets the automatic toss into the $2 bin when we purge the racks twice a year...
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